
31 lines
896 B

// sound
bgmvolume 0 // bgm OFF
snd_staticvolume 0 // ambient OFF
snd_channel0volume 0 // info OFF
snd_channel1volume 0.5 // guns -3dB
snd_channel2volume 0 // voice OFF
snd_channel3volume 2 // jetpack +3dB
snd_channel4volume 0.5 // shots -3dB
snd_channel5volume 1 // tuba 0dB
snd_channel6volume 0 // pain OFF
snd_channel7volume 2 // jumps +3dB
snd_channel8volume 0 // bgm OFF
snd_channel9volume 0 // ambient OFF
// graphics
// r_shadow_lightattenuationlinearscale 0.15
// r_shadow_lightattenuationdividebias 0.03125
// r_shadow_lightintensityscale 4
// r_coronas 0.0625
r_shadows_throwdistance 10000
r_shadows_shadowmapscale 0.25
r_usedepthtextures 1 // workaround for broken shadowmaps
r_shadows 2
r_shadow_shadowmapping 1
snd_soundradius 3200
// HUD
hud_panel_pressedkeys_aspect 1.07
hud_panel_pressedkeys_attack 1
hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_padding -16 // HACK to enlarge the pressedkeys view