The new "show events" CLI keyword lists supported event sinks. When
passed a buffer-type sink it completely dumps it.
no drops at all during attachment even at 8 millon evts/s.
still missing the attachment limit though.
This now provides sink_new_buf() which allocates a ring buffer. One such
ring ("buf0") of 1 MB is created already, and may be used by sink_write().
The sink's creation should probably be moved somewhere else later.
The three functions (attach, IO handler, and release) are meant to be
called by any CLI command which requires to dump the contents of a ring
buffer. We do not implement anything generic to dump any ring buffer on
the CLI since it's meant to be used by other functionalities above.
However these functions deal with locking and everything so it's trivial
to embed them in other code.
This function tries to write to the ring buffer, possibly removing enough
old messages to make room for the new one. It takes two arrays of fragments
on input to ease the insertion of prefixes by the caller. It atomically
writes the message, possibly truncating it if desired, and returns the
operation's status.
Our circular buffers are well suited for being used as ring buffers for
not-so-structured data. The machanism here consists in making room in a
buffer before inserting a new record which is prefixed by its size, and
looking up next record based on the previous one's offset and size. We
can have up to 255 consumers watching for data (dump in progress, tail)
which guarantee that entrees are not recycled while they're being dumped.
The complete representation is described in the header file. For now only
ring_new(), ring_resize() and ring_free() are created.
Let's not mess up with fd-specific code, locking nor message formating
here, and use the new generic function instead. This substantially
simplifies the sink_write() code and makes it more agnostic to the
output representation and storage.
Currently both logs and event sinks may use a file descriptor to
atomically emit some output contents. The two may use the same FD though
nothing is done to make sure they use the same lock. Also there is quite
some redundancy between the two. Better make a specific function to send
a fragmented message to a file descriptor which will take care of the
locking via the fd's lock. The function is also able to truncate a
message and to enforce addition of a trailing LF when building the
output message.
The new functions are :
__b_put_varint() : inserts a varint when it's known that it fits
b_put_varint() : tries to insert a varint at the tail
b_get_varint() : tries to get a varint from the head
b_peek_varint() : tries to peek a varint at a specific offset
Wrapping is supported so that they are expected to be safe to use to
manipulate varints with buffers anywhere.
It will sometimes be useful to encode varints to know the output size in
advance. Two versions are provided, one inline using a switch/case construct
which will be trivial for use with constants (and will be very fast albeit
huge) and one function iterating on the number which is 5 times smaller,
for use with variables.
The converter can be useful to look up a server queue from a dynamic value.
It takes an input value of type string, either a server name or
<backend>/<server> format and returns the number of queued sessions
on that server. Can be used in places where we want to look up
queued sessions from a dynamic name, like a cookie value (e.g.
req.cook(SRVID),srv_queue) and then make a decision to break
persistence or direct a request elsewhere.
Signed-off-by: Nenad Merdanovic <>
The url32 sample fetch does not take the path part of the URL into
account. This is because in smp_fetch_url32() we erroneously modify
path.len and path.ptr before testing their value and building the
path based part of the hash.
This fixes issue #235
This must be backported as far as 1.9, when HTX was introduced.
The delete_listener() function takes the listener's lock before taking
the proto_lock, which is contrary to what other functions do, possibly
causing an AB/BA deadlock. In practice the two only places where both
are taken are during protocol_enable_all() and delete_listener(), the
former being used during startup and the latter during stop. In practice
during reload floods, it is technically possible for a thread to be
initializing the listeners while another one is stopping. While this
is too hard to trigger on 2.0 and above due to the synchronization of
all threads during startup, it's reasonably easy to do in 1.9 by having
hundreds of listeners, starting 64 threads and flooding them with reloads
like this :
$ while usleep 50000; do killall -USR2 haproxy; done
Usually in less than a minute, all threads will be deadlocked. The fix
consists in always taking the proto_lock before the listener lock. It
seems to be the only place where these two locks were reversed. This
fix needs to be backported to 2.0, 1.9, and 1.8.
If haproxy is built with profiling enabled with -pg, it is possible to
see the master quit during a reload while it's re-executing itself with
error code 155 (signal 27) saying "Profile timer expired)". This happens
if the SIGPROF signal is delivered during the execve() call while the
handler was already unregistered. The issue itself is not directly inside
haproxy but it's easy to address. This patch disables this signal before
calling execvp() during a master reload. A simple test for this consists
in running this little script with haproxy started in master-worker mode :
$ while usleep 50000; do killall -USR2 haproxy; done
This fix should be backported to all versions using the master-worker
If a receipt ends with the HTX buffer full and everything is completed except
appending the HTX EOM block, we end up detecting an error because the H1
parser did not switch to H1_MSG_DONE yet while all conditions for an end of
stream and end of buffer are met. This can be detected by retrieving 31532
or 31533 chunk-encoded bytes over H1 and seeing haproxy log "SD--" at the
end of a successful transfer.
