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2012-03-04 21:04:07 +00:00
* Cocoa OpenGL Backend
* This file is part of mpv.
2012-03-04 21:04:07 +00:00
* mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
2012-03-04 21:04:07 +00:00
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2012-03-04 21:04:07 +00:00
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with mpv. If not, see <>.
2012-03-04 21:04:07 +00:00
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <CoreServices/CoreServices.h> // for CGDisplayHideCursor
#import <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMLib.h>
#import "cocoa_common.h"
#import "video/out/cocoa/window.h"
#import "video/out/cocoa/events_view.h"
#import "video/out/cocoa/video_view.h"
#import "video/out/cocoa/mpvadapter.h"
#include "osdep/threads.h"
#include "osdep/macosx_compat.h"
#include "osdep/macosx_events_objc.h"
#include "config.h"
# include "osdep/macosx_application.h"
# include "osdep/macosx_application_objc.h"
#include "options/options.h"
#include "video/out/vo.h"
#include "win_state.h"
#include "input/input.h"
#include "talloc.h"
#include "common/msg.h"
#define CF_RELEASE(a) if ((a) != NULL) CFRelease(a)
#define cocoa_lock(s) pthread_mutex_lock(&s->mutex)
#define cocoa_unlock(s) pthread_mutex_unlock(&s->mutex)
static void vo_cocoa_fullscreen(struct vo *vo);
static void cocoa_rm_fs_screen_profile_observer(struct vo *vo);
struct vo_cocoa_state {
NSWindow *window;
NSView *view;
MpvVideoView *video;
NSOpenGLContext *gl_ctx;
NSScreen *current_screen;
NSScreen *fs_screen;
double screen_fps;
NSInteger window_level;
2014-10-05 17:31:21 +00:00
int pending_events;
bool waiting_frame;
bool skip_swap_buffer;
bool embedded; // wether we are embedding in another GUI
IOPMAssertionID power_mgmt_assertion;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
2013-08-01 06:23:53 +00:00
struct mp_log *log;
uint32_t old_dwidth;
uint32_t old_dheight;
NSData *icc_wnd_profile;
NSData *icc_fs_profile;
id fs_icc_changed_ns_observer;
void (*resize_redraw)(struct vo *vo, int w, int h);
static void with_cocoa_lock(struct vo *vo, void(^block)(void))
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
static void with_cocoa_lock_on_main_thread(struct vo *vo, void(^block)(void))
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
with_cocoa_lock(vo, block);
static void queue_new_video_size(struct vo *vo, int w, int h)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
if ([s->window conformsToProtocol: @protocol(MpvSizing)]) {
id<MpvSizing> win = (id<MpvSizing>) s->window;
[win queueNewVideoSize:NSMakeSize(w, h)];
static void enable_power_management(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
if (!s->power_mgmt_assertion) return;
s->power_mgmt_assertion = kIOPMNullAssertionID;
static void disable_power_management(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
if (s->power_mgmt_assertion) return;
static const char macosx_icon[] =
#include "osdep/"
static void set_application_icon(NSApplication *app)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSData *icon_data = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:(void *)macosx_icon
NSImage *icon = [[NSImage alloc] initWithData:icon_data];
[app setApplicationIconImage:icon];
[icon release];
[pool release];
int vo_cocoa_init(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = talloc_zero(vo, struct vo_cocoa_state);
*s = (struct vo_cocoa_state){
.waiting_frame = false,
.power_mgmt_assertion = kIOPMNullAssertionID,
.log = mp_log_new(s, vo->log, "cocoa"),
.embedded = vo->opts->WinID >= 0,
vo->cocoa = s;
return 1;
static int vo_cocoa_set_cursor_visibility(struct vo *vo, bool *visible)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
if (s->embedded)
return VO_NOTIMPL;
MpvEventsView *v = (MpvEventsView *) s->view;
if (*visible) {
} else if ([v canHideCursor]) {
} else {
*visible = true;
return VO_TRUE;
void vo_cocoa_register_resize_callback(struct vo *vo,
void (*cb)(struct vo *vo, int w, int h))
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
s->resize_redraw = cb;
void vo_cocoa_uninit(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
NSView *ev = s->view;
// keep the event view around for later in order to call -clear
if (!s->embedded) {
[ev retain];
with_cocoa_lock_on_main_thread(vo, ^{
[s->gl_ctx release];
// needed to stop resize events triggered by the event's view -clear
// causing many uses after free
[s->video removeFromSuperview];
[s->view removeFromSuperview];
[s->view release];
// if using --wid + libmpv there's no window to release
