This metric can be very expensive to store in prometheus and has the potential to create an unreasonably large cardinality set of metrics so warn the user.
Signed-off-by: Joe Adams <>
Moves code into more manageable, logical files to group behavior together. This should help improve a developer's ability to navigate the code.
Signed-off-by: Joe Adams <>
* Add CHANGELOG from existing tags.
First release under the Prometheus Community organisation.
* [CHANGE] Update build to use standard Prometheus promu/Dockerfile
* [ENHANCEMENT] Remove duplicate column in queries.yml #433
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add query for 'pg_replication_slots' #465
* [ENHANCEMENT] Allow a custom prefix for metric namespace #387
* [ENHANCEMENT] Improve PostgreSQL replication lag detection #395
* [ENHANCEMENT] Support connstring syntax when discovering databases #473
* [ENHANCEMENT] Detect SIReadLock locks in the pg_locks metric #421
* [BUGFIX] Fix pg_database_size_bytes metric in queries.yaml #357
* [BUGFIX] Don't ignore errors in parseUserQueries #362
* [BUGFIX] Fix queries.yaml for AWS RDS #370
* [BUGFIX] Recover when connection cannot be established at startup #415
* [BUGFIX] Don't retry if an error occurs #426
* [BUGFIX] Do not panic on incorrect env #457
Signed-off-by: Ben Kochie <>
* Run the query for specific database version if provided from yml file.
By default query will run on all the databases if "runonserver" is not provided.
If user want the query to be run on multiple database versions, use below string.
runonserver: "9.5, 9.6"
Example yml file as below. ( e.g. below query will run only on database version 9.5 )
query: "SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (now() - pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp())) as lag"
master: true
runonserver: "9.5"
- lag:
usage: "GAUGE"
description: "Replication lag behind master in seconds"
* Fixed the below review comments given by Ashesh Vashi
Instead of having db version string from yml file, user can define the range of
database server version where query is to be executed.
If user want to run the query on database version greater than 10.0.0, use below format.
runonserver: ">=10.0.0"
Below are the example of db version range user can defined in yml file.
<9.6.0 || >=11.0.0
* Remove the call from unused places where 'runOnServer' is not required.
Only Server type hold that value.
* Fix compilation issues.
* Fix the issue with Debugln to print the database server version
* Support connstring syntax when discovering databases
Support connstring DSNs (`host=... user=... password=... dbname=...`) in
addition to URIs (`postgresql://user:pass@host/dbname`) for purposes of
database discovery.
Connstring syntax is needed to support accessing PostgreSQL via Unix
domain sockets (`host=/run/postgres`), which is not really possible with
URI syntax.
* Appease gometalinter, don't shadow namespace
When the connection to the PostgreSQL instance cannot be established straight
at startup, a race condition can happen when autoDiscoverDatabases is true. If
discoverDatabaseDSNs fails, no dsn is set as the master database, and, if
scrapeDSN succeeds, checkMapVersions will have omitted the default metrics in
the server metric map. The metric map won't be updated unless the version
returned by the PostgreSQL instance changes. With this patch, scrapeDSN won't
be run unless discoverDatabaseDSNs succeeded and thus the race condition is
Signed-off-by: Yann Soubeyrand <>
In some cases master can show pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp() from past,
which can cause the exporter to show ever-growing value for the lag.
By checking if the instance is in recovery we can avoid reporting some
huge number for master instance.