Ideally the EOM part should be totally independent on the H1 message state
since the block was really parsed and finished. So we should switch to a
last state requiring to send only EOM. However this needs a few risky
changes. This patch aims for simplicity and backport safety, thus it only
adds a flag to the H1 stream indicating that an EOM is still needed, and
excludes this condition from the ones used to detect end of processing. A
cleaner approach needs to be studied, either by adding a state before DONE
or by setting DONE once the various blocks are parsed and before trying to
send EOM.
This fix must be backported to 2.0. The issue does not seem to affect 1.9
though it is not yet known why, probably that it is related to the different
encoding of trailers which always leaves a bit of room to let EOM be stored.
The H1 message parser calls the various message block parsers with an
offset indicating where in the buffer to start from, and only consumes
the data at the end of the parsing. The headers and trailers parsers
have a condition detecting if a headers or trailers block is too large
to fit into the buffer. This is detected by an incomplete block while
the buffer is full. Unfortunately it doesn't take into account the fact
that the block may be parsed after other blocks that are still present
in the buffer, resulting in aborting some transfers early as reported
in issue #231. This typically happens if a trailers block is incomplete
at the end of a buffer full of data, which typically happens with data
sizes multiple of the buffer size minus less than the trailers block
size. It also happens with the CRLF that follows the 0-sized chunk of
any transfer-encoded contents is itself on such a boundary since this
CRLF is technically part of the trailers block. This can be reproduced
by asking a server to retrieve exactly 31532 or 31533 bytes of static
data using chunked encoding with curl, which reports:
transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining
This issue was revealed in 2.0 and does not affect 1.9 because in 1.9
the trailers block was processed at once as part of the data block
processing, and would simply give up and wait for the rest of the data
to arrive.
It's interesting to note that the headers block parsing is also affected
by this issue but in practice it has a much more limited impact since a
headers block is normally only parsed at the beginning of a buffer. The
only case where it seems to matter is when dealing with a response buffer
full of 100-continue header blocks followed by a regular header block,
which will then be rejected for the same reason.
This fix must be backported to 2.0 and partially to 1.9 (the headers
block part).
I forgot to fix this one before pushing, despite my tests. lockon_ptr is
only used to compare pointers, it doesn't need to point to a writable
location. Without threads the atomic store is turned into an assignment
and rightfully complains.
At the moment the subsystem is still not complete and the various modules
do not yet produce traces (some dirty experimental code for H2 exists) but
this aims at easing a broad adoption.
Among the missing elements, we can enumerate the lack of configuration
of the sinks (e.g. it's still not possible to change their output format
nor enable/disable timestamps) and since timestamps are not availalbe in
the sinks, they are not collected nor passed by the traces.
Now we try to find frontend, listener, backend, server, connection,
session, stream, from the presented argument of type connection,
stream or session. Various combinations and bounces allow to
retrieve most of them almost all the time. The extraction is
performed early so that we'll be able to apply filters later.
The lock-on is set if it was not there while the trace is running and
a valid pointer is available. If it was already set and doesn't match,
no trace is produced.
When no criterion is provided, it carefully enumerates all available
ones, including those provided by the source itself. Otherwise it sets
the new criterion and resets the lockon pointer.
Given that we can pass typed arguments to the trace() function, let's
add provisions for tracking them. They are source-specific so we need
to let the source fill their name and description. Only those with a
non-null name will be proposed.
When we stop or pause a trace (either on a matching event or by hand),
we must also stop the lock-on feature so that we don't follow any
further activity on this pointer even if it is recycled. For now this
is not exploited.
With a few macros it's possible for a trace source to commit to only
using a certain type for a given argument (or set of). This will be
particularly useful to let the trace subsystem retrieve some precious
information such as a connection, session, listener, source address or
so, and enable/disable filtering and/or locking.
The new TRACE_<level>() macros take a mask, 4 args, a callback and a
static message. From this they also inherit the TRACE_SOURCE macro from
the caller, which contains the pointer to the trace source (so that it's
not required to paste it everywhere), and an ist string is also made by
the concatenation of the file name and the line number. This uses string
concatenation by the preprocessor, and turns it into an ist by the compiler
so that there is no operation at all to perform to adjust the data length
as the compiler knows where to cut during the optimization phase. Last,
the message is also automatically turned into an ist so that it's trivial
to put it into an iovec without having to run strlen() on it.
