mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 18:37:34 +00:00
580 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
580 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
use strict;
use warnings;
use Image::Magick;
use POSIX qw/floor ceil/;
my @lumpname = qw/entities textures planes nodes leafs leaffaces leafbrushes models brushes brushsides vertices triangles effects faces lightmaps lightgrid pvs advertisements/;
my %lumpsize = (
textures => 72,
planes => 16,
nodes => 36,
leafs => 48,
leaffaces => 4,
leafbrushes => 4,
models => 40,
brushes => 12,
brushsides => 8,
vertices => 44,
triangles => 4,
effects => 72,
faces => 104,
lightmaps => 49152,
lightgrid => 8,
advertisements => 128
my %lumpid = map { $lumpname[$_] => $_ } 0..@lumpname-1;
my $msg = "";
my @bsp;
if(!@ARGV || $ARGV[0] eq '-h' || $ARGV[0] eq '--help')
print <<EOF;
$0 filename.bsp [operations...]
Operations are:
Information requests:
-i print info about the BSP file
-xlumpname extract a lump (see -i)
-S list used shaders
-dlumpname delete a lump (see -i)
-rlumpname replace a lump (see -i) by the data from standard input
-gfilename.tga save the lightgrid as filename.tga (debugging)
-Gratio scale down the lightgrid to reduce BSP file size
-ljpgNNN externalize the lightmaps as JPEG, quality NNN (number from 1 to 100)
-lpng externalize the lightmaps as PNG
-ltga externalize the lightmaps as TGA
-mMESSAGE set the BSP file comment message
-Sfrom=to replace a texture (shader) by name (already replaced shaders are not touched)
Save commands:
-o actually apply the changes to the BSP
-ofilename2.bsp save the changes to a new BSP file
my $fn = shift @ARGV;
$fn =~ /(.*)\.bsp$/
or die "invalid input file name (must be a .bsp): $fn";
my $basename = $1;
open my $fh, "<", $fn
or die "$fn: $!";
read $fh, my $header, 8;
die "Invalid BSP format"
if $header ne "IBSP\x2e\x00\x00\x00";
read $fh, my $lump, 8;
my ($offset, $length) = unpack "VV", $lump;
push @bsp, [$offset, $length, undef];
my ($offset, $length, $data) = @$_;
seek $fh, $offset, 0;
read $fh, $data, $length;
length $data == $length
or die "Incomplete BSP lump at $offset\n";
$_->[2] = $data;
close $fh;
sub DecodeLump($@)
my ($lump, @fields) = @_;
my @decoded;
my $spec = "";
my @decoders;
my $item;
my @data;
my $idx;
$spec .= "$2$3 ";
my $f = $1;
my $n = $3;
if($2 eq 'a')
push @decoders, sub { ($item->{$f} = $data[$idx++]) =~ s/\0//g; };
elsif($n eq '')
push @decoders, sub { $item->{$f} = $data[$idx++]; };
push @decoders, sub { $item->{$f} = [ map { $data[$idx++] } 1..$n ]; };
my $itemlen = length pack $spec, ();
my $len = length $lump;
die "Invalid lump size: $len not divisible by $itemlen"
if $len % $itemlen;
my $items = $len / $itemlen;
for(0..$items - 1)
@data = unpack $spec, substr $lump, $_ * $itemlen, $itemlen;
$item = {};
$idx = 0;
$_->() for @decoders;
push @decoded, $item;
sub EncodeLump($@)
my ($items, @fields) = @_;
my @decoded;
my @encoders;
my $item;
my @data;
my $idx;
my $data = "";
my $spec = "$2$3";
my $f = $1;
my $n = $3;
if($2 eq 'a')
