Up to now, we only had a flag in the session indicating if it had to
work in "connection: close" mode. This is not at all compatible with
Now we ensure that both sides of a connection act independantly and
only relative to the transaction. The HTTP version of the request
and response is also correctly considered. The connection already
knows several modes :
- tunnel (CONNECT or no option in the config)
- keep-alive (when permitted by configuration)
- server-close (close the server side, not the client)
- close (close both sides)
This change carefully detects all situations to find whether a request
can be fully processed in its mode according to the configuration. Then
the response is also checked and tested to fix corner cases which can
happen with different HTTP versions on both sides (eg: a 1.0 client
asks for explicit keep-alive, and the server responds with 1.1 without
a header).
The mode is selected by a capability elimination algorithm which
automatically focuses on the least capable agent between the client,
the frontend, the backend and the server. This ensures we won't get
undesired situtations where one of the 4 "agents" is not able to
process a transaction.
No "Connection: close" header will be added anymore to HTTP/1.0 requests
or responses since they're already in close mode.
The server-close mode is still not completely implemented. The response
needs to be rewritten as keep-alive before being sent to the client if
the connection was already in server-close (which implies the request
was in keep-alive) and if the response has a content-length or a
transfer-encoding (but only if client supports 1.1).
A later improvement in server-close mode would probably be to detect
some situations where it's interesting to close the response (eg:
redirections with remote locations). But even then, the client might
close by itself.
It's also worth noting that in tunnel mode, no connection header is
affected in either direction. A tunnelled connection should theorically
be notified at the session level, but this is useless since by definition
there will not be any more requests on it. Thus, we don't need to add a
flag into the session right now.
Now that the HTTP analyser will already have parsed the beginning
of the request body, we don't have to check for transfer-encoding
anymore since we have the current chunk size in hdr_content_len.
The POST body analysis was split between two analysers for historical
reasons. Now we only have one analyser which checks content length
and waits for enough data to come.
Right now this analyser waits for <url_param_post_limit> bytes of
body to reach the buffer, or the first chunk. But this could be
improved to wait for any other amount of data or any specific
The previous check was correct: the RFC states that it is required
to have a domain-name which contained a dot AND began with a dot.
However, currently some (all?) browsers do not obey this specification,
so such configuration might work.
This patch reverts 3d8fbb6658 but
changes the check from FATAL to WARNING and extends the message.
Fix 500b8f0349 fixed the patch for the 64 bit
case but caused the opposite type issue to appear on 32 bit platforms. Cast
the difference and be done with it since gcc does not agree on type carrying
the difference between two pointers on 32 and 64 bit platforms.
Implement decreasing health based on observing communication between
HAProxy and servers.
Changes in this version 2:
- documentation
- close race between a started check and health analysis event
- don't force fastinter if it is not set
- better names for options
- layer4 support
Changes in this version 3:
- add stats
- port to the current 1.4 tree
Cyril Bonté found that when an error is detected in one config file, it
is also reported in all other ones, which is wrong. The fix obviously
consists in checking the return code from readcfgfile() and not the
Sometimes it's useful to lookup a string without terminating it with a
zero. We can do that relying on ebmb_lookup() since the string in the
tree contains a zero.
Today I was testing headers manipulation but I met a bug with my first test.
To reproduce it, add for example this line :
rspadd Cache-Control:\ max-age=1500
Check the response header, it will provide :
Cache-Control: max-age=15000 <= the last character is duplicated
This only happens when we use backslashes on the last line of the
configuration file, without returning to the line.
Also if the last line is like :
rspadd Cache-Control:\ max-age=1500\
the last backslash causes a segfault.
This is not due to rspadd but to a more general bug in cfgparse.c :
if (skip) {
memmove(line + 1, line + 1 + skip, end - (line + skip + 1));
end -= skip;
should be :
if (skip) {
memmove(line + 1, line + 1 + skip, end - (line + skip));
end -= skip;
I've reproduced it with haproxy 1.3.22 and the last 1.4 snapshot.
