From failsafe_context(5):
"The failsafe_context file allows SELinux-aware applications such as
PAM(8) to obtain a known valid login context for an administrator if
no valid default entries can be found elsewhere."
"Надёжный" means "reliable", "резервный" means "reserve",
the last variant is much closer to what "failsafe" really does.
Discussed with and approved by previous translators:
Signed-off-by: Mikhail Novosyolov <>
Acked-by: Petr Lautrbach <>
According to "check_dominance" function:
Range defined as "s15:c0.c1023" does not dominate any other range than
"s15:c0.c1023" (does not dominate "s15", "s15:c0.c200", etc.).
While range defined as "s15-s15:c0.c1023" dominates all of the above.
This is either a bug, or "s15:c0.c1023" should not be used in the
Signed-off-by: Vit Mojzis <>