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Signal considered harmful

Signal claims to be a ultra private instant messenger. It encrypts the messages and there's no central server. Or is there?

Let's find out!


Signal always struggled with which should be the most easy thing (and mandatory if you want users to use your thing) the distribution.

Being Signal Android/The Apple Garbage software, it should be distributed in their respective stores. In Android, you can use F-Droid. But Signal discourages getting Signal from F-Droid.

G**gle Play Services are literally botnet. They allow software to run in the background (for things like notifications). They also allow the software to update in the background. Basically, G**gle play services is a rootkit, that allows <thing> to do anything with your phone. Without you knowing!

For the longest time, Signal would not work without G**gle Play Services Thankfully, this is fixed since 2017, and Google Play services are not longer needed.

BUT if you go to>get signal->Android will redirect you to G**gle Play


F-Droid is a repository that only gives you Free (as in freedom (and as free beer)) software for Android.

Moxie Don't want to use F-Droid as official way of distribution because it does not allow auto-updating. Auto-upgrades are harmful. And we all know that.

F-Droid supports upgrades. They're just manual. Android sucks and you cannot do like xbps-install -Su to verify and upgrade all your packages. You have to install the APKs one by one.

But the thing here is that F-Droid supports upgrades!

Moxie also claims that APKs could not be verified in another store. This is not true.

Moxie could setup his own F-Droid repository (it's easy as crap). But Signal cared more about important features that security-wanting users. Such as Emoji reactions or Animated gif search, using 3rd party websites

Direct APK download

Anyways, You can Download the apk from the official signal website but I had to use my search engine to find this. So this is hidden as shit. Also, it encourages to download signal from G**gle Play

And the way to verify it is using keytool (whatever that is (I also had to use my search engine to see that the hell that is))

To verify the file. I had to unzip the apk (what?), get to the META-INF folder, and use keytool to verify.

Why don't just use .sig files to verify things? (Like any other Free Software does with their binaries and source packages? (Also, every sane repository does this with RSA))

Also: A checksum IS NOT a signature. Your local fed can break onto your server, put a backdoored APK, and change the checksums. What a fed cannot do though is to sign that backdoored APK with your PGP key, because you need the private key to sign. Also the passphrase in any sane implementation of OpenPGP, BTW F-Droid signs the packages automatically.

Signal desktop

Plus it is made in electron


Signal claims to be a P2P messenger1 2, this is true I guess. But what is not true is that the whole system is P2P. It has centralized servers

Where does Signal stores your phone number, so you can use your account in multiple clients? How do i get information about my contact? Yup, they're stored in Moxie's servers!

Signal should be federated. Basically a federation are like email, Lain can send an email from to qorg, whose email is at, and nothing says you cannot do that.

I should be able to setup my own Signal server, in my own hardware. So I'm in control of the logs and data. I can also let my friends to use my server. And this server should be able to communicate to the official signal servers.

BUT Moxie forbids this. Your fork of Signal cannot use the official Signal servers. Because servers are not federated. This means that Signal Fork's users cannot talk to official Signal users. No fork of Signal will ever have any large user base.

Your Signal fork, also, can't have the name "Signal" on it. Because that makes Moxie angry

Why is Signal recommended by security experts then?

Because they're trying to convince computer novices to use a secure IM, you know, I don't expect my grandmother to setup her own XMPP server. But I can expect her to use Signal since it is made for novices.


Jack (Twitter's CEO), Elon Musk (Guy who wants to literally backdoor your brain) are suddendly recommending signal.

These guys sells your data to the highest bidder, why are them suddendly recommending a "private" and "secure" IM?


XMPP does not have any of these problems.

Okay, Signal is good, but the things we have talked about here is not what you expect from a "security focused" program. The chat itself is P2P3, and that's good. Also it is encrypted. So if you have to choose between <big corporate owned IM> and Signal, choose Signal.

Did I mention it needs phone number to work?

  1. Signal services died in 2021-01-15. How could have this have happened is it is P2P? ↩︎

  2. Apparently they never claimed to be a P2P messanger, but some media did tell that Signal is P2P. So some people (like me...) would believe it is P2P ↩︎

  3. It isn't. ↩︎