if (s->window)
[s->window release];
// don't use the mutex, because at that point it could have been destroyed
// and no one is accessing the events view anyway
if (!s->embedded) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[(MpvEventsView *)ev clear];
[ev release];
2013-08-01 06:23:53 +00:00
static int get_screen_handle(struct vo *vo, int identifier, NSWindow *window,
NSScreen **screen) {
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
NSArray *screens = [NSScreen screens];
int n_of_displays = [screens count];
if (identifier >= n_of_displays) { // check if the identifier is out of bounds
2013-08-01 06:23:53 +00:00
MP_INFO(s, "Screen ID %d does not exist, falling back to main "
"device\n", identifier);
identifier = -1;
if (identifier < 0) {
// default behaviour gets either the window screen or the main screen
// if window is not available
if (! (*screen = [window screen]) )
*screen = [screens objectAtIndex:0];
return 0;
} else {
*screen = [screens objectAtIndex:(identifier)];
return 1;
static void vo_cocoa_update_screens_pointers(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
struct mp_vo_opts *opts = vo->opts;
2013-08-01 06:23:53 +00:00
get_screen_handle(vo, opts->screen_id, s->window, &s->current_screen);
get_screen_handle(vo, opts->fsscreen_id, s->window, &s->fs_screen);
static void vo_cocoa_update_screen_fps(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
NSScreen *screen = vo->opts->fullscreen ? s->fs_screen : s->current_screen;
NSDictionary* sinfo = [screen deviceDescription];
NSNumber* sid = [sinfo objectForKey:@"NSScreenNumber"];
CGDirectDisplayID did = [sid longValue];
CGDisplayModeRef mode = CGDisplayCopyDisplayMode(did);
s->screen_fps = CGDisplayModeGetRefreshRate(mode);
if (s->screen_fps == 0.0) {
// Fallback to using Nominal refresh rate from DisplayLink,
// CVDisplayLinkGet *Actual* OutputVideoRefreshPeriod seems to
// return 0 as well if CG returns 0
CVDisplayLinkRef link;
CVDisplayLinkCreateWithCGDisplay(did, &link);
const CVTime t = CVDisplayLinkGetNominalOutputVideoRefreshPeriod(link);
if (!(t.flags & kCVTimeIsIndefinite))
s->screen_fps = (t.timeScale / (double) t.timeValue);
static void vo_cocoa_update_screen_info(struct vo *vo, struct mp_rect *out_rc)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
if (s->embedded)
if (out_rc) {
NSRect r = [s->current_screen frame];
*out_rc = (struct mp_rect){0, 0, r.size.width, r.size.height};
static void resize_window(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
NSRect frame = [s->video frameInPixels];
vo->dwidth = frame.size.width;
vo->dheight = frame.size.height;
[s->gl_ctx update];
static void vo_set_level(struct vo *vo, int ontop)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
if (ontop) {
// +1 is not enough as that will show the icon layer on top of the
// menubar when the application is not frontmost. so use +2
s->window_level = NSMainMenuWindowLevel + 2;
} else {
s->window_level = NSNormalWindowLevel;
[[s->view window] setLevel:s->window_level];
[s->window setLevel:s->window_level];
static int vo_cocoa_ontop(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
if (s->embedded)
return VO_NOTIMPL;
struct mp_vo_opts *opts = vo->opts;
opts->ontop = !opts->ontop;
vo_set_level(vo, opts->ontop);
return VO_TRUE;
static MpvVideoWindow *create_window(NSRect rect, NSScreen *s, bool border,
MpvCocoaAdapter *adapter)
int window_mask = 0;
if (border) {
window_mask = NSTitledWindowMask|NSClosableWindowMask|
} else {
window_mask = NSBorderlessWindowMask|NSResizableWindowMask;
MpvVideoWindow *w =
[[MpvVideoWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:rect
w.adapter = adapter;
[w setDelegate: w];
return w;
static void create_ui(struct vo *vo, struct mp_rect *win, int geo_flags)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
struct mp_vo_opts *opts = vo->opts;
MpvCocoaAdapter *adapter = [[MpvCocoaAdapter alloc] init];
adapter.vout = vo;
NSView *parent;
if (s->embedded) {
parent = (NSView *) (intptr_t) opts->WinID;
} else {
const NSRect wr =
NSMakeRect(win->x0, win->y0, win->x1 - win->x0, win->y1 - win->y0);
s->window = create_window(wr, s->current_screen, opts->border, adapter);
parent = [s->window contentView];
MpvEventsView *view = [[MpvEventsView alloc] initWithFrame:[parent bounds]];
view.adapter = adapter;
s->view = view;
[parent addSubview:s->view];
