This is slightly helpful for testing, and otherwise useless and without
I'm not using the correct output format and using IMGFMT_RGB0 as
placeholder. This doesn't matter currently, as both sws and zimg support
this as output (and support any input for it). I'm doing this because
it's surprisingly tricky to get the correct output format at this point,
without digging deeper into x11 shit or refactoring parts of the VO. I
don't care enough about this.
This integrates it as "special" format, with no alpha component, as the
equivalent IMGFMT_RGB30 isn't meant to contain any.
Nothing can produce this format in the video chain yet, so the next
commits are needed to make this actually work.
Lots of dumb crap to do... something. Instead of adding yet another dumb
helper, just use the main" sws_utils API in both callers. (Which,
unfortunately, has been duplicated for glorious webp screenshots,
despite the fact that webp is crap.)
Good part: can enable zimg for screenshots (as far as needed).
Bad part: uses "default" swscale parameters instead of HQ now.
Purpose uncertain. I guess it's slightly better, maybe.
The move of the sws/zimg options from VO opts (vo_opt_list) to the
top-level option list is tricky. VO opts have some helper code in vo.c,
that sends VOCTRL_SET_PANSCAN to the VO on every VO opts change. That's
because updating certain VO options used to be this way (and not just
the panscan option). This isn't needed anymore for sws/zimg options, so
explicitly move them away.
By default utilizes the color space of the desktop on which the
swap chain is located. If a specific value is defined, it will be
instead be utilized.
Enables configuration of the PQ color space (BT.2020 primaries,
PQ transfer function) for HDR.
Additionally, signals the swap chain color space to the renderer,
so that the render looks correct without having to specify
target-trc or target-prim manually.
Due to all of the APIs being Win10+ only, will only work starting
with Windows 10.
This lets us set primaries, transfer function and the target peak
based on what the presenting layer would want us to have.
Now that this mechanism is available, warn if the user has
overridden values such as primaries or transfer function.
This seems to have been missed when the storable flag was added, since
all the other flags were logged here. It can be useful to know if an RA
format is storable, so log it as well.
Using e.g. --vf=format=0bgr showed obviously wrong colors with --vo=gpu.
The reason is that leading padding wasn't handled correctly.
Try to hack fix it. While the code in copy_image() is somewhat
reasonable, I can't tell what the fuck is going on with that HOOKED
shit. For some reason this HOOKED shit doesn't use copy_image() (???),
or uses it incorrectly. It affects debanding. --deband=no works
correctly. If it's enabled, the crap in hook_prelude() is needed.
I bet there are many more bugs with this. For example, the deband shader
will try to deband the alpha channel if the format abgr is used (because
the correct component order is only established later). This can be
tested by inserting a "color.x = 0;" at the end of the deband shader,
and using --vf=format=rgba vs. abgr.
I cannot comprehend why it doesn't just store explicitly which
components a texture contains, and why it doesn't just read the
components always in an uniform way.
There's a big chance this fix works only by coincidence. This shouldn't
have been so hard either. Time for a complete rewrite?
sdl_gamepad.c and vo_sdl.c both have their own event loops and run in
separate threads. They don't know of each other (and shouldn't). Since
SDL only has one global event loop (why didn't they fix this in SDL2?),
these obviously clash. The actual behavior is relatively subtle, which
event being randomly dispatched to either of the threads.
This is very regrettable. Very.
Work this around. "Fortunately" SDL exposes its global state to some
degree. SDL_WasInit() returns whether a "subsystem" was initialized, and
you could say the one who initialized it owns it. Both SDL_INIT_VIDEO
and SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER implicitly enable SDL_INIT_EVENTS, and the
event loop is indeed the resource that cannot be shared.
Unfortunately, this is still racy, since SDL_InitSubSystem is a second
call, and succeeds if the subsystem is already initialized (increases a
refcount I think). But good enough. Blame SDL for everything.
(I think I made this commit message too long. Nobody cares even.)
Fixes: #7085
It seems some users try to use it (!). This VO was always an experiment,
and intended for low power devices. Whether this experiment succeeded or
not, it's a rather obscure VO. Recently I've seen a regrettable user,
who seemed to use this only because mpv was built without x11 support
(!). Add this warning, like other fallback VOs have it. (The message was
copied from vo_x11.)
If expected_sync_pc is greater than submit_count, the unsigned
subtraction will wraparound, which breaks playback. This bug was found
while experimenting with bit-blt model present, but it might be possible
to trigger it with the flip model as well, if there was a dropped frame.
Internally, vo_gpu uses NaN for some options to indicate a default value
that is different depending on the context (e.g. different scalers).
There are 2 problems with this:
1. you couldn't reset the options to their defaults
2. NaN is a damn mess and shouldn't be part of the API
The option parser already rejected NaN explicitly, which is why 1.
didn't work. Regarding 2., JSON might be a good example, and actually
caused a bug report.
Fix this by mapping NaN to the special value "default". I think I'd
prefer other mechanisms (maybe just having every scaler expose separate
options?), but for now this will do. See you in a future commit, which
painfully deprecates this and replaces it with something else.
I refrained from using "no" (my favorite magic value for "unset" etc.)
because then I'd have e.g. make --no-scale-param1 work, which in
addition to a lot of effort looks dumb and nobody will use it.
Here's also an apology for the shitty added test script.
Fixes: #6691
The code is very basic:
- only handles gamepads, could be extended for generic joysticks in the
- only has button mappings for controllers natively supported by SDL2.
I heard more can be added through env vars, there's also ways to load
mappings from text files, but I'd rather not go there yet. Common ones
like Dualshock are supported natively.
