mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 23:46:59 +00:00
Close #3333 - Add an ALECompletePost event
Add an `ALECompletePost` event along with everything needed to make it useful for its primary purpose: fixing code after inserting completions. * `ALEFix` can now be called with a bang (`!`) to suppress errors. * A new `ALELintStop` command lets you stop linting, and start it later.
This commit is contained in:
@ -503,17 +503,19 @@ function! ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletionEntryDetails(response) abort
\ || g:ale_completion_autoimport,
\ 'info': join(l:documentationParts, ''),
" This flag is used to tell if this completion came from ALE or not.
let l:user_data = {'_ale_completion_item': 1}
if has_key(l:suggestion, 'codeActions')
let l:result.user_data = json_encode({
\ 'codeActions': l:suggestion.codeActions,
\ })
let l:user_data.code_actions = l:suggestion.codeActions
let l:result.user_data = json_encode(l:user_data)
" Include this item if we'll accept any items,
" or if we only want items with additional edits, and this has them.
if !get(l:info, 'additional_edits_only', 0)
\|| has_key(l:result, 'user_data')
\|| has_key(l:user_data, 'code_actions')
call add(l:results, l:result)
@ -534,6 +536,7 @@ function! ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletionEntryDetails(response) abort
\ 'icase': 1,
\ 'menu': '',
\ 'info': '',
\ 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1}),
@ -610,6 +613,8 @@ function! ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions(response) abort
\ 'menu': get(l:item, 'detail', ''),
\ 'info': (type(l:doc) is v:t_string ? l:doc : ''),
" This flag is used to tell if this completion came from ALE or not.
let l:user_data = {'_ale_completion_item': 1}
if has_key(l:item, 'additionalTextEdits')
let l:text_changes = []
@ -629,24 +634,24 @@ function! ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions(response) abort
if !empty(l:text_changes)
let l:result.user_data = json_encode({
\ 'codeActions': [{
\ 'description': 'completion',
\ 'changes': [
\ {
\ 'fileName': expand('#' . l:buffer . ':p'),
\ 'textChanges': l:text_changes,
\ }
\ ],
\ }],
let l:user_data.code_actions = [{
\ 'description': 'completion',
\ 'changes': [
\ {
\ 'fileName': expand('#' . l:buffer . ':p'),
\ 'textChanges': l:text_changes,
\ },
\ ],
let l:result.user_data = json_encode(l:user_data)
" Include this item if we'll accept any items,
" or if we only want items with additional edits, and this has them.
if !get(l:info, 'additional_edits_only', 0)
\|| has_key(l:result, 'user_data')
\|| has_key(l:user_data, 'code_actions')
call add(l:results, l:result)
@ -983,30 +988,29 @@ function! ale#completion#Queue() abort
function! ale#completion#HandleUserData(completed_item) abort
let l:source = get(get(b:, 'ale_completion_info', {}), 'source', '')
if l:source isnot# 'ale-automatic'
\&& l:source isnot# 'ale-manual'
\&& l:source isnot# 'ale-callback'
\&& l:source isnot# 'ale-import'
let l:user_data_json = get(a:completed_item, 'user_data', '')
if empty(l:user_data_json)
let l:user_data = json_decode(l:user_data_json)
let l:user_data = !empty(l:user_data_json)
\ ? json_decode(l:user_data_json)
\ : v:null
if type(l:user_data) isnot v:t_dict
\|| get(l:user_data, '_ale_completion_item', 0) isnot 1
for l:code_action in get(l:user_data, 'codeActions', [])
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(l:code_action, v:false)
let l:source = get(get(b:, 'ale_completion_info', {}), 'source', '')
if l:source is# 'ale-automatic'
\|| l:source is# 'ale-manual'
\|| l:source is# 'ale-callback'
\|| l:source is# 'ale-import'
\|| l:source is# 'ale-omnifunc'
for l:code_action in get(l:user_data, 'code_actions', [])
call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(l:code_action, v:false)
silent doautocmd <nomodeline> User ALECompletePost
function! ale#completion#Done() abort
@ -458,6 +458,10 @@ function! s:StopCurrentJobs(buffer, clear_lint_file_jobs) abort
function! ale#engine#Stop(buffer) abort
call s:StopCurrentJobs(a:buffer, 1)
function! s:RemoveProblemsForDisabledLinters(buffer, linters) abort
" Figure out which linters are still enabled, and remove
" problems for linters which are no longer enabled.
@ -75,7 +75,10 @@ function! ale#fix#ApplyFixes(buffer, output) abort
if l:data.lines_before != l:lines
call remove(g:ale_fix_buffer_data, a:buffer)
execute 'echoerr ''The file was changed before fixing finished'''
if !l:data.ignore_file_changed_errors
execute 'echoerr ''The file was changed before fixing finished'''
@ -329,6 +332,7 @@ function! ale#fix#InitBufferData(buffer, fixing_flag) abort
\ 'lines_before': getbufline(a:buffer, 1, '$'),
\ 'done': 0,
\ 'should_save': a:fixing_flag is# 'save_file',
\ 'ignore_file_changed_errors': a:fixing_flag is# '!',
\ 'temporary_directory_list': [],
@ -337,19 +341,23 @@ endfunction
" Returns 0 if no fixes can be applied, and 1 if fixing can be done.
function! ale#fix#Fix(buffer, fixing_flag, ...) abort
if a:fixing_flag isnot# '' && a:fixing_flag isnot# 'save_file'
throw "fixing_flag must be either '' or 'save_file'"
if a:fixing_flag isnot# ''
\&& a:fixing_flag isnot# '!'
