2017-03-09 01:07:22 +01:00

335 lines
10 KiB

## v0.6.0
- Fixed a bug where the tag display was broken on detached HEADs.
- Fixed a bug where SVN detection sometimes failed.
- Fixed the `load` and `ram` segments for BSD.
- Fixed code-points that changed in Awesome fonts.
- Fixed display of "OK_ICON" in `status` segment in non-verbose mode.
- Fixed an issue where dir name truncation that was very short sometimes failed.
- Speed & accuracy improvements to the battery segment.
- Added Github syntax highlighting to README.
- Various documentation cleanup.
### New Font Option: nerd-fonts
There is now an option to use [nerd-fonts](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts) with P9k. Simply configure the `nerdfont-fontconfig`, and you'll be set!
### `vcs` changes
The VCS segment can now display icons for remote repo hosting services, including Github, Gitlab, and 'other'.
### `dir` changes
Added an option to configure the path separator. If you want something
else than an ordinary slash, you could set
`POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PATH_SEPARATOR` to whatever you want.
#### `truncate_with_package_name` now searches for `composer.json` as well
Now `composer.json` files are searched as well. By default `package.json` still takes
precedence. If you want to change that, set `POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PACKAGE_FILES=(composer.json package.json)`.
### New segment `command_execution_time` added
Shows the duration a command needed to run. By default only durations over 3 seconds
are shown (can be adjusted by setting POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_THRESHOLD).
### New segment `dir_writable` added
This segment displays a lock icon if your user has no write permissions in the current folder.
### New segment `disk_usage` added
This segment will show the usage level of your current partition.
### New segment `public_ip` added
Fetches your Public IP (using ident.me) and displays it in your prompt.
### New segment `swift_version` added
This segment displays the version of Swift that is installed / in your path.
### New segment `detect_virt` added
Detects and reports if you are in a virtualized session using `systemd`.
## v0.5.0
### `load` and `ram` changes
These two segments now support BSD.
### `vcs` changes
- We implemented a huge speed improvement for this segment.
- Now this segment supports Subversion repositories.
- Add ability to hide tags by setting `POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_HIDE_TAGS` to true.
## `anaconda` changes
Speed improvements for `anaconda` segment.
## v0.4.0
### Development changes
From now on, development makes use of a CI system "travis".
### `vcs` changes
The default state was renamed to `clean`. If you overrode foreground
or background color in the past, you need to rename your variables to:
Additionaly the vcs segment now has an `untracked` state which
indicates that you have untracked files in your repository.
The foreground color of actionformat is now configurable via:
Also, the vcs segment uses the foreground color it was configured to.
That said, the variables `POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_FOREGROUND` and
`POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_DARK_FOREGROUND` are no longer used. Instead use
the proper variable `POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_<STATE>_FOREGROUND` to change
foreground color.
### `dir` Shortening Strategies
There is now a path shortening strategy that will use the `package.json` file to
shorten your directory path. See the documentation for the `dir` segment for more
Also, the shorten delimiter was changed to an unicode ellipsis. It is configurable
### `rbenv` changes
The `rbenv` segment now makes use of the full rbenv command, so the correct
ruby version is now shown if it differs from the globally one.
### `node`, `nvm` Segments
Improvements to speed / reliability.
### `ram` changes
The `ram` segment was split up into `ram` and `swap`. The
`POWERLEVEL9K_RAM_ELEMENTS` variable is obsolete.
### New segment `swap` added
Due to the split up of the ram segment, this one was created. It
shows the currently used swap size.
### New segment `nodeenv` added
Added new `nodeenv` segment that shows the currently used node environment.
### New segment `aws_eb_env` added
This segment displays the current Elastic Beanstalk environment.
### New segment `chruby` added
Added new `chruby` segment to support this version manager.
### New segment `docker_machine` added
Added new `docker_machine` segment that will show your Docker machine.
### New segment `anaconda` added
A new segment `anaconda` was added that shows the current used
anaconda environment.
## New segment `pyenv` added
This segment shows your active python version as reported by `pyenv`.
