<metaname="author"content="Tyler Mulligan of www.detrition.net a.k.a -z- of www.nexuizninjaz.com"/>
<metaname="Description"content="Nexuiz is a free open-source fast paced first person shooter (FPS) that runs on Windows, Linux and OSX. Nexuiz utilizes the darkplaces engine modeled after the Quake series."/>
<metaname="Keywords"content="Nexuiz, Nexiuz, first person shooter, darkplaces, open-source game, open source game, free game, linux game, deathmatch, death match, ctf, quake, alientrap, alien trap, ninjaz"/>
<title>Nexuiz - A free open-source fast paced first person shooter (FPS) for Windows, Linux and OSX</title>
<ahref="http://www.nexuiz.com"title="Nexuiz - Simple, fast, intense and completely free"><imgsrc="htmlfiles/img/nexuiz_logo.jpg"alt="Nexuiz is a free open-source fast paced first person shooter that runs on Windows, Linux and OSX."width="201"height="193"border="0"title="Nexuiz is a free open-source fast paced first person shooter that runs on Windows, Linux and OSX."/></a>
<aid="alien_trap"href="http://www.alientrap.org"title="Developed by Alien Trap"target="_blank"> </a></div>
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<ahref="http://nexuiz.com"title="Nexuiz - Simple, fast, intense and completely free"><imgsrc="htmlfiles/img/nexuiz_header.jpg"alt="Nexuiz is a free open-source fast paced first person shooter that runs on Windows, Linux and OSX."width="766"height="107"border="0"title="Nexuiz - Simple, fast, intense and completely free"/></a>
<pid="tagline">Nexuiz is a <b>free</b> open-source first person shooter that runs on <b>Windows</b>, <b>Linux</b> and <b>OSX</b>.</p>
<p>In a message you "say", you can use the following escapes: </p>
<li>%% literal percent sign</li>
<li>%a current armor value </li>
<li>%h current health </li>
<li>%w current weapon </li>
<li>%W current ammo type </li>
<li>%s current speed on XY axes</li>
<li>%S current speed on XYZ axes</li>
<li>%v accuracy stats of currently held weapon</li>
<li>%x name of entity pointed at </li>
<li>%p name of player you look at </li>
<li>%l current location</li>
<li>%y location pointed at </li>
<li>%d location last died at </li>
<p>The latter three need location data or use nearby weapons instead. Location data are entities of type target_location with a netname that replaces the escape. </p>
<p>The location entity for a point is chosen by the following algorithm: </p>
<p> </p>
<li>- the closest four entities are found </li>
<li>- of these, the first one which is actually VISIBLE to the point is chosen </li>
<li>- if there is no line of sight from the point to any of the four location </li>
<li>entities, the closest one is chosen </li>
<p>Of course you can use these escapes in key bindings and aliases; examples:</p>
<li>alias asay_ctf_flagcarrier "say_team flag carrier at %y"</li>
<li>alias asay_ctf_haveflag "say_team (%l) have the flag"</li>
<li>alias asay_willgo "say_team will go to %y"</li>
<li>alias asay_support "say_team (%l) need help, %h%%"</li>
<li>alias asay_killed "say_team got killed at %d"</li>
<li>alias asay_noammo "say_team (%l) need %W for %w"</li>
<pid="ninja"><ahref="http://www.detrition.net"title="Tyler Mulligan's Working Portfolio"target="_blank">page created by</a><ahref="http://www.nexuizninjaz.com"title="Nexuiz Ninjaz - Practicing the ninja arts of Nexuiz"target="_blank">a ninja</a></p>
</ul></div><pclass="subFooter">Come to the Nexuiz IRC channel: <ahref="irc://irc.quakenet.org/nexuiz"title="#nexuiz on irc.quakenet.org">#nexuiz on irc.quakenet.org</a> or the team channel: <ahref="irc://irc.anynet.org/alientrap"title="#alientrap on irc.anynet.org">#alientrap on irc.anynet.org</a></p>