
998 B

Windows sucks

Windows is proprietary software so you don't have control over it. Instead micr*s*ft has control over YOU . The following operating systems sucks:

  • Windows 9x
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows xp
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8/8.1
  • Windows 10

Microsoft spies on you, puts ads on your system and charges you. Which should be ilegal. In fact spying on you should be ilegal.

Windows comes with installed program you didn't even asked for. which is true bloatware. More bloated than the Linux kernel.

Windows sucks for developement, you don't have any equivalent to, for example /usr/include and you have to install bash/cygwin to get a "GNU/Linux feeling"

Microsoft really hates standards, their products used not to be compatible with most standards. Internet Explorer for example. GNU software doesn't follows the standards at 100%, but GNU software does add something useful to the software instead of making it a pain in the ass.