OSX: use native Cocoa's event loop Schedule mpv's playloop as a high frequency timer inside the main Cocoa event loop. This has the benefit to allow accessing menus as well as resizing the window without the playback being blocked and allows to remove countless hacks from the code that involved manually pumping the event loop as well simulating manually some of the Cocoa default behaviours. A huge improvement consists in removing NSApplicationLoad. This is a C function defined in the Cocoa header and implements a minimal OSX application under ther hood so that you can use the Cocoa GUI toolkit from C/C++ without having to respect the Cocoa standards in terms of application initialization. This was bad because the behaviour implemented by NSApplicationLoad was hard to customize and had several gotchas especially in the menu department. mpv was changed to be just a nib-less application. All the Cocoa part is still generated in code but the event handling is now not dissimilar to what is present in a stock Mac application. As a part of reviewing the initialization process, I also removed all of `osdep/macosx_finder_args`. The useful parts of the code were moved to `osdep/macosx_appication` which has the broaded responsibility of managing the full lifecycle of the Cocoa application. By consequence the `--enable-macosx-finder` configure switch was killed as well, as this feature is always enabled. Another change the users will notice is that when using a bundle the `--quiet` option will be inserted much earlier in the initializaion process. This results in mpv not spamming mpv.log anymore with all the initialization outputs.
2013-02-23 17:28:22 +00:00
cocoa_register_menu_item_action(MPM_H_SIZE, @selector(halfSize));
cocoa_register_menu_item_action(MPM_N_SIZE, @selector(normalSize));
cocoa_register_menu_item_action(MPM_D_SIZE, @selector(doubleSize));
cocoa_register_menu_item_action(MPM_MINIMIZE, @selector(performMiniaturize:));
cocoa_register_menu_item_action(MPM_ZOOM, @selector(performZoom:));
s->video = [[MpvVideoView alloc] initWithFrame:[s->view bounds]];
[s->video setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface:YES];
[s->view addSubview:s->video];
[s->gl_ctx setView:s->video];
[s->video release];
s->video.adapter = adapter;
2014-10-27 18:18:29 +00:00
[adapter release];
if (!s->embedded) {
[s->window setRestorable:NO];
[s->window makeMainWindow];
[s->window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
static int cocoa_set_window_title(struct vo *vo, const char *title)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
if (s->embedded)
return VO_NOTIMPL;
void *talloc_ctx = talloc_new(NULL);
struct bstr btitle = bstr_sanitize_utf8_latin1(talloc_ctx, bstr0(title));
NSString *nstitle = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:btitle.start];
if (nstitle) {
[s->window setTitle: nstitle];
[s->window displayIfNeeded];
return VO_TRUE;
static void cocoa_rm_fs_screen_profile_observer(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
static void cocoa_add_fs_screen_profile_observer(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
if (s->fs_icc_changed_ns_observer)
if (vo->opts->fsscreen_id < 0)
void (^nblock)(NSNotification *n) = ^(NSNotification *n) {
s->pending_events |= VO_EVENT_ICC_PROFILE_CHANGED;
s->fs_icc_changed_ns_observer = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
void vo_cocoa_create_nsgl_ctx(struct vo *vo, void *ctx)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
s->gl_ctx = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithCGLContextObj:ctx];
[s->gl_ctx makeCurrentContext];
void vo_cocoa_release_nsgl_ctx(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
[s->gl_ctx release];
s->gl_ctx = nil;
int vo_cocoa_config_window(struct vo *vo, uint32_t flags, void *gl_ctx)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
with_cocoa_lock_on_main_thread(vo, ^{
struct mp_rect screenrc;
vo_cocoa_update_screen_info(vo, &screenrc);
struct vo_win_geometry geo;
vo_calc_window_geometry(vo, &screenrc, &geo);
vo_apply_window_geometry(vo, &geo);
uint32_t width = vo->dwidth;
uint32_t height = vo->dheight;
bool reset_size = s->old_dwidth != width || s->old_dheight != height;
s->old_dwidth = width;
s->old_dheight = height;
if (!(flags & VOFLAG_HIDDEN) && !s->view) {
create_ui(vo, &, geo.flags);
2014-10-05 20:38:26 +00:00
if (!s->embedded && s->window) {
if (reset_size)
queue_new_video_size(vo, width, height);
2014-10-05 20:38:26 +00:00
cocoa_set_window_title(vo, vo_get_window_title(vo));
vo_set_level(vo, vo->opts->ontop);
// trigger a resize -> don't set vo->dwidth and vo->dheight directly
// since this block is executed asynchrolously to the video
// reconfiguration code.