- analog buttons (TRIGGER and AXIS) are mapped to discrete buttons using an
activation threshold.
- only supports one gamepad at a time. the feature is intented to use
gamepads as evolved remote controls, not play multiplayer games in mpv :)
There's 2 stupid things here that need to be fixed. First of all,
vulkan wasn't actually using presentation time because somehow the
get_vsync function in context.c disappeared. Secondly, if the mpv window
was hidden it was updating the ust time based on the refresh_usec but
really it should simply just not feed any information to the vsync info
structure. So this adds some logic to assume whether or not a window is
This will perform conversion and scaling of video with zimg, if
--sws-allow-zimg is used.
The performance probably depends on how well the compiler optimizes the
RGB pack code in zimg.c, which is written in C.
This was obviously missing from the recent commit, which probably broke
10 bit decoding. The original commit didn't test this for lack of
working hardware; this commit isn't tested either.
Fixes: a1c7d61393
This syscall avoids the need to guess an unused filename in /dev/shm and
allows seals to be placed on it. We immediately return if no fd got
returned, as there isn’t anything we can do otherwise.
Seals especially allow the compositor to drop the SIGBUS protections,
since the kernel promises the fd won’t ever shrink.
This removes support for any platform but Linux from this vo.
vo_wayland was removed during the wayland rewrite done in 0.28. However,
it is still useful for systems that do not have OpenGL.
The new wayland_common code makes vo_wayland much simpler, and
eliminates many of the issues the previous vo_wayland had.
2 years ago, ANGLE removed the old NV12-specific extension, and added
a new one that supports a number of formats, including P010. Actually
they just renamed it and removed their initial annoying and obvious
design error (bravo, Google).
Since it broke 2 years ago, nobody should give a shit about this code,
and it should just be removed. But for some reason I still dived the
shit-tank (Windows development).
I guess Intel code monkeys can't write drivers (or maybe the issue is
because we're doing zero-copy, which probably maybe is not actually
allowed by D3D11 due to array textures, see --d3d11va-zero-copy), so
the P010 path is completely untested. It doesn't work, I'll delete all
this ANGLE hwdec code.
Fixes: #7054
Query information on the system output most linked to the swap chain,
and either utilize a user-configured format, or either 8bit
RGBA or 10bit RGB with 2bit alpha depending on the system output's
bit depth.
The old way of using wayland in mpv relied on an external renderloop for
semi-accurate timings. This had multiple issues though. Display sync
would break whenever the window was hidden (since the frame callback
stopped being executed) which was really annoying. Also the entire
external renderloop logic was kind of fragile and didn't play well with
mpv's internal structure (i.e. using presentation time in that old
paradigm breaks stats.lua).
Basically the problem is that swap buffers blocks on wayland which is
crap whenever you hide the mpv window since it looks up the entire
player. So you have to make swap buffers not block, but this has a
different problem. Timings will be terrible if you use the unblocked
swap buffers call.
Based on some discussion in #wayland, the trick here is relatively
simple and works well enough for our purposes. Instead we basically
build a way to block with a timeout in the wayland buffer swap
A bool is set in the frame callback function that indicates whether or
not mpv is waiting for a frame to be displayed. In the actual buffer
swap function, we enter into a while loop waiting for this flag to be
set. At the same time, the wl_display is polled to block the thread and
wakeup if it receives any events from the compositor. This loop only
breaks if enough time has passed or if the frame callback bool is
In the near future, it is better to set whether or not frame a frame has
been displayed in the presentation feedback. However as a first pass,
doing it in the frame callback is more than good enough.
The "downside" is that we render frames that aren't actually shown on
screen when the player is hidden (it seems like wayland people don't
like that). But who cares. Accurate timings are way more important. It's
probably not too hard to add that behavior back in the player though.
The externally driven renderloop was originally added for the wayland
context (to make display sync somewhat work), but it has a lot of issues
with mpv's internal structure. A different approach should be used.
This reverts commit a743fef837.
This affects hwdec_dxva2dxgi, which uses ra_d3d11_wrap_tex to wrap RGB
video frames that are shared with a D3D9 device. Without it, mpv uses
nearest instead of bilinear scaling with --scale=bilinear (the default)
and --hwdec=dxva2. It's kind of hard to believe this bug has gone
unnoticed for almost two years, but that seems to have been the case.
Fixes: #7042
all the get_property_* usages were removed because in some circumstances
they can lead to deadlocks. they were replaced by accessing the vo and
mp_vo_opts structs directly, like on other vos.
additionally the mpv helper was split into a mpv and libmpv helper, to
differentiate between private and public APIs and for future changes
like a macOS vulkan context for vo=gpu.
This is the proper fix to the memory leak @wm4 pointed out. It turns out
that when you autoprobe opengl and vo_wayland_init returns false,
vo_wayland_uninit is never actually executed. So you have a leftover
pointer. The vulkan context does this correctly which was why my old,
dumb "fix" broke it.
Dumb idea. The correct thing to do is to fix the preinit and context
creation so that the uninit is correctly executed when probing fails
(and then everything gets freed).
This reverts commit defc8f359c.
wm4 mentioned that the wayland autoprobe leaked. A simple oversight in
the wayland_common code forgot to free the vo_wayland_state if
vo_wayland_init returned false.
I previously skipped creating the wl_output if the --fullscreen flag
with no --fsscreen_id was inputted, so the fullscreen video lands on the
correct output (where mpv was launched). This has breakage if someone
combines the --autofit flag (or other similar options with it). Instead,
just actually read xdg_shell spec and realize that you can pass NULL to
xdg_toplevel_set_fullscreen and let the compositor choose the output if
the user doesn't specify it. If this has issues, get a better