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Integration between Baritone and Impact

Baritone will be in Impact 4.4 with nice integrations with its hacks, but if you're impatient you can run Baritone on top of Impact 4.3 right now.

First, clone and setup Baritone (instructions in main

Then, build the jar. From the command line, it's ./gradlew build (or gradlew build on Windows). In IntelliJ, you can just start the build task in the Gradle menu.

Then, copy it into place. It should be build/libs/baritone-1.0.0.jar in baritone. Copy it to your libraries in your Minecraft install. For example, on Mac I do cp Documents/baritone/build/libs/baritone-1.0.0.jar Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/libraries/cabaletta/baritone/1.0/baritone-1.0.jar. The first time you'll need to make the directory cabaletta/baritone/1.0 in libraries first.

Then, we'll need to modify the Impact launch json. Open minecraft/versions/1.12.2-Impact_4.3/1.12.2-Impact_4.3.json.

  • Add the Baritone tweak class to line 7 "minecraftArguments" like so: "minecraftArguments": " ... --tweakClass clientapi.load.ClientTweaker --tweakClass baritone.launch.BaritoneTweakerOptifine",. You need the Optifine tweaker even though there is no Optifine involved, for reasons I don't quite understand.
  • Add the Baritone library. Insert { "name": "cabaletta:baritone:1.0" }, between Impact and ClientAPI, which should be between lines 15 and 16.

Restart the Minecraft launcher, then load Impact 4.3 as normal, and it should now include Baritone.