Merge branch 'master' of git://

This commit is contained in:
Rudolf Polzer 2013-06-23 18:36:04 +02:00
commit 741d4b5ab2

View File

@ -106,10 +106,6 @@ while(@ARGV)
$options->{minimap} = undef;
elsif($_ eq '-noshaderlist')
$options->{noshaderlist} = 1;
elsif($_ eq '-bsp_timeout')
$options->{bsp_timeout} = shift @ARGV;
@ -222,16 +218,24 @@ sub q3map2(@)
(my $mapdir = getcwd()) =~ s!/[^/]*(?:$)!!;
$mapdir = "/" if $mapdir eq "";
symlink "$mapdir", "$linkdir/data";
my ($prescale, $postscale) = ($options->{scalefactor} =~ /^([0-9.]+)(?::([0-9.]+))?$/);
$prescale = 1 if not defined $prescale;
$postscale = 1 if not defined $postscale;
my $origcwd = getcwd();
for my $m(@{$options->{maps}})
chdir $origcwd
or die "chdir $origcwd: $!";
if($m =~ s!(.*)/!!)
my $predir = $1;
chdir $predir
or die "chdir $predir: $!";
symlink getcwd() . "/..", "$linkdir/data"
or die "symlink $linkdir/data: $!";
$m =~ s/\.(?:map|bsp)$//;
if($prescale != 1)
@ -239,142 +243,61 @@ for my $m(@{$options->{maps}})
unshift @{$options->{bsp}}, "-keeplights";
my %shaders = map { m!/([^/.]*)\.shader(?:$)! ? ($1 => 1) : () } glob "../scripts/*.shader";
my $restore_shaderlist = sub { };
my $previous_shaderlist = undef;
my $shaderlist = "";
if(open my $fh, "<", "$XONOTICDIR/data/scripts/shaderlist.txt")
$shaderlist .= $_;
# we may have to restore the file on exit
$previous_shaderlist = $shaderlist
if "$XONOTICDIR/data" eq $mapdir;
# possibly extract the shader list from a pk3?
local $ENV{N} = $XONOTICDIR;
$shaderlist = `cd "\$N" && for X in "\$N"/data/data*.pk3; do Y=\$X; done; unzip -p "\$Y" scripts/shaderlist.txt`;
my $shaderlist_new = "";
for(split /\r?\n|\r/, $shaderlist)
delete $shaders{$_};
$shaderlist_new .= "$_\n";
for(sort keys %shaders)
$shaderlist_new .= "$_\n";
$shaderlist_new = undef;
$restore_shaderlist = sub
if(defined $shaderlist_new)
if(defined $previous_shaderlist)
open my $fh, ">", "$mapdir/scripts/shaderlist.txt";
print $fh $previous_shaderlist;
close $fh;
unlink "$mapdir/scripts/shaderlist.txt";
if(defined $shaderlist_new)
mkdir "$mapdir/scripts";
open my $fh, ">", "$mapdir/scripts/shaderlist.txt";
print $fh $shaderlist_new;
close $fh;
local $SIG{INT} = sub
print "SIGINT caught, cleaning up...\n";
exit 0;
unlink <$m/lm_*>; # delete old external lightmaps
q3map2 '-bsp', @{$options->{bsp}}, "$"
or die "-bsp: $?";
if($prescale != 1)
unlink <$m/lm_*>; # delete old external lightmaps
q3map2 '-bsp', @{$options->{bsp}}, "$"
or die "-bsp: $?";
if($prescale != 1)
q3map2 '-scale', @{$options->{scale}}, $prescale, "$m.bsp"
or die "-scale: $?";
rename "${m}_s.bsp", "$m.bsp"
or die "rename ${m}_s.bsp $m.bsp: $!";
my @o = @{$options->{order}};
push @o, qw/light vis/;
my %o = ();
next if $o{$_}++;
if($_ eq 'light')
if(defined $options->{light})
q3map2 '-light', @{$options->{light}}, "$"
or die "-light: $?";
if($_ eq 'vis')
if(defined $options->{vis})
q3map2 '-vis', @{$options->{vis}}, "$"
or die "-vis: $?";
if($postscale != 1)
q3map2 '-scale', @{$options->{scale}}, $postscale, "$m.bsp"
or die "-scale: $?";
rename "${m}_s.bsp", "$m.bsp"
or die "rename ${m}_s.bsp $m.bsp: $!";
if(defined $options->{minimap})
q3map2 '-minimap', @{$options->{minimap}}, "$"
or die "-minimap: $?";
unlink "$m.srf";
unlink "$m.prt";
q3map2 '-scale', @{$options->{scale}}, $prescale, "$m.bsp"
or die "-scale: $?";
rename "${m}_s.bsp", "$m.bsp"
or die "rename ${m}_s.bsp $m.bsp: $!";
or do
my @o = @{$options->{order}};
push @o, qw/light vis/;
my %o = ();
die $@;
next if $o{$_}++;
if($_ eq 'light')
if(defined $options->{light})
q3map2 '-light', @{$options->{light}}, "$"
or die "-light: $?";
if($_ eq 'vis')
if(defined $options->{vis})
q3map2 '-vis', @{$options->{vis}}, "$"
or die "-vis: $?";
if($postscale != 1)
q3map2 '-scale', @{$options->{scale}}, $postscale, "$m.bsp"
or die "-scale: $?";
rename "${m}_s.bsp", "$m.bsp"
or die "rename ${m}_s.bsp $m.bsp: $!";
if(defined $options->{minimap})
q3map2 '-minimap', @{$options->{minimap}}, "$"
or die "-minimap: $?";
unlink "$m.srf";
unlink "$m.prt";