
10 KiB

Metrics Collected

Ceph exporter implements multiple collectors:

Cluster usage

General cluster level data usage.


  • cluster: cluster name


  • ceph_cluster_capacity_bytes: Total capacity of the cluster
  • ceph_cluster_used_bytes: Capacity of the cluster currently in use
  • ceph_cluster_available_bytes: Available space within the cluster

Pool usage

Per-pool usage data


  • cluster: cluster name
  • pool: pool name


  • ceph_pool_used_bytes: Capacity of the pool that is currently under use
  • ceph_pool_raw_used_bytes: Raw capacity of the pool that is currently under use, this factors in the size
  • ceph_pool_available_bytes: Free space for the pool
  • ceph_pool_percent_used: Percentage of the capacity available to this pool that is used by this pool
  • ceph_pool_objects_total: Total no. of objects allocated within the pool
  • ceph_pool_dirty_objects_total: Total no. of dirty objects in a cache-tier pool
  • ceph_pool_unfound_objects_total: Total no. of unfound objects for the pool
  • ceph_pool_read_total: Total read I/O calls for the pool
  • ceph_pool_read_bytes_total: Total read throughput for the pool
  • ceph_pool_write_total: Total write I/O calls for the pool
  • ceph_pool_write_bytes_total: Total write throughput for the pool

Pool info

General pool information


  • cluster: cluster name
  • pool: pool name
  • root: CRUSH root of the pool
  • profile: replicated or EC profile being used


  • ceph_pool_pg_num: The total count of PGs alotted to a pool
  • ceph_pool__pgp_num: The total count of PGs alotted to a pool and used for placements
  • ceph_pool_min_size: Minimum number of copies or chunks of an object that need to be present for active I/O
  • ceph_pool_size: Total copies or chunks of an object that need to be present for a healthy cluster
  • ceph_pool_quota_max_bytes: Maximum amount of bytes of data allowed in a pool
  • ceph_pool_quota_max_objects: Maximum amount of RADOS objects allowed in a pool
  • ceph_pool_stripe_width: Stripe width of a RADOS object in a pool
  • ceph_pool_expansion_factor: Data expansion multiplier for a pool

Cluster health

Cluster health metrics


  • cluster: cluster name


  • ceph_health_status: Health status of Cluster, can vary only between 3 states (err:2, warn:1, ok:0)
  • ceph_health_status_interp: Health status of Cluster, can vary only between 4 states (err:3, critical_warn:2, soft_warn:1, ok:0)
  • ceph_mons_down: Count of Mons that are in DOWN state
  • ceph_total_pgs: Total no. of PGs in the cluster
  • ceph_pg_state: State of PGs in the cluster
  • ceph_active_pgs: No. of active PGs in the cluster
  • ceph_scrubbing_pgs: No. of scrubbing PGs in the cluster
  • ceph_deep_scrubbing_pgs: No. of deep scrubbing PGs in the cluster
  • ceph_recovering_pgs: No. of recovering PGs in the cluster
  • ceph_recovery_wait_pgs: No. of PGs in the cluster with recovery_wait state
  • ceph_backfilling_pgs: No. of backfilling PGs in the cluster
  • ceph_backfill_wait_pgs: No. of PGs in the cluster with backfill_wait state
  • ceph_forced_recovery_pgs: No. of PGs in the cluster with forced_recovery state
  • ceph_forced_backfill_pgs: No. of PGs in the cluster with forced_backfill state
  • ceph_down_pgs: No. of PGs in the cluster in down state
  • ceph_incomplete_pgs: No. of PGs in the cluster in incomplete state
  • ceph_inconsistent_pgs: No. of PGs in the cluster in inconsistent state
  • ceph_snaptrim_pgs: No. of snaptrim PGs in the cluster
  • ceph_snaptrim_wait_pgs: No. of PGs in the cluster with snaptrim_wait state
  • ceph_repairing_pgs: No. of PGs in the cluster with repair state
  • ceph_slow_requests: No. of slow requests/slow ops
  • ceph_degraded_pgs: No. of PGs in a degraded state
  • ceph_stuck_degraded_pgs: No. of PGs stuck in a degraded state
  • ceph_unclean_pgs: No. of PGs in an unclean state
  • ceph_stuck_unclean_pgs: No. of PGs stuck in an unclean state
  • ceph_undersized_pgs: No. of undersized PGs in the cluster
  • ceph_stuck_undersized_pgs: No. of stuck undersized PGs in the cluster
  • ceph_stale_pgs: No. of stale PGs in the cluster
  • ceph_stuck_stale_pgs: No. of stuck stale PGs in the cluster
  • ceph_peering_pgs: No. of peering PGs in the cluster
  • ceph_degraded_objects: No. of degraded objects across all PGs, includes replicas
  • ceph_misplaced_objects: No. of misplaced objects across all PGs, includes replicas
  • ceph_misplaced_ratio: ratio of misplaced objects to total objects
  • ceph_new_crash_reports: Number of new crash reports available
  • ceph_osds_too_many_repair: Number of OSDs with too many repaired reads
  • ceph_cluster_objects: No. of rados objects within the cluster
  • ceph_osd_map_flags: A metric for all OSDMap flags
  • ceph_osds_down: Count of OSDs that are in DOWN state
  • ceph_osds_up: Count of OSDs that are in UP state
  • ceph_osds_in: Count of OSDs that are in IN state and available to serve requests
  • ceph_osds: Count of total OSDs in the cluster
  • ceph_pgs_remapped: No. of PGs that are remapped and incurring cluster-wide movement
  • ceph_recovery_io_bytes: Rate of bytes being recovered in cluster per second
  • ceph_recovery_io_keys: Rate of keys being recovered in cluster per second
  • ceph_recovery_io_objects: Rate of objects being recovered in cluster per second
  • ceph_client_io_read_bytes: Rate of bytes being read by all clients per second
  • ceph_client_io_write_bytes: Rate of bytes being written by all clients per second
  • ceph_client_io_ops: Total client ops on the cluster measured per second
  • ceph_client_io_read_ops: Total client read I/O ops on the cluster measured per second
  • ceph_client_io_write_ops: Total client write I/O ops on the cluster measured per second
  • ceph_cache_flush_io_bytes: Rate of bytes being flushed from the cache pool per second
  • ceph_cache_evict_io_bytes: Rate of bytes being evicted from the cache pool per second
  • ceph_cache_promote_io_ops: Total cache promote operations measured per second
  • ceph_mgrs_active: Count of active mgrs, can be either 0 or 1
  • ceph_mgrs: Total number of mgrs, including standbys
  • ceph_rbd_mirror_up: Alive rbd-mirror daemons