push @encoders, sub { $data .= pack $spec, $item->{$f}; };
elsif($n eq '')
push @encoders, sub { $data .= pack $spec, $item->{$f}; };
push @encoders, sub { $data .= pack $spec, @{$item->{$f}}; };
for my $i(@$items)
$item = $i;
$_->() for @encoders;
sub EncodeDirection(@)
my ($x, $y, $z) = @_;
return [
map { ($_ / 0.02454369260617025967) & 0xFF }
atan2(sqrt($x * $x + $y * $y), $z),
atan2($y, $x)
sub DecodeDirection($)
my ($dir) = @_;
my ($pitch, $yaw) = map { $_ * 0.02454369260617025967 } @$dir; # maps 256 to 2pi
return (
cos($yaw) * sin($pitch),
sin($yaw) * sin($pitch),
sub IntervalIntersection($$$$)
my ($a, $al, $b, $bl) = @_;
my $a0 = $a - 0.5 * $al;
my $a1 = $a + 0.5 * $al;
my $b0 = $b - 0.5 * $bl;
my $b1 = $b + 0.5 * $bl;
my $left = ($a0 > $b0) ? $a0 : $b0;
my $right = ($a1 > $b1) ? $b1 : $a1;
die "Non-intersecting intervals $a $al $b $bl"
if $right < $left;
return $right - $left;
sub BoxIntersection(@)
my ($x, $y, $z, $w, $h, $d, $x2, $y2, $z2, $w2, $h2, $d2) = @_;
IntervalIntersection($x, $w, $x2, $w2)
IntervalIntersection($y, $h, $y2, $h2)
IntervalIntersection($z, $d, $z2, $d2);
if(/^-i$/) # info
my $msgalign = [0, 3, 2, 1]->[length($msg) % 4];
my $total = 17 * 8 + 8 + length($msg) + $msgalign;
my $max = 0;
my $nl = length $bsp[$_]->[2];
my $align = [0, 3, 2, 1]->[$nl % 4];
$total += $nl + $align;
my $l = $bsp[$_]->[1];
my $szi = $lumpsize{$lumpname[$_]};
my $li = $szi ? " (" . ($l / $szi) . ")" : "";
my $nli = $szi ? " (" . ($nl / $szi) . ")" : "";
print "BSP lump $_ ($lumpname[$_]): offset $bsp[$_]->[0] length $l$li newlength $nl$nli\n";
my $endpos = $bsp[$_]->[0] + $bsp[$_]->[1];
$max = $endpos if $max < $endpos;
print "BSP file size will change from $max to $total bytes\n";
elsif(/^-d(.+)$/) # delete a lump
my $id = $lumpid{$1};
die "invalid lump $1 to remove"
unless defined $id;
$bsp[$id]->[2] = "";
elsif(/^-r(.+)$/) # replace a lump
my $id = $lumpid{$1};
die "invalid lump $1 to replace"
unless defined $id;
$bsp[$id]->[2] = do { undef local $/; scalar <STDIN>; };
elsif(/^-m(.*)$/) # change the message
$msg = $1;
elsif(/^-l(jpg|png|tga)(\d+)?$/) # externalize lightmaps (deleting the internal ones)
my $ext = $1;
my $quality = $2;
my %lightmaps = ();
my $faces = $bsp[$lumpid{faces}]->[2];
my $lightmaps = $bsp[$lumpid{lightmaps}]->[2];
my @values = DecodeLump $faces,
qw/texture=V effect=V type=V vertex=V n_vertexes=V meshvert=V n_meshverts=V lm_index=V lm_start=f2 lm_size=f2 lm_origin=f3 lm_vec_0=f3 lm_vec_1=f3 normal=f3 size=V2/;
my $oddfound = 0;
my $l = $_->{lm_index};
next if $l >= 2**31; # signed
$oddfound = 1
if $l % 2;
$lightmaps{$_+1} = $lightmaps{$_} for keys %lightmaps;
for(sort { $a <=> $b } keys %lightmaps)
print STDERR "Lightmap $_ was used $lightmaps{$_} times\n";
# export that lightmap
my $lmsize = 128 * 128 * 3;
next if length $lightmaps < ($_ + 1) * $lmsize;
my $lmdata = substr $lightmaps, $_ * $lmsize, $lmsize;
my $img = Image::Magick->new(size => '128x128', depth => 8, magick => 'RGB');
my $outfn = sprintf "%s/lm_%04d.$ext", $basename, $_;
