Otherwise there could be unexpected references that will break the
asserts when remove nodes during insert/delete.
Signed-off-by: Yingxin Cheng <yingxin.cheng@intel.com>
crimson/onode-staged-tree: improve logs to understand inconsistent load from seastore
Reviewed-by: Samuel Just <sjust@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Chunmei Liu <chunmei.liu@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Xuehan Xu <xuxuehan@360.cn>
Reviewed-by: Kefu Chai <kchai@redhat.com>
Add logs to detect corruptions when load nodes. assert() is not
informative enough to understand the context.
Signed-off-by: Yingxin Cheng <yingxin.cheng@intel.com>
Dummy backend is used for unit tests without transactions, so there
should be no copy-on-write behavior.
Signed-off-by: Yingxin Cheng <yingxin.cheng@intel.com>
Instead of ceph::make_message() because conn::send() in crimson expects
a std::unique_ptr and not boost::intrusive_ptr
Signed-off-by: Amnon Hanuhov <ahanukov@redhat.com>
Instead of ceph::make_message() because conn::send() in crimson expects
a std::unique_ptr and not boost::intrusive_ptr
Signed-off-by: Amnon Hanuhov <ahanukov@redhat.com>
* refs/pull/41892/head:
client: remove unused include from barrier.cc
Reviewed-by: Xiubo Li <xiubli@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Patrick Donnelly <pdonnell@redhat.com>
* refs/pull/41723/head:
mds: to print the unknow type value
Reviewed-by: Patrick Donnelly <pdonnell@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Jeff Layton <jlayton@redhat.com>
* refs/pull/40997/head:
test: add test to verify adding an active peer back to source
pybind/mirroring: disallow adding a active peer back to source
pybind/cephfs: interface to fetch file system id
Reviewed-by: Patrick Donnelly <pdonnell@redhat.com>
* refs/pull/36823/head:
qa : add a test for the cmd, dump cache
mds : add timeout to the command, dump cache, to prevent it from running too long and affecting the service
Reviewed-by: Patrick Donnelly <pdonnell@redhat.com>
mgr/dashboard: bucket details: show lock retention period only in days
Reviewed-by: Alfonso Martínez <almartin@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Ernesto Puerta <epuertat@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Nizamudeen A <nia@redhat.com>
Following the instructions as is results in the following error at step 15:
$ sudo -u ceph ceph-mon --mkfs -i node1 --monmap /tmp/monmap --keyring /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring
global_init: error reading config file.
Signed-off-by: Abutalib Aghayev <agayev@cs.cmu.edu>
6.2.1 is the version packaged by EPEL8, in other words, this is the
version we've been testing. so to be more consistent with the
known-to-be-good version, let's bump up the required version.
Signed-off-by: Kefu Chai <kchai@redhat.com>
so, on debian derivatives, we can use the libfmt-dev package for
building Ceph. this change is created in hope to reduce the compile
>= 6.1.2 is specified, as it is the version packaged by ubuntu focal,
which is used for running "make check" and intergration tests.
find_package(fmt 6.0.0 QUIET)
Signed-off-by: Kefu Chai <kchai@redhat.com>
fmtlib v7.1.3 contains the fix of https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt/issues/1753
so let's bump up the submodule to the latest master HEAD of fmtlib
for more fixes.
Signed-off-by: Kefu Chai <kchai@redhat.com>
the inc_pending + promise<> solution is pratically identical to
seastar::gate, so let's use the prepackaged solution instead.
Signed-off-by: Kefu Chai <kchai@redhat.com>
* remove unix domain socket file when cleanup
so we don't need to remove it manually after each run.
* shutdown input and output streams when cleanup
so reactor does not watch them anymore.
Signed-off-by: Kefu Chai <kchai@redhat.com>
If we get a pool create request while in stretch mode that does not explicitly
specify a crush rule, look at the stretch-mode pools and their rules, and
select the most common one.
Also update set_up_stretch_mode.sh to add a few more rules that let me test
this locally.
Fixes: https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/51270
Signed-off-by: Greg Farnum <gfarnum@redhat.com>
rgw: clean-up logging of function entering to make thorough and consistent
Reviewed-by: Adam C. Emerson <aemerson@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Ali Maredia <amaredia@redhat.com>