Ceph monitor

Ceph Monitor metrics


  • cluster: cluster name
  • daemon: daemon name. ceph_versions and ceph_features only
  • release, features: ceph feature name and feature flag. ceph_features only
  • version_tag, sha1, release_name: ceph version infortmation. ceph_features only


  • ceph_monitor_capacity_bytes: Total storage capacity of the monitor node
  • ceph_monitor_used_bytes: Storage of the monitor node that is currently allocated for use
  • ceph_monitor_avail_bytes: Total unused storage capacity that the monitor node has left
  • ceph_monitor_avail_percent: Percentage of total unused storage capacity that the monitor node has left
  • ceph_monitor_store_capacity_bytes: Total capacity of the FileStore backing the monitor daemon
  • ceph_monitor_store_sst_bytes: Capacity of the FileStore used only for raw SSTs
  • ceph_monitor_store_log_bytes: Capacity of the FileStore used only for logging
  • ceph_monitor_store_misc_bytes: Capacity of the FileStore used only for storing miscellaneous information
  • ceph_monitor_clock_skew_seconds: Clock skew the monitor node is incurring
  • ceph_monitor_latency_seconds: Latency the monitor node is incurring
  • ceph_monitor_quorum_count: he total size of the monitor quorum
  • ceph_versions: Counts of current versioned daemons, parsed from ceph versions
  • ceph_features: Counts of current client features, parsed from ceph features

OSD collector

OSD level metrics


  • cluster: cluster name
  • osd: OSD id
  • device_class: CRUSH device class
  • host: CRUSH host the OSD is in
  • rack: CRUSH rack the OSD is in
  • root: CRUSH root the OSD is in
  • pgid: PG id for recovery related metrics


  • ceph_osd_crush_weight: OSD Crush Weight
  • ceph_osd_depth: OSD Depth
  • ceph_osd_reweight: OSD Reweight
  • ceph_osd_bytes: OSD Total Bytes
  • ceph_osd_used_bytes: OSD Used Storage in Bytes
  • ceph_osd_avail_bytes: OSD Available Storage in Bytes
  • ceph_osd_utilization: OSD Utilization
  • ceph_osd_variance: OSD Variance
  • ceph_osd_pgs: OSD Placement Group Count
  • ceph_osd_pg_upmap_items_total: OSD PG-Upmap Exception Table Entry Count
  • ceph_osd_total_bytes: OSD Total Storage Bytes
  • ceph_osd_total_used_bytes: OSD Total Used Storage Bytes
  • ceph_osd_total_avail_bytes: OSD Total Available Storage Bytes
  • ceph_osd_average_utilization: OSD Average Utilization
  • ceph_osd_perf_commit_latency_seconds: OSD Perf Commit Latency
  • ceph_osd_perf_apply_latency_seconds: OSD Perf Apply Latency
  • ceph_osd_in: OSD In Status
  • ceph_osd_up: OSD Up Status
  • ceph_osd_full_ratio: OSD Full Ratio Value
  • ceph_osd_near_full_ratio: OSD Near Full Ratio Value
  • ceph_osd_backfill_full_ratio: OSD Backfill Full Ratio Value
  • ceph_osd_full: OSD Full Status
  • ceph_osd_near_full: OSD Near Full Status
  • ceph_osd_backfill_full: OSD Backfill Full Status
  • ceph_osd_down: Number of OSDs down in the cluster
  • ceph_osd_scrub_state: State of OSDs involved in a scrub
  • ceph_pg_objects_recovered: Number of objects recovered in a PG
  • ceph_osd_objects_backfilled: Average number of objects backfilled in an OSD
  • ceph_pg_oldest_inactive: The amount of time in seconds that the oldest PG has been inactive for

Crash collector

Ceph crash daemon related metrics


  • cluster: cluster name


  • ceph_crash_reports: Count of crashes reports per daemon, according to ceph crash ls

RBD Mirror collector

Ceph RBD mirror health collector


  • cluster: cluster name


  • ceph_rbd_mirror_pool_status: Health status of rbd-mirror, can vary only between 3 states (err:2, warn:1, ok:0)
  • ceph_rbd_mirror_pool_daemon_status: Health status of rbd-mirror daemons, can vary only between 3 states (err:2, warn:1, ok:0)
  • ceph_rbd_mirror_pool_image_status: "Health status of rbd-mirror images, can vary only between 3 states (err:2, warn:1, ok:0)

RGW collector

RGW related metrics. Only enabled if RGW_MODE={1,2} is set.


  • cluster: cluster name


  • ceph_rgw_gc_active_tasks: RGW GC active task count
  • ceph_rgw_gc_active_objects: RGW GC active object count
  • ceph_rgw_gc_pending_tasks: RGW GC pending task count
  • ceph_rgw_gc_pending_objects: RGW GC pending object count