## v0.3.2
### `vcs` changes
A new state `UNTRACKED` was added to the `vcs` segment. So we now
have 3 states for repositories: `UNTRACKED`, `MODIFIED`, and the
default state. The `UNTRACKED` state is active when there are files
in the repository directory which have not been added to the repo
(the same as when the `+` icon appears). The default color for the
`UNTRACKED` state is now yellow, and the default color for the
`MODIFIED` state is now read, but those colors can be changed by
setting these variables, for example:
## v0.3.1
### `dir` changes
A new state `HOME_SUBFOLDER` was added. So if you want to overwrite
colors for this segment, also set this variables:
### `background_jobs` changes
Now displays the number of background jobs if there's more than 1.
You can disable it by setting :
## v0.3.0
### Introduced "visual identifiers" to the segments
Now almost every segment can have a visual identifier, which is an
icon whose color could be adjusted by users.
### Added ability for "joined" segments
You can now merge segments together by suffixing the segment name with "_joined".
For Developers: Be aware that the order of parameters in left/right_prompt_segment
has changed. Now a boolean parameter must be set as second parameter (true if joined).
### `dir` changes
This segment now has "state", which means you now can change the colors seperatly
depending if you are in your homefolder or not.
Your variables for that should now look like:
### `status` changes
The `status` segment was split up into three segments. `background_jobs` prints
an icon if there are background jobs. `root_indicator` prints an icon if the user
is root. The `status` segment focuses now on the status only.
The `status` segment also now has "state". If you want to overwrite the colors,
you have to add the state to your variables:
### New segment `custom_command` added
A new segment that allows users to define a custom command was added.
### `virtualenv` changes
This segment now respects `VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT`. If this variable is set
to `true`, the segments does not get rendered.
### `load` changes
The `load` segement was split and a new segment `ram` was extracted. This new
segment is able to show the free ram and used swap.
### `vcs` changes
This prompt uses the `VCS_INFO` subsystem by ZSH. From now on this subsystem
is only invoked if a `vcs` segment was configured.
### `rvm` changes
This segment now does not invoke RVM directly anymore. Instead, is relys on the
circumstance that RVM was invoked beforehand and just reads the environment
variables '$GEM_HOME' and '$MY_RUBY_HOME'. It also now displays the used gemset.
### New segment `battery` added
A new segment that shows the battery status of your laptop was added.
### New segment `go_version` added
This segment shows the GO version.
### New segment `nvm` added
This segment shows your NodeJS version by using NVM (and if it is not 'default').
### New segment `todo` added
This segment shows your ToDos from [todo.sh](http://todotxt.com/).
### New segment `rust_version` added
This segment shows your local rust version.
## v0.2.0
### `longstatus` is now `status`
The segments got merged together. To show the segment only if an error occurred,
set `POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_VERBOSE=false` (this is the same behavior as the old
`status` segment.
### Icon overriding mechanism added
All icons can now be overridden by setting a variable named by the internal icon
name. You can get a full list of icon name by calling `get_icon_names`.
### Same color segements get visual separator
This separator can be controlled by setting `POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR`
or `POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR`. By default this separator is
printed in the foreground color.
### `dir` segment has different strategies for truncation
Now you can choose between `truncate_middle` or `truncate_from_right` by setting
`POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY`. Default behavior is unchanged (truncate whole
directories). `POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH` can be used to influence how
much will be truncated (either direcories or chars).
### New segment `ip` added
This segment shows your internal IP address. You can define which interfaces IP
will be shown by specifying it via `POWERLEVEL9K_IP_INTERFACE`.
### New segment `load` added
This segment shows your computers 5min load average.
### New segment `os_icon` added
This segment shows a little indicator which OS you are running.
### New segment `php_version` added
This segment shows your PHP version.
### New segment `vi_mode` added
This segment gives you a hint in which VI-mode you currently are. This
segment requires a proper configured VI-mode.
### Added the ability to have empty left or right prompts
By setting the according variable to an empty array, the left or right
prompt will be empty.
## v0.1.0
This is the first release