Stephan Stahl 2ec7592650 rm'd further nex-havoc references
replace nex with xonotic in a lot of places
2010-03-30 20:55:57 +00:00

113 lines
4.0 KiB

# Xonotic rcon2irc plugin by Merlijn Hofstra licensed under GPL - joinsparts.pl
# Place this file inside the same directory as rcon2irc.pl and add the full filename to the plugins.
# Don't forget to edit the options below to suit your needs.
{ my %pj = (
irc_announce_joins => 1,
irc_announce_parts => 1,
irc_show_playerip => 0,
irc_show_mapname => 0,
irc_show_amount_of_players => 0,
irc_show_country => 0,
check_clones => 1
# current code has been tested against version 0.8 of the Geo::IPfree module
# You can obtain a copy here: http://search.cpan.org/~bricas/Geo-IPfree-0.8/lib/Geo/IPfree.pm
# Place the 'Geo' dir in the same directory as this plugin or anywhere in @INC.
if ($pj{irc_show_country}) {
eval {
require Geo::IPfree;
$pj{geo} = Geo::IPfree->new;
$pj{geo}->Faster; # Due to a relatively large amount of lookups, this is probably a good idea
} or die "joinsparts.pl: requested countrynames, but can't load data, $@";
$store{plugin_joinsparts} = \%pj; }
sub out($$@);
sub get_player_count
my $count = 0;
for (1 .. $store{slots_max}) {
my $id = $store{"playerid_byslot_$_"};
$count++ if (defined $id && $store{"playerip_byid_$id"} ne 'bot');
return $count;
# Catch joins and display requested info
[ dp => q{:join:(\d+):(\d+):([^:]*):(.*)} => sub {
my ($id, $slot, $ip, $nick) = @_;
my $pj = $store{plugin_joinsparts};
$pj->{alive_check}->[$slot] = 1;
return 0 if ($ip eq 'bot');
my ($cn) = $pj->{geo}->LookUp($ip) if ($pj->{irc_show_country});
my $clonenicks;
if ($pj->{check_clones}) {
for (1 .. $store{slots_max}) {
my $plrid = $store{"playerid_byslot_$_"};
next if (!defined $plrid || $plrid == $id || $ip ne $store{"playerip_byid_$plrid"});
$clonenicks .= ' ' . $store{"playernick_byid_$plrid"} . "\017";
$nick = color_dp2irc $nick;
if ($pj->{irc_announce_joins} && !$store{"playerid_byslot_$slot"}) {
out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\00309+ join\017: $nick\017" .
($pj->{irc_show_playerip} ? " (\00304$ip\017)" : '') .
($pj->{irc_show_country} && $cn ? " CN: \00304$cn\017" : '') .
($clonenicks ? " Clone of:$clonenicks" : '') .
($pj->{irc_show_mapname} ? " playing on \00304$store{map}\017" : '') .
($pj->{irc_show_amount_of_players} ? " players: \00304" . (get_player_count()+1) . "\017/$store{slots_max}" : '');
return 0;
} ],
# Record parts so the info in $store is always up to date
[ dp => q{:part:(\d+)} => sub {
my ($id) = @_;
my $pj = $store{plugin_joinsparts};
my $ip = $store{"playerip_byid_$id"};
my ($cn) = $pj->{geo}->LookUp($ip) if ($pj->{irc_show_country} && $ip ne 'bot');
if ($pj->{irc_announce_parts} && defined $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} && $store{"playerip_byid_$id"} ne 'bot') {
out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\00304- part\017: " . $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} . "\017" .
($pj->{irc_show_playerip} ? " (\00304$ip\017)" : '') .
($pj->{irc_show_country} && $cn ? " CN: \00304$cn\017": '') .
($pj->{irc_show_mapname} ? " playing on \00304$store{map}\017" : '') .
($pj->{irc_show_amount_of_players} ? " players: \00304" . (get_player_count()-1) . "\017/$store{slots_max}" : '');
my $slot = $store{"playerslot_byid_$id"};
$store{"playernickraw_byid_$id"} = undef;
$store{"playernick_byid_$id"} = undef;
$store{"playerip_byid_$id"} = undef;
$store{"playerslot_byid_$id"} = undef;
$store{"playerid_byslot_$slot"} = undef;
return 0;
} ],
# Add some functionality that should clear 'ghost' clients that disconnect at unfortunate times
[ dp => q{:end} => sub {
return 0 unless (time() - $store{map_starttime} > 180); # make sure the map has been played at least 3 minutes
my $pj = $store{plugin_joinsparts};
for (1 .. $store{slots_max}) {
if ($store{"playerid_byslot_$_"} && !$pj->{alive_check}->[$_]) {
my $id = $store{"playerid_byslot_$_"};
$store{"playernickraw_byid_$id"} = undef;
$store{"playernick_byid_$id"} = undef;
$store{"playerip_byid_$id"} = undef;
$store{"playerslot_byid_$id"} = undef;
$store{"playerid_byslot_$_"} = undef;
$pj->{alive_check} = ();
return 0;
} ],