//hostname "Xonotic $g_xonoticversion Server" // this name will appear on the server list (the $g_xonoticversion gets replaced with the current version)
//sv_motd "" // displayed on connect - good place for contact info (IRC, forum nick, etc.) so players can reach you when something is wrong with your server
//net_address // ONLY change this if you have problems with your server. Specifies the network interface used by the engine. Set it you one of you internal IPs
//rcon_password "" // this sets the remote console password on the server, you also need to set the cvar to the same value on your client to use the 'rcon' command.
//log_file "server.log" // server console output will also be copied to this file. This: "${serverconfig}.log" uses variable substitution to make the logfile have the same name as your config file with .log appended which is useful if you run several servers
// List of maps to play on the server. Set to "" to autodetect (which would enumerate ALL maps. Maps that don't support the current game mode will be skipped, so you don't need to remove them here.
//g_maplist_shuffle 1 // 0 always selects the next map out of g_maplist (but then better set g_maplist_votable 0 below to prevent repetitive votes), 1 will select random maps each time
//g_maplist_mostrecent_count 3 // number of maps that have to be played before a map can be repeated
// LIMITS: how long a match will last before the next map starts (-1 means use the map default, 0=unlimited, please note that the variables fraglimit/timelimit can NOT be globally used for this but only DURING a match is being played)
//timelimit_override -1 // global timelimit for all maps and gametypes
//fraglimit_override -1 // global frag/point limit for all maps and gametypes
//capturelimit_override -1 // capture limit for CTF
//g_domination_point_limit -1 // frag/point limit for DOM
//g_keyhunt_point_limit -1 // frag/point limit for KH
// possible values: dm (deathmatch), tdm (team deathmatch), ctf (capture the flag), ca (clan arena), ft (freeze tag), kh (keyhunt), as (assault), dom (domination), lms (last man standing), ka (keepaway), inv (invasion), ons (onslaught), rc (race), cts (complete the stage), nb (nexball)
//bot_prefix [BOT] // prepend this to all botnames
//bot_suffix "" // append this to all botnames
//g_maplist_check_waypoints 0 // set this to 1 to skip maps without waypoints if there aren't enough players to play without bots
//g_maplist_votable 6 // number of maps to vote between. set to 0 to disable the map voting screen (please enable g_maplist_shuffle above when this is enabled, or votes will be repetitive)
//g_maplist_votable_suggestions 2 // number of suggestions to accept using the suggestmap command
//g_maplist_votable_abstain 0 // when 1, people get a "don't care" selection in the vote screen
//g_maplist_votable_nodetail 1 // when 1, people can't see how many voted for what (to thwart abusive "influential" first votes)
//sv_vote_gametype 1 // set to 1 to enable voting for gametypes after every match
//sv_vote_gametype_options "dm kh dom jb mygametype" // the gametypes to vote for, custom gametypes are supported
//sv_vote_gametype_mygametype_name "My Mode" // Name displayed for the custom gametype "mygametype" (replace "mygametype" with the name you set in sv_vote_gametype_options)
//sv_vote_gametype_mygametype_type "ft" // the basetype that the custom gametype is derived from
//sv_vote_gametype_mygametype_description "This is my custom gametype" // the description for the custom gametype
//sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoauto shuffleteams" // players can vote for those commands or use them if they are masters. You canm also add 'g_grappling_hook' for hook voting, and 'sv_fbskin_green sv_fbskin_red sv_fbskin_orange sv_fbskin_off' for fbskin voting.
//sv_vote_master_commands "movetored movetoblue movetoyellow movetopink" // add commands masters can use if logged in or elected. You may want to put 'kickban' here, so masters can keep out punks. It may be good to also put "sv_status_privacy 0" then...
//rcon_restricted_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick kickban \"sv_cmd bans\" \"sv_cmd unban\" status \"sv_cmd teamstatus\" movetoauto movetored movetoblue movetoyellow movetopink" // commands for the (stronger) rcon restricted
//sv_status_privacy 1 // 1 hides IP addresses from "status" replies shown to clients, 0 shows them. Enables players to identify wellknown punks on your server OR is a threat to anonymity.. depending on your point of view :)
//sv_ready_restart_after_countdown 0 // if set to 1 the players and map items are reset after the countdown ended, otherwise they're reset already at the beginning of the countdown
//sv_ready_restart_repeatable 0 "allows the players to restart the game as often as needed
//g_ban_sync_trusted_servers "" // accept bans that were initially set on the server IPs listed here (if not set, your bans are just sent to the sync URIs, but no bans are retrieved from there)
//g_powerups -1 // set to 0 to turn off strength/quad and shield/invincible, and set to 1 to turn them on even in game modes that normally have them turned off
//g_nix is "0" ["0"] No Items Xonotic - instead of pickup items, everyone plays with the same weapon. After some time, a countdown will start, after which everyone will switch to another weapon, and so on
//g_nix_with_healtharmor is "0" ["0"] when 1, health and armor still show up in NIX