2010-03-18 14:22:15 +01:00

134 lines
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# converter from Type 1 MIDI files to BGS files that control particle effects on maps
# usage:
# perl midi2bgs.pl filename.mid tracknumber channelnumber offset notepattern > filename.bgs
# track and channel numbers -1 include all events
# in patterns, %1$s inserts the note name, %2$d inserts the track number, and %3$d inserts the channel number
# example:
# perl midi2bgs.pl filename.mid -1 10 0.3 'note_%1$s_%3$d_%2$d' > filename.bgs
use strict;
use warnings;
use MIDI;
use MIDI::Opus;
my ($filename, $trackno, $channelno, $offset, $notepattern) = @ARGV;
$notepattern = '%1$s'
unless defined $notepattern;
defined $offset
or die "usage: $0 filename.mid {trackno|-1} {channelno|-1} offset [notepattern]\n";
my $opus = MIDI::Opus->new({from_file => $filename});
my $ticksperquarter = $opus->ticks();
my $tracks = $opus->tracks_r();
my @tempi = (); # list of start tick, time per tick pairs (calculated as seconds per quarter / ticks per quarter)
my $tick;
$tick = 0;
$tick += $_->[1];
if($_->[0] eq 'set_tempo')
push @tempi, [$tick, $_->[2] * 0.000001 / $ticksperquarter];
sub tick2sec($)
my ($tick) = @_;
my $sec = 0;
my $curtempo = [0, 0.5 / $ticksperquarter];
if($_->[0] < $tick)
# this event is in the past
# we add the full time since the last one then
$sec += ($_->[0] - $curtempo->[0]) * $curtempo->[1];
# if this event is in the future, we break
$curtempo = $_;
$sec += ($tick - $curtempo->[0]) * $curtempo->[1];
return $sec + $offset;
my @notes = ('c', 'c#', 'd', 'd#', 'e', 'f', 'f#', 'g', 'g#', 'a', 'a#', 'b');
my @notenames = ();
for my $octave (0..11)
if($octave <= 3)
push @notenames, uc($_) . ',' x (3 - $octave);
push @notenames, lc($_) . "'" x ($octave - 4);
# merge all to a single track
my @allmidievents = ();
my $sequence = 0;
for my $track(0..@$tracks-1)
$tick = 0;
my ($command, $delta, @data) = @$_;
$tick += $delta;
push @allmidievents, [$command, $tick, $sequence++, $track, @data];
@allmidievents = sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] or $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] } @allmidievents;
my @outevents = (); # format: name, time in seconds, velocity
$tick = 0;
my %notecounters;
my %notecounters_converted;
my $t = tick2sec $_->[1];
my $track = $_->[3];
unless $trackno < 0 || $trackno == $track;
if($_->[0] eq 'note_on')
my $chan = $_->[4] + 1;
my $note = sprintf $notepattern, $notenames[$_->[5]], $trackno, $channelno;
my $velocity = $_->[6] / 127.0;
push @outevents, [$note, $t, $velocity]
if($channelno < 0 || $channelno == $chan);
unless $notecounters{$chan}{$_->[5]};
$notecounters{$chan}{$_->[5]} = 1;
elsif($_->[0] eq 'note_off')
my $chan = $_->[4] + 1;
my $note = sprintf $notepattern, $notenames[$_->[5]], $trackno, $channelno;
my $velocity = $_->[6] / 127.0;
if $notecounters{$chan}{$_->[5]};
$notecounters{$chan}{$_->[5]} = 0;
if($notecounters_converted{$note} == 0)
push @outevents, [$note, $t, 0]
if($channelno < 0 || $channelno == $chan);
for(sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] or $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @outevents)
printf "%s %13.6f %13.6f\n", @$_;