All arguments and the callback may be empty and will then automatically
be replaced with a NULL pointer. This makes the TRACE calls slightly
lighter especially since arguments are not always used. Several other
options were considered to use variadic macros but there's no outstanding
rule that justifies to place an argument before another one, and it still
looks convenient to have the message be the last one to encourage copy-
pasting of the trace statements.
A generic TRACE() macro takes TRACE_LEVEL in from the source file as the
trace level instead of taking it from its name. This may slightly simplify
the production of traces that always run at the same level (internal core
parts may probably only be called at developer level).
The trace() call will support an optional decoding callback and 4
arguments that this function is supposed to know how to use to provide
extra information. The output remains unchanged when the function is
NULL. Otherwise, the message is pre-filled into the thread-local
trace_buf, and the function is called with all arguments so that it
completes the buffer in a readable form depending on the expected
level of detail.
This new "level" argument will allow the trace sources to label the
traces for different purposes, and filter out some of them if they
are not relevant to the current target. Right now we have 5 different
- USER : the least verbose one, only a few functional information
- PAYLOAD: like user but also displays some payload-related information
- PROTO: focuses on the protocol's framing
- STATE: also indicate state internal transitions or non-transitions
- DEVELOPER: adds extra info about branches taken in the code (break
points, return points)
We now pass an extra argument "where" to the trace() call, which
is supposed to be an ist made of the concatenation of the filename
and the line number. We only keep the last 10 chars from this string
since the end of file names is most often easy to recognize. This
gives developers useful information at very low cost.
For now it remains quite basic. It performs a few state checks, calls
the source's sink if defined, and performs the transitions between
RUNNING, STOPPED and WAITING when the configured events match.
The new "show trace" CLI command lists available trace sources and
indicates their status, their sink, and number of dropped packets.
When "show trace <source>" is used, the list of known events is
also listed with their status per action (report/start/stop/pause).
The "level" keyword allows to indicate the expected level of verbosity
in the traces, among "user" (least verbose, just synthetic info) to
"developer" (very detailed, including function entry/leaving). It's only
displayed and set but not used yet.
For now it lists the sources if one is not provided, and checks
for the source's existence. It lists the events if not provided,
checks for their existence if provided, and adjusts reported
events/start/stop/pause events, and performs state transitions.
It lists sinks and adjusts them as well. Filters, lock, and
level are not implemented yet.
The principle of this subsystem will be to support taking live traces
at various places in the code with conditional triggers, filters, and
ability to lock on some elements. The traces will support typed events
and will be sent into sinks made of ring buffers, file descriptors or
remote servers.
This is the most basic type of sink. It pre-registers "stdout" and
"stderr", and is able to use writev() on them. The writev() operation
is locked to avoid mixing outputs. It's likely that the registration
should move somewhere else to take into account the fact that stdout
and stderr are still opened or are closed.
The principle will be to be able to dispatch events to various destinations
called "sinks". This is already done in part in logs where log servers can
be either a UDP socket or a file descriptor. This will be needed with the
new trace subsystem where we may also want to add ring buffers. And it turns
out that all such destinations make sense at all places. Logs may need to be
sent to a TCP server via a ring buffer, or consulted from the CLI. Trace
events may need to be sent to stdout/stderr as well as to remote log servers.
This patch creates a new structure "sink" aiming at addressing these similar
needs. The goal is to merge together what is common to all of them, such as
the output format, the dropped events count, etc, and also keep separately
the target identification (network address, file descriptor). Provisions
were made to have a "waiter" on the sink. For a TCP log server it will be
the task to wake up after writing to the log buffer. For a ring buffer, it
could be the list of watchers on the CLI running a "tail" operation and
waiting for new events. A lock was also placed in the struct since many
operations will require some locking, including the FD ones. The output
formats covers those in use by logs and two extra ones prepending the ISO
time in front of the message (convenient for stdio/buffer).
For now only the generic infrastructure is present, no type-specific
output is implemented. There's the sink_write() function which prepares
and formats a message to be sent, trying hard to avoid copies and only
using pointer manipulation, where the type-specific code just has to be
added. Dropped messages are already counted (for now 100% drop). The
message is put into an iovec array as it will be trivial to use with
file descriptors and sockets.
