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Prometheus IPMI Exporter
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This is an IPMI exporter for [Prometheus][prometheus].
[prometheus]: https://prometheus.io "Prometheus homepage"
It supports both the regular `/metrics` endpoint, exposing metrics from the
host that the exporter is running on, as well as an `/ipmi` endpoint that
supports IPMI over RMCP - one exporter running on one host can be used to
monitor a large number of IPMI interfaces by passing the `target` parameter to
a scrape.
The exporter relies on tools from the [FreeIPMI][freeipmi] suite for the actual
IPMI implementation.
[freeipmi]: https://www.gnu.org/software/freeipmi/ "FreeIPMI homepage"
## Installation
For most use-cases, simply download the [the latest release][releases].
[releases]: https://github.com/prometheus-community/ipmi_exporter/releases "IPMI exporter releases on Github"
For Kubernets, you can use the community-maintained [Helm chart][helm].
[helm]: https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/prometheus-ipmi-exporter "IPMI exporter Helm chart in the helm-charts Github repo"
### Building from source
You need a Go development environment. Then, simply run `make` to build the
This uses the common prometheus tooling to build and run some tests.
Alternatively, you can use the standard Go tooling, which will install the
executable in `$GOPATH/bin`:
go get github.com/prometheus-community/ipmi_exporter
### Building a Docker container
You can build a Docker container with the included `docker` make target:
make promu
promu crossbuild -p linux/amd64
make docker
This will not even require Go tooling on the host. See the included [docker
compose example](docker-compose.yml) for how to use the resulting container.
### Building a RPM Package
See [how to build a RPM package](contrib/rpm/README.md).
## Running
A minimal invocation looks like this:
Supported parameters include:
- `web.listen-address`: the address/port to listen on (default: `":9290"`)
- `config.file`: path to the configuration file (default: none)
- `freeipmi.path`: path to the FreeIPMI executables (default: rely on `$PATH`)
For syntax and a complete list of available parameters, run:
./ipmi_exporter -h
Make sure you have the following tools from the [FreeIPMI][freeipmi] suite
- `ipmimonitoring`/`ipmi-sensors`
- `ipmi-dcmi`
- `ipmi-raw`
- `bmc-info`
- `ipmi-sel`
- `ipmi-chassis`
### Running as unprivileged user
If you are running the exporter as unprivileged user, but need to execute the
FreeIPMI tools as root, you can do the following:
1. Add sudoers files to permit the following commands
ipmi-exporter ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/ipmimonitoring,\
2. In your module config, override the collector command with `sudo` for
every collector you are using and add the actual command as custom
argument. Example for the "ipmi" collector:
ipmi: sudo
- "ipmimonitoring"
See the last module in the [example config](ipmi_remote.yml).
### Running in Docker
**NOTE:** you should only use Docker for remote metrics.
See [Building a Docker container](#building-a-docker-container) and the example
`docker-compose.yml`. Edit the `ipmi_remote.yml` file to configure IPMI
credentials, then run with:
sudo docker-compose up -d
By default, the server will bind on ``.
## Configuration
The [configuration](docs/configuration.md) document describes both the
configuration of the IPMI exporter itself as well as providing some guidance
for configuring the Prometheus server to scrape it.
## TLS and basic authentication
The IPMI Exporter supports TLS and basic authentication.
To use TLS and/or basic authentication, you need to pass a configuration file
using the `--web.config.file` parameter. The format of the file is described
[in the exporter-toolkit repository][toolkit].
[toolkit]: https://github.com/prometheus/exporter-toolkit/blob/master/docs/web-configuration.md
## Exported data
For a description of the metrics that this exporter provides, see the
[metrics](docs/metrics.md) document.