In some environments it is not possible to rely on any wildcard for a
domain name (eg: .com, .net, .fr...) so it is required to send multiple
domain extensions. (Un)fortunately the syntax check on the domain name
prevented that from being done the dirty way. So let's just build a
domain list when multiple domains are passed on the same line.
(cherry picked from commit 950245ca2b)
It was a OR instead of a AND, so it was required to have a cookie
name which contained a dot AND began with a dot.
(cherry picked from commit a1e107fc13)
Gabriel Sosa reported that logs were appearing with BADREQ when
'option httplog' was used with a TCP proxy (eg: inherited via a
default instance). This patch detects it and falls back to tcplog
after emitting a warning.
(cherry picked from commit 5f0bd6537f)
Holger Just reported that running ACLs with too many args caused
a segfault during config parsing. This is caused by a wrong test
on argument count. In case of too many arguments on a config line,
the last one was not correctly zeroed. This is now done and we
report the error indicating what part had been truncated.
(cherry picked from commit 3b39c1446b)
Cameron Simpson reported an annoying case where haproxy simply reports
"Error(s) found in configuration file" when the file is not found or
not readable.
Fortunately the parsing function still returns -1 in case of open
error, so we're able to detect the issue from the caller and report
the corresponding errno message.
In order to support keepalive, we'll have to differentiate
normal sessions from tunnel sessions, which are the ones we
don't want to analyse further.
Those are typically the CONNECT requests where we don't care
about any form of content-length, as well as the requests
which are forwarded on non-close and non-keepalive proxies.
To sum up :
- len : it's now the max number of characters for the value, preventing
garbaged results.
- a new option "prefix" is added, this allows to use dynamic cookie
Previously in the thread, I wanted to use the value found with
"capture cookie" but when i started to update the documentation, I
found this solution quite weird. I've made a small rework to not
depend on "capture cookie".
- There's the posssiblity to define the URL parser mode (path parameters
or query string).
We now set msg->col and msg->sov to the first byte of non-header.
They will be used later when parsing chunks. A new macro was added
to perform size additions on an http_msg in order to limit the risks
of copy-paste in the long term.
During this operation, it appeared that the http_msg struct was not
optimal on 64-bit, so it was re-ordered to fill the holes.
Yohan Tordjman at Dstorage found that upgrading haproxy to 1.4-dev4
caused truncated objects to be returned. An strace quickly exhibited
the issue which was 100% reproducible :
4297 epoll_wait(0, {}, 10, 0) = 0
4297 epoll_wait(0, {{EPOLLIN, {u32=7, u64=7}}}, 10, 1000) = 1
4297 splice(0x7, 0, 0x5, 0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x3) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
4297 shutdown(7, 1 /* send */) = 0
4297 close(7) = 0
4297 shutdown(2, 1 /* send */) = 0
4297 close(2) = 0
This is caused by the fact that the forward length is taken from
BUF_INFINITE_FORWARD, which is -1. The problem does not appear
in 32-bit mode because this value is first cast to an unsigned
long, truncating it to 32-bit (4 GB). Setting an upper bound
fixes the issue.
Also, a second error check has been added for splice. If EINVAL
is returned, we fall back to recv().
An HTTP message can be decomposed into several sub-states depending
on the transfer-encoding. We'll have to keep these state information
while parsing chunks, so we must extend the values. In order not to
change everything, we'll now consider that anything >= MSG_BODY is
the body, and that the value indicates the precise state. The
MSG_ERROR status which was greater than MSG_BODY was moved for this.
Right now, an HTTP server cannot track a TCP server and vice-versa.
This patch enables proxy tracking without relying on the proxy's mode
(tcp/http/health). It only requires a matching proxy name to exist. The
original function was renamed to findproxy_mode().
This patch extends and corrects the functionality introduced by
"Collect & provide http response codes received from servers":
- responses are now also accounted for frontends
- backend's and frontend's counters are incremented based
on responses sent to client, not received from servers
This patch adds <a href> html links for proxies, frontends, servers
and backends. Once located, can be clicked. Users no longer have to
manually add #anchor to stat's url.
