The Listen command automatically relies on it (without passing its
argument), and both Listen and Connect now support working with the
existing socket, so that it's possible to Bind an ip:port on an
existing socket or to create a new one for the purpose of listening
or connecting. It now becomes possible to do:
tcploop 0 L1234 C8888
to connect from port 1234 to port 8888.
Sometimes it's more convenient to be able to specify where to connect on
the connect() statement, let's make it possible to pass it in argument to
the C command.
The following directories were moved from contrib/ to dev/ to make their
use case a bit clearer. In short, only developers are expected to ever
go there. The makefile was updated to build and clean from these ones.
base64/ flags/ hpack/ plug_qdisc/ poll/ tcploop/ trace/