mkdir $basename;
$img->Set(quality => $quality)
if defined $quality;
my $err = $img->Write($outfn);
die $err
if $err;
print STDERR "Wrote $outfn\n";
# nullify the lightmap lump
$bsp[$lumpid{lightmaps}]->[2] = "";
elsif(/^-g(.+)$/) # export light grid as an image (for debugging)
my $filename = $1;
my @models = DecodeLump $bsp[$lumpid{models}]->[2],
qw/mins=f3 maxs=f3 face=V n_faces=V brush=V n_brushes=V/;
my $entities = $bsp[$lumpid{entities}]->[2];
my @entitylines = split /\r?\n/, $entities;
my $gridsize = "64 64 128";
last if $_ eq '}';
and $gridsize = $1;
my @scale = map { 1 / $_ } split / /, $gridsize;
my @imins = map { ceil($models[0]{mins}[$_] * $scale[$_]) } 0..2;
my @imaxs = map { floor($models[0]{maxs}[$_] * $scale[$_]) } 0..2;
my @isize = map { $imaxs[$_] - $imins[$_] + 1 } 0..2;
my $isize = $isize[0] * $isize[1] * $isize[2];
my @gridcells = DecodeLump $bsp[$lumpid{lightgrid}]->[2],
qw/ambient=C3 directional=C3 dir=C2/;
die "Cannot decode light grid"
unless $isize == @gridcells;
# sum up the "ambient" light over all pixels
my @pixels;
my $max = 1;
for my $y(0..$isize[1]-1)
for my $x(0..$isize[0]-1)
my ($r, $g, $b) = (0, 0, 0);
for my $z(0..$isize[2]-1)
my $cell = $gridcells[$x + $y * $isize[0] + $z * $isize[0] * $isize[1]];
$r += $cell->{ambient}->[0];
$g += $cell->{ambient}->[1];
$b += $cell->{ambient}->[2];
push @pixels, [$r, $g, $b];
$max = $r if $max < $r;
$max = $g if $max < $g;
$max = $b if $max < $b;
my $pixeldata = "";
for my $p(@pixels)
$pixeldata .= pack "CCC", map { 255 * $p->[$_] / $max } 0..2;
my $img = Image::Magick->new(size => sprintf("%dx%d", $isize[0], $isize[1]), depth => 8, magick => 'RGB');
print STDERR "Wrote $filename\n";
elsif(/^-G(.+)$/) # decimate light grid
my $decimate = $1;
my $filter = 1; # 0 = nearest, 1 = box filter
my @models = DecodeLump $bsp[$lumpid{models}]->[2],
qw/mins=f3 maxs=f3 face=V n_faces=V brush=V n_brushes=V/;
my $entities = $bsp[$lumpid{entities}]->[2];
my @entitylines = split /\r?\n/, $entities;
my $gridsize = "64 64 128";
my $gridsizeindex = undef;
my $l = $entitylines[$_];
last if $l eq '}';
if($l =~ /^\s*"_?gridsize"\s+"(.*)"$/)
$gridsize = $1;
$gridsizeindex = $_;
my @scale = map { 1 / $_ } split / /, $gridsize;
my @imins = map { ceil($models[0]{mins}[$_] * $scale[$_]) } 0..2;
my @imaxs = map { floor($models[0]{maxs}[$_] * $scale[$_]) } 0..2;
my @isize = map { $imaxs[$_] - $imins[$_] + 1 } 0..2;
my $isize = $isize[0] * $isize[1] * $isize[2];
my @gridcells = DecodeLump $bsp[$lumpid{lightgrid}]->[2],
qw/ambient=C3 directional=C3 dir=C2/;
die "Cannot decode light grid"
unless $isize == @gridcells;
# get the new grid size values
my @newscale = map { $_ / $decimate } @scale;
my $newgridsize = join " ", map { 1 / $_ } @newscale;
my @newimins = map { ceil($models[0]{mins}[$_] * $newscale[$_]) } 0..2;
my @newimaxs = map { floor($models[0]{maxs}[$_] * $newscale[$_]) } 0..2;
my @newisize = map { $newimaxs[$_] - $newimins[$_] + 1 } 0..2;
# do the decimation
my @newgridcells = ();
for my $z($newimins[2]..$newimaxs[2])