It's a pain to enable regparm because ebtree is built in its corner
and does not depend on the rest of the config. This causes no problem
except that if the regparm settings are not exactly similar, then we
can get inconsistent function interfaces and crashes.
One solution realized in this patch consists in externalizing all
compiler settings and changing CONFIG_XXX_REGPARM into CONFIG_REGPARM
so that we ensure that any sub-component uses the same setting. Since
ebtree used a value here and not a boolean, haproxy's config has been
set to use a number too. Both haproxy's core and ebtree currently use
the same copy of the compiler.h file. That way we don't have any issue
anymore when one setting changes somewhere.
All files referencing the previous ebtree code were changed to point
to the new one in the ebtree directory. A makefile variable (EBTREE_DIR)
is also available to use files from another directory.
The ability to build the libebtree library temporarily remains disabled
because it can have an impact on some existing toolchains and does not
appear worth it in the medium term if we add support for multi-criteria
stickiness for instance.
We needed to upgrade ebtree to v5.0 to support string indexing,
and it was getting very painful to have it split across 2 dirs
and to have to patch it. Now we just have to copy the .c and .h
files to the right place.
We also check the close status and terminate the server persistent
connection if appropriate. Note that since this change, we'll not
get any "Connection: close" headers added to HTTP/1.0 responses
anymore, which is good.
The code part which waits for an HTTP response has been extracted
from the old function. We now have two analysers and the second one
may re-enable the first one when an 1xx response is encountered.
This has been tested and works.
The calls to stream_int_return() that were remaining in the wait
analyser have been converted to stream_int_retnclose().
Store those elements in the transaction. RFC2616 is strictly followed.
Note that requests containing two different content-length fields are
discarded as invalid.
This patch has 2 goals :
1. I wanted to test the appsession feature with a small PHP code,
using PHPSESSID. The problem is that when PHP gets an unknown session
id, it creates a new one with this ID. So, when sending an unknown
session to PHP, persistance is broken : haproxy won't see any new
cookie in the response and will never attach this session to a
specific server.
This also happens when you restart haproxy : the internal hash becomes
empty and all sessions loose their persistance (load balancing the
requests on all backend servers, creating a new session on each one).
For a user, it's like the service is unusable.
The patch modifies the code to make haproxy also learn the persistance
from the client : if no session is sent from the server, then the
session id found in the client part (using the URI or the client cookie)
is used to associated the server that gave the response.
As it's probably not a feature usable in all cases, I added an option
to enable it (by default it's disabled). The syntax of appsession becomes :
appsession <cookie> len <length> timeout <holdtime> [request-learn]
This helps haproxy repair the persistance (with the risk of losing its
session at the next request, as the user will probably not be load
balanced to the same server the first time).
2. This patch also tries to reduce the memory usage.
Here is a little example to explain the current behaviour :
- Take a Tomcat server where /session.jsp is valid.
- Send a request using a cookie with an unknown value AND a path
parameter with another unknown value :
curl -b "JSESSIONID=12345678901234567890123456789012" http://<haproxy>/session.jsp;jsessionid=00000000000000000000000000000001
(I know, it's unexpected to have a request like that on a live service)
Here, haproxy finds the URI session ID and stores it in its internal
hash (with no server associated). But it also finds the cookie session
ID and stores it again.
- As a result, session.jsp sends a new session ID also stored in the
internal hash, with a server associated.
=> For 1 request, haproxy has stored 3 entries, with only 1 which will be usable
The patch modifies the behaviour to store only 1 entry (maximum).
When processing a GET or HEAD request in close mode, we know we don't
need to read anything anymore on the socket, so we can disable it.
Doing this can save up to 40% of the recv calls, and half of the
epoll_ctl calls.
For this we need a buffer flag indicating that we're not interesting in
reading anymore. Right now, this flag also disables both polled reads.
We might benefit from disabling only speculative reads, but we will need
at least this flag when we want to support keepalive anyway.
Currently we don't disable the flag on completion, but it does not
matter as we close ASAP when performing the shutw().