2014-10-05 17:31:21 +00:00
s->pending_events |= VO_EVENT_RESIZE;
if (!s->embedded) {
[NSApp setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular];
return 0;
void vo_cocoa_set_current_context(struct vo *vo, bool current)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
if (current) {
if (s->gl_ctx) [s->gl_ctx makeCurrentContext];
} else {
[NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext];
static void vo_cocoa_resize_redraw(struct vo *vo, int width, int height)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
if (!s->gl_ctx)
if (!s->resize_redraw)
vo_cocoa_set_current_context(vo, true);
[s->gl_ctx update];
s->resize_redraw(vo, width, height);
s->skip_swap_buffer = true;
[s->gl_ctx flushBuffer];
vo_cocoa_set_current_context(vo, false);
static void draw_changes_after_next_frame(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
if (!s->waiting_frame) {
s->waiting_frame = true;
void vo_cocoa_swap_buffers(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
if (s->skip_swap_buffer && !s->waiting_frame) {
s->skip_swap_buffer = false;
} else {
[s->gl_ctx flushBuffer];
if (s->waiting_frame) {
s->waiting_frame = false;
int vo_cocoa_check_events(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
2014-10-05 17:31:21 +00:00
int events = s->pending_events;
2014-10-05 20:32:23 +00:00
s->pending_events = 0;
if (events & VO_EVENT_RESIZE) {
OSX: use native Cocoa's event loop Schedule mpv's playloop as a high frequency timer inside the main Cocoa event loop. This has the benefit to allow accessing menus as well as resizing the window without the playback being blocked and allows to remove countless hacks from the code that involved manually pumping the event loop as well simulating manually some of the Cocoa default behaviours. A huge improvement consists in removing NSApplicationLoad. This is a C function defined in the Cocoa header and implements a minimal OSX application under ther hood so that you can use the Cocoa GUI toolkit from C/C++ without having to respect the Cocoa standards in terms of application initialization. This was bad because the behaviour implemented by NSApplicationLoad was hard to customize and had several gotchas especially in the menu department. mpv was changed to be just a nib-less application. All the Cocoa part is still generated in code but the event handling is now not dissimilar to what is present in a stock Mac application. As a part of reviewing the initialization process, I also removed all of `osdep/macosx_finder_args`. The useful parts of the code were moved to `osdep/macosx_appication` which has the broaded responsibility of managing the full lifecycle of the Cocoa application. By consequence the `--enable-macosx-finder` configure switch was killed as well, as this feature is always enabled. Another change the users will notice is that when using a bundle the `--quiet` option will be inserted much earlier in the initializaion process. This results in mpv not spamming mpv.log anymore with all the initialization outputs.