# the coords are MIDPOINTS of the grid cells!
my @oldz = grep { $_ >= $imins[2] && $_ <= $imaxs[2] } floor(($z - 0.5) * $decimate + 0.5) .. ceil(($z + 0.5) * $decimate - 0.5);
my $innerz_raw = $z * $decimate;
my $innerz = floor($innerz_raw + 0.5);
$innerz = $imins[2] if $innerz < $imins[2];
$innerz = $imaxs[2] if $innerz > $imaxs[2];
for my $y($newimins[1]..$newimaxs[1])
my @oldy = grep { $_ >= $imins[1] && $_ <= $imaxs[1] } floor(($y - 0.5) * $decimate + 0.5) .. ceil(($y + 0.5) * $decimate - 0.5);
my $innery_raw = $y * $decimate;
my $innery = floor($innery_raw + 0.5);
$innery = $imins[1] if $innery < $imins[1];
$innery = $imaxs[1] if $innery > $imaxs[1];
for my $x($newimins[0]..$newimaxs[0])
my @oldx = grep { $_ >= $imins[0] && $_ <= $imaxs[0] } floor(($x - 0.5) * $decimate + 0.5) .. ceil(($x + 0.5) * $decimate - 0.5);
my $innerx_raw = $x * $decimate;
my $innerx = floor($innerx_raw + 0.5);
$innerx = $imins[0] if $innerx < $imins[0];
$innerx = $imaxs[0] if $innerx > $imaxs[0];
my @vec = (0, 0, 0);
my @dir = (0, 0, 0);
my @amb = (0, 0, 0);
my $weight = 0;
my $innercell = $gridcells[($innerx - $imins[0]) + $isize[0] * ($innery - $imins[1]) + $isize[0] * $isize[1] * ($innerz - $imins[2])];
for my $Z(@oldz)
for my $Y(@oldy)
for my $X(@oldx)
my $cell = $gridcells[($X - $imins[0]) + $isize[0] * ($Y - $imins[1]) + $isize[0] * $isize[1] * ($Z - $imins[2])];
my $cellweight = BoxIntersection(
$X, $Y, $Z, 1, 1, 1,
map { $_ * $decimate } $x, $y, $z, 1, 1, 1
$dir[$_] += $cellweight * $cell->{directional}->[$_] for 0..2;
$amb[$_] += $cellweight * $cell->{ambient}->[$_] for 0..2;
my @norm = DecodeDirection $cell->{dir};
$vec[$_] += $cellweight * $norm[$_] for 0..2;
$weight += $cellweight;
$dir[$_] /= $weight for 0..2;
$dir[$_] *= $filter for 0..2;
$dir[$_] += (1 - $filter) * $innercell->{directional}->[$_] for 0..2;
$amb[$_] /= $weight for 0..2;
$amb[$_] *= $filter for 0..2;
$amb[$_] += (1 - $filter) * $innercell->{ambient}->[$_] for 0..2;
my @norm = DecodeDirection $innercell->{dir};
$vec[$_] /= $weight for 0..2;
$vec[$_] *= $filter for 0..2;
$vec[$_] += (1 - $filter) * $norm[$_] for 0..2;
$innercell = {
ambient => \@amb,
directional => \@dir,
dir => EncodeDirection @norm
push @newgridcells, $innercell;
$bsp[$lumpid{lightgrid}]->[2] = EncodeLump \@newgridcells,
qw/ambient=C3 directional=C3 dir=C2/;
splice @entitylines, $gridsizeindex, 1, ()
if defined $gridsizeindex;
splice @entitylines, 1, 0, qq{"gridsize" "$newgridsize"};
$bsp[$lumpid{entities}]->[2] = join "\n", @entitylines;
elsif(/^-x(.+)$/) # extract lump to stdout
my $id = $lumpid{$1};
die "invalid lump $1 to extract"
unless defined $id;
print $bsp[$id]->[2];
my $from = $1;
my $to = $2;
our @replaced = ();
my @l = DecodeLump $bsp[$lumpid{textures}]->[2], qw/name=a64 flags=V contents=V/;
next if $replaced[$_];
if($l[$_]->{name} eq $from)
$replaced[$_] = 1;
$l[$_]->{name} = $to;
$bsp[$lumpid{textures}]->[2] = EncodeLump \@l, qw/name=a64 flags=V contents=V/;
for(DecodeLump $bsp[$lumpid{textures}]->[2], qw/name=a64 flags=V contents=V/)
print "$_->{name}\n";
elsif(/^-o(.+)?$/) # write the final BSP file
my $outfile = $1;
$outfile = $fn
if not defined $outfile;
open my $fh, ">", $outfile
or die "$outfile: $!";
print $fh $header;
my $msgalign = [0, 3, 2, 1]->[length($msg) % 4];
my $pos = 17 * 8 + tell($fh) + length($msg) + $msgalign;
my $align = [0, 3, 2, 1]->[length($_->[2]) % 4];
$_->[0] = $pos;
$_->[1] = length $_->[2];
$pos += $_->[1] + $align;
print $fh pack "VV", $_->[0], $_->[1];
print $fh $msg;
print $fh "\x00" x $msgalign;
my $align = [0, 3, 2, 1]->[length($_->[2]) % 4];
print $fh $_->[2];
print $fh "\x00" x $align;
close $fh;
print STDERR "Wrote $outfile\n";
die "Invalid option: $_";
# features like:
# decimate light grid
# edit lightmaps/grid