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synced 2025-03-04 18:37:34 +00:00
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# Xonotic rcon2irc plugin by Merlijn Hofstra licensed under GPL - ping-pl.pl
# Place this file inside the same directory as rcon2irc.pl and add the full filename to the plugins.
# Don't forget to edit the options below to suit your needs.
# This script monitors players ping and packet loss, people with really large values here are
# lagging a lot, and this lag appears to other players as well as seeing the lagging player move
# with lots of stutter. Bare in mind that even those of us on very good connections may lose a
# packet or have a high ping every once in the while.
{ my %pp = (
max_ping => 350,
max_pl => 10,
warn_player => 1, # send a tell command to the player to notify of bad connection (0 or 1)
warn_irc => 1, # send a warning to irc to notify that a player has a bad connection (0 or 1)
warnings => 3, # how many times must ping/pl exceed the limit before a warning
kick => 0, # how many times must ping/pl exceed the limit before a kick (0 to disable)
timeframe => 20, # minutes until a count is forgotten
warnmsg => 'You are having connection problems, causing you to lag - please fix them',
kickmsg => 'You are getting kicked for having connection problems.'
$store{plugin_ping-pl} = \%pp; }
sub out($$@);
# Check users ping and packet loss
[ dp => q{\^\d(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(-?\d+)\s+\#(\d+)\s+\^\d(.*)} => sub {
my ($ip, $pl, $ping, $time, $frags, $no, $name) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
my $id = $store{"playerid_byslot_$no"};
return 0 unless ( defined $id );
return 0 if ($frags == -666 || $ip eq 'bot');
my $pp = $store{plugin_ping-pl};
#does the player violate one of our limits?
my $warn = 0;
if ($ping >= $pp->{max_ping} || $pl >= $pp->{max_pl}) {
#add a violation
push @{ $pp->{"violation_$id"} }, time();
$warn = 1;
#maybe we need to clear the oldest violation
shift @{ $pp->{"violation_$id"} } if (defined ${ $pp->{"violation_$id"} }[0] && (${ $pp->{"violation_$id"} }[0] + (60 * $pp->{timeframe})) <= time());
#do we have to kick the user?
if ((scalar @{ $pp->{"violation_$id"} }) >= $pp->{kick} && $pp->{kick} > 0) {
if ($pp->{warn_player}) {
out dp => 0, "tell #$no " . $pp->{kickmsg};
if ($pp->{warn_irc}) {
out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\00304* kicking\017 " . $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} . "\017 for having a bad connection" .
" (current ping/pl: \00304$ping/$pl\017)";
out dp => 0, "kick # $no bad connection";
$pp->{"violation_$id"} = undef;
return 0;
#do we have to warn the user?
if ($warn && (scalar @{ $pp->{"violation_$id"} }) && ((scalar @{ $pp->{"violation_$id"} }) % $pp->{warnings}) == 0) {
if ($pp->{warn_player}) {
out dp => 0, "tell #$no " . $pp->{warnmsg};
if ($pp->{warn_irc}) {
out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\00308* warning\017 " . $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} . "\017 has a bad connection" .
" (current ping/pl: \00304$ping/$pl\017)";
return 0;
} ],
# For now will just empty our data at the end of a match
[ dp => q{^:end} => sub {
my $pp = $store{plugin_ping-pl};
foreach ( keys %{ $pp } ) {
$pp->{$_} = undef if ($_ =~ m/^violation/);
return 0;
} ],