2013-02-23 17:28:22 +00:00
2014-10-05 17:31:21 +00:00
return events;
static int vo_cocoa_fullscreen_sync(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
if (s->embedded)
return VO_NOTIMPL;
with_cocoa_lock_on_main_thread(vo, ^{
return VO_TRUE;
static void vo_cocoa_fullscreen(struct vo *vo)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
struct mp_vo_opts *opts = vo->opts;
if (s->embedded)
vo_cocoa_update_screen_info(vo, NULL);
[(MpvEventsView *)s->view setFullScreen:opts->fullscreen];
s->pending_events |= VO_EVENT_ICC_PROFILE_CHANGED;
2014-10-05 21:38:12 +00:00
s->pending_events |= VO_EVENT_RESIZE;
static void vo_cocoa_control_get_icc_profile(struct vo *vo, void *arg)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = vo->cocoa;
bstr *p = arg;
vo_cocoa_update_screen_info(vo, NULL);
NSScreen *screen = vo->opts->fullscreen ? s->fs_screen : s->current_screen;
NSData *profile = [[screen colorSpace] ICCProfileData];
p->start = talloc_memdup(NULL, (void *)[profile bytes], [profile length]);
p->len = [profile length];
int vo_cocoa_control(struct vo *vo, int *events, int request, void *arg)
struct mp_vo_opts *opts = vo->opts;
switch (request) {
*events |= vo_cocoa_check_events(vo);
return VO_TRUE;
opts->fullscreen = !opts->fullscreen;
return vo_cocoa_fullscreen_sync(vo);
return vo_cocoa_ontop(vo);
2013-11-22 07:41:34 +00:00
int *s = arg;
with_cocoa_lock(vo, ^{
2013-11-22 07:41:34 +00:00
NSSize size = [vo->cocoa->view frame].size;
s[0] = size.width;
s[1] = size.height;
return VO_TRUE;
int *s = arg;
int w, h;
w = s[0];
h = s[1];
with_cocoa_lock_on_main_thread(vo, ^{
queue_new_video_size(vo, w, h);
2013-11-22 07:41:34 +00:00
return VO_TRUE;
return vo_cocoa_set_cursor_visibility(vo, arg);
return cocoa_set_window_title(vo, (const char *) arg);
return VO_TRUE;
return VO_TRUE;
vo_cocoa_control_get_icc_profile(vo, arg);
return VO_TRUE;
if (vo->cocoa->screen_fps > 0.0) {
*(double *)arg = vo->cocoa->screen_fps;
return VO_TRUE;
return VO_NOTIMPL;
@implementation MpvCocoaAdapter
@synthesize vout = _video_output;
- (void)performAsyncResize:(NSSize)size {
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = self.vout->cocoa;
if (!s->waiting_frame)
vo_cocoa_resize_redraw(self.vout, size.width, size.height);
- (BOOL)keyboardEnabled {
return !!mp_input_vo_keyboard_enabled(self.vout->input_ctx);
- (BOOL)mouseEnabled {
return !!mp_input_mouse_enabled(self.vout->input_ctx);
- (void)setNeedsResize {
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = self.vout->cocoa;
2014-10-05 17:31:21 +00:00
s->pending_events |= VO_EVENT_RESIZE;
- (void)recalcMovableByWindowBackground:(NSPoint)p
BOOL movable = NO;
if (![self isInFullScreenMode]) {
movable = !mp_input_test_dragging(self.vout->input_ctx, p.x, p.y);
[self.vout->cocoa->window setMovableByWindowBackground:movable];
- (void)signalMouseMovement:(NSPoint)point {
mp_input_set_mouse_pos(self.vout->input_ctx, point.x, point.y);
[self recalcMovableByWindowBackground:point];
- (void)putKeyEvent:(NSEvent*)event
- (void)putKey:(int)mpkey withModifiers:(int)modifiers
cocoa_put_key_with_modifiers(mpkey, modifiers);
- (void)putAxis:(int)mpkey delta:(float)delta;
mp_input_put_axis(self.vout->input_ctx, mpkey, delta);
- (void)putCommand:(char*)cmd
char *cmd_ = ta_strdup(NULL, cmd);
mp_cmd_t *cmdt = mp_input_parse_cmd(self.vout->input_ctx, bstr0(cmd_), "");
mp_input_queue_cmd(self.vout->input_ctx, cmdt);
- (BOOL)isInFullScreenMode {
return self.vout->opts->fullscreen;
- (NSScreen *)fsScreen {
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = self.vout->cocoa;
return s->fs_screen;
- (BOOL)fsModeAllScreens
return self.vout->opts->fs_black_out_screens;
- (void)handleFilesArray:(NSArray *)files
[[EventsResponder sharedInstance] handleFilesArray:files];
- (void)didChangeWindowedScreenProfile:(NSScreen *)screen
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = self.vout->cocoa;
s->pending_events |= VO_EVENT_ICC_PROFILE_CHANGED;