\&& a:fixing_flag isnot# 'save_file'
throw "fixing_flag must be '', '!', or 'save_file'"
let l:callback_list = s:GetCallbacks(a:buffer, a:fixing_flag, a:000)
catch /E700\|BADNAME/
let l:function_name = join(split(split(v:exception, ':')[3]))
let l:echo_message = printf(
\ 'There is no fixer named `%s`. Check :ALEFixSuggest',
\ l:function_name,
execute 'echom l:echo_message'
if a:fixing_flag isnot# '!'
let l:function_name = join(split(split(v:exception, ':')[3]))
let l:echo_message = printf(
\ 'There is no fixer named `%s`. Check :ALEFixSuggest',
\ l:function_name,
execute 'echom l:echo_message'
return 0
@ -147,6 +147,8 @@ ALE offers several options for controlling which linters are run.
* Disabling only a subset of linters. - |g:ale_linters_ignore|
* Disabling LSP linters and `tsserver`. - |g:ale_disable_lsp|
You can stop ALE any currently running linters with the |ALELintStop| command.
Any existing problems will be kept.
3.1 Linting On Other Machines *ale-lint-other-machines*
@ -532,6 +534,9 @@ potential completion result which includes additional text to insert into the
current buffer, which ALE will assume is code for an import line. This command
can be useful when your code already contains something you need to import.
You can execute other commands whenever ALE inserts some completion text with
the |ALECompletePost| event.
When working with TypeScript files, ALE can remove warnings from your
completions by setting the |g:ale_completion_tsserver_remove_warnings|
variable to 1.
@ -2976,6 +2981,10 @@ ALEFix *ALEFix*
Fix problems with the current buffer. See |ale-fix| for more information.
If the command is run with a bang (`:ALEFix!`), all warnings will be
suppressed, including warnings about no fixers being defined, and warnings
about not being able to apply fixes to a file because it has been changed.
A plug mapping `<Plug>(ale_fix)` is defined for this command.
@ -3115,6 +3124,13 @@ ALELint *ALELint*
A plug mapping `<Plug>(ale_lint)` is defined for this command.
ALELintStop *ALELintStop*
Stop any currently running jobs for checking the current buffer.
Any problems from previous linter results will continue to be shown.
ALEPrevious *ALEPrevious*
ALEPreviousWrap *ALEPreviousWrap*
ALENext *ALENext*
@ -3980,6 +3996,23 @@ g:ale_want_results_buffer *g:ale_want_results_buffer*
figure out which buffer other sources should lint.
ALECompletePost *ALECompletePost-autocmd*
This |User| autocmd is triggered after ALE inserts an item on
|CompleteDone|. This event can be used to run commands after a buffer
is changed by ALE as the result of completion. For example, |ALEFix| can
be configured to run automatically when completion is done: >
augroup FixAfterComplete
" Run ALEFix when completion items are added.
autocmd User ALECompletePost ALEFix!
" If ALE starts fixing a file, stop linters running for now.
autocmd User ALEFixPre ALELintStop
augroup END
ALELintPre *ALELintPre-autocmd*
ALELintPost *ALELintPost-autocmd*
@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ command! -bar ALEStopAllLSPs :call ale#lsp#reset#StopAllLSPs()
" A command for linting manually.
command! -bar ALELint :call ale#Queue(0, 'lint_file')
" Stop current jobs when linting.
command! -bar ALELintStop :call ale#engine#Stop(bufnr(''))
" Define a command to get information about current filetype.
command! -bar ALEInfo :call ale#debugging#Info()
@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ command! -bar ALEInfoToClipboard :call ale#debugging#InfoToClipboard()
command! -bar -nargs=1 ALEInfoToFile :call ale#debugging#InfoToFile(<f-args>)
" Fix problems in files.
command! -bar -nargs=* -complete=customlist,ale#fix#registry#CompleteFixers ALEFix :call ale#fix#Fix(bufnr(''), '', <f-args>)
command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,ale#fix#registry#CompleteFixers ALEFix :call ale#fix#Fix(bufnr(''), '<bang>', <f-args>)
" Suggest registered functions to use for fixing problems.