The function call tracing code is a quite old and was never ported to
support threads. It's not even sure whether it still works well, but
at least its presence creates confusion for future work so let's rename
it to calltrace.c and add a comment about its lack of thread-safety.
It's sometimes convenient for debugging macros not to be forced to
explicitly pass NULL in an unused argument. This macro does this, it
replaces a missing arg with NULL.
In h1_rcv_buf(), wake the h1c tasklet as long as we're not done reading the
request/response, and the h1c is not already subscribed for receiving. Now
that we no longer subscribe in h1_recv() if we managed to read data, we
rely on h1_rcv_buf() calling us again, but h1_process_input() may have
returned 0 if we only received part of the request, so we have to wake
the tasklet to be sure to get more data again.
When we dump a thread's state (show thread, panic) we don't know if
anything is happening in Lua, which can be problematic especially when
calling external functions. With this patch, the thread dump code can
now detect if we're running in a global Lua task (hlua_process_task),
or in a TCP or HTTP Lua service (task_run_applet and applet.fct ==
hlua_applet_tcp_fct or http_applet_http_fct), or a fetch/converter
from an analyser (s->hlua != NULL). In such situations, it's able to
append a formatted Lua backtrace of the Lua execution path with
function names, file names and line numbers.
Note that a shorter alternative could be to call "luaL_where(hlua->T,0)"
which only prints the current location, but it's not necessarily sufficient
for complex code.
The current functions are seen outside from the debugging code and are
convenient to export so that we can improve the thread dump output :
void hlua_applet_tcp_fct(struct appctx *ctx);
void hlua_applet_http_fct(struct appctx *ctx);
struct task *hlua_process_task(struct task *task, void *context, unsigned short state);
Of course they are only available when USE_LUA is defined.
This is somewhat related to indent_msg() except that this one places a
known prefix at the beginning of each line, allows to replace the EOL
character, and not to insert a prefix on the first line if not desired.
It works with a normal output buffer/chunk so it doesn't need to allocate
anything nor to modify the input string. It is suitable for use in multi-
line backtraces.
Let us save some electricity of Travis-CI.
The following configurations are built on every push:
- linux-glibc with threads+openssl 1.1.1 on x86 + clang
- linux-glibc with threads+libressl 2.9.2 on x86 + clang
- linux-glibc without SSL nor threads on x86 + clang
- osx with openssl-1.1.1 + clang
The following configurations are built daily:
- linux-ppc64le + openssl-1.0.2
- linux + openssl-1.1.0 + 51d/tree
- linux + libressl-2.8.3
- linux + libressl-2.7.5 + prometheus
- linux + boringssl
- cygwin
- coverity scan
In mux_pt_attach(), don't inconditionally call unsubscribe, and only do so
if we were subscribed. The idea was that at this point we would always be
subscribed, as for the mux_pt attach would only be called after at least one
request, after which the mux_pt would have subscribed, but this is wrong.
We can also be called if for some reason the connection failed before the
xprt was created. And with no xprt, attempting to call unsubscribe will
probably lead to a crash.
This should be backported to 2.0.
When I/O events are being processed, we want to make sure to mark the
thread as not stuck. The reason is that some pollers (like poll()) which
do not limit the number of FDs they report could possibly report a huge
amount of FD all having to perform moderately expensive operations in
the I/O callback (e.g. via mux-pt which forwards to the upper layers),
making the watchdog think the thread is stuck since it does not schedule.
Of course this must never happen but if it ever does we must be liberal
about it.
This should be backported to 2.0, where the situation may happen more
easily due to the FD cache which can start to collect a large amount of
events. It may be related to the report in issue #201 though nothing is
certain about it.
The stats applet waits to have a full body to process POST requests. Because
when it is waiting for the end of a request it does not produce anything, the
applet may be blocked. The client side is blocked because the stats applet does
not consume anything and the applet is waiting because all the body is not
received. Registering the analyzer AN_REQ_HTTP_BODY when a POST request is sent
for the stats applet solves the issue.
This patch must be backported to 2.0.
This bug was introduced by the commit bfab2ddd ("MINOR: hlua: Add a flag on the
lua txn to know in which context it can be used"). The wrong test was done. So
the timeout was always set on the response channel. It may lead to an infinite
This patch must be backported everywhere the commit bfab2ddd is. For now, at
least to 2.0, 1.9 and 1.8.
Prometheus protocol defines HELP and TYPE as a token after the '#' and
the space after the '#' is necessary.
This is expected in the prometheus python client for example
(a8f5c80f65/prometheus_client/ (L194))
and the missing space is breaking the parsing of metrics' type.
This patch must be backported to 2.0.