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1. Requirements:

Mono >= 5.4.0 (>= 5.8.0 recommended) Please check here for stable or here for an alpha release.
NuGet >= 4.4.0

2. Cloning project

Clone the entire repository with submodules using

git clone https://github.com/ppy/osu --recursive

Then restore NuGet packages from the repository

nuget restore

3. Compiling

Simply run msbuild where osu.sln is located, this will create all binaries in osu/osu.Desktop/bin/Debug.

4. Optimizing

If you want additional performance you can change build type to Release with

msbuild -p:Configuration=Release

Additionally, mono provides an AOT utility which attempts to precompile binaries. You can utilize that by running

mono --aot ./osu\!.exe

5. Troubleshooting

You may run into trouble with NuGet versioning, as the one in packaging system is almost always out of date. Simply run

sudo nuget update -self

Warning NuGet creates few config files when it's run for the first time. Do not run NuGet as root on the first run or you might run into very peculiar issues.