Use Neovim's diagnostics API by default in recent enough Neovim
versions. This will make problems found by ALE play nicely with problems
found by other tools.
Make a series of sweeping changes to make :ALEInfo more useful.
1. Deprecate :ALEInfoToClipboard and support :ALEInfo -clipboard
2. Permit :ALEInfo -clip as a shorthand for :ALEInfo -clipboard
3. Support :ALEInfo -preview to render in the preview window
4. Support :ALEInfo -echo for the classic :ALEInfo mode
5. Change the default mode to 'preview', and make it configurable
6. Add syntax highlighting for ALEInfo in preview mode
7. Add a convenience to look up documentatation that explains itself
8. Don't show an empty 'Linter Variables' section
When commands are run, it can be useful to just save the hidden buffers
so language servers immediately get updated with changes to files
without you having to manually save each file. You can now enable this
by setting `g:ale_save_hidden` to `1`.
Support replacing ALE's display of problems with sending problems to the Neovim diagnostics API.
:help g:ale_use_neovim_diagnostics_api
Co-authored-by: David Balatero <>
Co-authored-by: Georgi Angelchev <>
Co-authored-by: w0rp <>
* Allow customization of all floating window borders
Users may not necessarily want the same border character for top+bottom
or left+right, so allow all eight border characters to be configured in
For backwards compatibility, the old rules are still applied if only six
elements are given.
* Reorder popup border array for compatibility
The previous linter rule about stray echo lines has been restored, and
now all problems for custom linting rules can be ignored by adding a
comment above problem lines.
Add ALEPopulateQuickfix and ALEPopulateLocList. They're not very useful
with ale's default auto-populate behaviour, so their useful configuration
is described in help.
* ALEFileRename command added.
This command renames file and uses tsserver `getEditsForFileRename` to
fix import paths in Typescript files.
* ale#util#Input fix
* Even more fixes.
* Linting error fix.
* feat(deno): move init options to handlers
* feat(deno): add deno lsp support for js files
* feat(deno): use default map option
* feat(docs): add deno import map option
* feat(deno): add tests for importMap option
* fix(deno): use full path in importMap
* feat(deno): remove deno as linter for js, separate PR
* fix(deno): test for executable
* fix(deno-test): include filename to simplify function
* Add poetry support to python linters and black fixer.
* Update python.vim to detect poetry project.
* Update ale.vim, add an option for poetry `g:ale_python_auto_poetry`.
* Update ale-python.txt, add poetry support.
* Add and update poetry related tests.
Co-authored-by: unc0 <>
The `ale_lsp_root` setting is now deprecated, and `ale_root` should be
used instead. The setting will be used for both setting the root easily
for LSP linters, and for running other linters over whole projects.
* Add nvim floating window hover support
* Add configuration for float to replace preview
* preview#ShowFloating: qualify local variables
* Configure floating preview usecases individually
* Extract floating preview to its own file.
* Ignore 'stay_here' option. Moving into the floating preview window
seems confusing at best.
* Re-use existing floating preview window if it's still up.
* Flush out floating preview documentation.
* Watch cursor position changes per window
Floating previews open a new window, so when that window is written to,
it moves briefly there at a different position than the original window.
This makes repeated positions detected when positions are tracked at a
s: level. Instead, we change the variable to window scoped, which only
fires a message if the cursor has changed from the last position in
*that window*.
* g:ale_floating_preview cleanup
* floating_preview: add ALEDetail tests
* Fix fecs test missing runtime call
* Add ALEHover floating preview tests
Co-authored-by: Jan-Grimo Sobez <>
ALE now just modifies every open buffer for rename and actions, and sets
up a one-time use BufEnter event to reload buffers that are changed so
you don't have to think about what to do with changed buffers.
* Added tsserver and LSP code action support.
* tsserver refactors support added.
* Handling special case when new text is added after new line symbol.
* ale#code_action#ApplyChanges simplified.
* Initial attempt on LSP Code Actions.
* workspace/executeCommand added.
* Some null checks added.
* Add last column to LSP Code Action message.
* Pass diagnostics to LSP code action.
Previously ApplyChanges code was applied from top-to-bottom that required
extra parameters to track progress and there was bug. I have changed code
to bottom-to-top approach as that does not require those extra parameters
and solved the bug.
Tested with typescript-language-server and it is working.
Add an `ALECompletePost` event along with everything needed to make it
useful for its primary purpose: fixing code after inserting completions.
* `ALEFix` can now be called with a bang (`!`) to suppress errors.
* A new `ALELintStop` command lets you stop linting, and start it later.
A new command, `:ALEImport`, has been added, which lets you import words
at your cursor if a completion provider can provide a completion for
that word which includes some additional text changes.
Default navigation for commands that jump to new locations has been
implemented with the `ale_default_navigation` variable, and all commands
that jump to locations now support `-tab`, `-split`, or `-vsplit`
arguments for overriding the default navigation behavior.
This commit adds support for renaming symbols in tsserver and with LSP tools, and for organising imports with tsserver. Completion results for symbols that can be imported are now suggested if enabled for tsserver completion done via ALE.
* Support filtered jump based on loclist item type (E or W for now)
* Use flags to customize the behavior of ALENext and ALEPrevious
* Update <plug> bindings with flags
* Update documentation about ALENext and ALEPrevious
* Use ale#args#Parse in JumpWrap
Currently, we detect the linter root based on a variety of techniques.
However, these techniques are not foolproof. For example, clangd works
fine for many things without a compile_commands.json file, and Go
projects may be built outside of the GOPATH to take advantage of Go
1.11's automatic module support.
Add global and buffer-specific variables to allow the user to specify
the root, either as a string or a funcref. Make the funcrefs accept the
buffer number as an argument to make sure that they can function easily
in an asynchronous environment.
We define the global variable in the main plugin, since the LSP linter
code is not loaded unless required, and we want the variable to be able
to be read correctly by :ALEInfo regardless.
* Add textDocument/typeDefinition for LSP
Doc to spec
This works like textDocument/definition but resolves a location of a
type of an expression under the cursor.
I'm not sure what to do with tsserver though.
* Fix passing column to LSP
* test_go_to_definition: wording
* Add tests for textDocument/typeDefinition
* Add docs for textDocument/typeDefinition