command! -bar ALEFixSuggest :call ale#fix#registry#Suggest(&filetype)
@ -49,12 +49,13 @@ class Source(Base):
if event == 'Async':
result = self.vim.call('ale#completion#GetCompletionResult')
return result or []
if context.get('is_refresh'):
"call ale#completion#GetCompletions('ale-callback', " + \
"{'callback': {completions -> deoplete#auto_complete() }})"
"call ale#completion#GetCompletions('ale-callback', "
+ "{'callback': {completions -> deoplete#auto_complete() }})"
return []
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
let g:complete_post_triggered = 0
augroup VaderTest
autocmd User ALECompletePost let g:complete_post_triggered = 1
augroup END
unlet! b:ale_completion_info
unlet! g:complete_post_triggered
augroup VaderTest
augroup END
augroup! VaderTest
Execute(ALECompletePost should not be triggered when completion is cancelled):
call ale#completion#HandleUserData({})
Assert !g:complete_post_triggered
Execute(ALECompletePost should not be triggered when tools other than ALE insert completions):
call ale#completion#HandleUserData({'user_data': ''})
call ale#completion#HandleUserData({'user_data': '{}'})
Assert !g:complete_post_triggered
Execute(ALECompletePost should be triggered when ALE inserts completions):
call ale#completion#HandleUserData({
\ 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1}),
Assert g:complete_post_triggered
@ -407,41 +407,75 @@ Execute(HandleUserData should call ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction):
AssertEqual g:handle_code_action_called, 0
call ale#completion#HandleUserData({
\ 'user_data': ''
\ 'user_data': ''
AssertEqual g:handle_code_action_called, 0
call ale#completion#HandleUserData({
\ 'user_data': '{}'
\ 'user_data': json_encode({}),
AssertEqual g:handle_code_action_called, 0
call ale#completion#HandleUserData({
\ 'user_data': '{"codeActions": []}'
\ 'user_data': json_encode({
\ '_ale_completion_item': 1,
\ 'code_actions': [],
\ }),
AssertEqual g:handle_code_action_called, 0
call ale#completion#HandleUserData({
\ 'user_data': '{"codeActions": [{"description":"", "changes": []}]}'
\ 'user_data': json_encode({
\ '_ale_completion_item': 1,
\ 'code_actions': [
\ {'description': '', 'changes': []},
\ ],
\ }),
AssertEqual g:handle_code_action_called, 1
let b:ale_completion_info = {'source': 'ale-automatic'}
call ale#completion#HandleUserData({
\ 'user_data': '{"codeActions": [{"description":"", "changes": []}]}'
\ 'user_data': json_encode({
\ '_ale_completion_item': 1,
\ 'code_actions': [
\ {'description': '', 'changes': []},
\ ],
\ }),
AssertEqual g:handle_code_action_called, 2
let b:ale_completion_info = {'source': 'ale-callback'}
call ale#completion#HandleUserData({
\ 'user_data': '{"codeActions": [{"description":"", "changes": []}]}'
\ 'user_data': json_encode({
\ '_ale_completion_item': 1,
\ 'code_actions': [
\ {'description': '', 'changes': []},
\ ],
\ }),
AssertEqual g:handle_code_action_called, 3
let b:ale_completion_info = {'source': 'ale-omnifunc'}
call ale#completion#HandleUserData({
\ 'user_data': json_encode({
\ '_ale_completion_item': 1,
\ 'code_actions': [
\ {'description': '', 'changes': []},
\ ],
\ }),
AssertEqual g:handle_code_action_called, 4
Execute(ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction should not be called when when source is not ALE):
call MockHandleCodeAction()
let b:ale_completion_info = {'source': 'syntastic'}
call ale#completion#HandleUserData({
\ 'user_data': '{"codeActions": [{"description":"", "changes": []}]}'
\ 'user_data': json_encode({
\ '_ale_completion_item': 1,
\ 'code_actions': [
\ {'description': '', 'changes': []},
\ ],
\ }),
AssertEqual g:handle_code_action_called, 0
@ -12,34 +12,34 @@ After:
Execute(Should handle Rust completion results correctly):
\ [
\ {'word': 'new', 'menu': 'pub fn new() -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'with_capacity', 'menu': 'pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from_utf8', 'menu': 'pub fn from_utf8(vec: Vec<u8>) -> Result<String, FromUtf8Error>', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from_utf8_lossy', 'menu': 'pub fn from_utf8_lossy<''a>(v: &''a [u8]) -> Cow<''a, str>', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from_utf16', 'menu': 'pub fn from_utf16(v: &[u16]) -> Result<String, FromUtf16Error>', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from_utf16_lossy', 'menu': 'pub fn from_utf16_lossy(v: &[u16]) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from_raw_parts', 'menu': 'pub unsafe fn from_raw_parts(buf: *mut u8, length: usize, capacity: usize) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from_utf8_unchecked', 'menu': 'pub unsafe fn from_utf8_unchecked(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from_iter', 'menu': 'fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = char>>(iter: I) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from_iter', 'menu': 'fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = &''a char>>(iter: I) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from_iter', 'menu': 'fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = &''a str>>(iter: I) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from_iter', 'menu': 'fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = String>>(iter: I) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from_iter', 'menu': 'fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = Cow<''a, str>>>(iter: I) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'Searcher', 'menu': 'type Searcher = <&''b str as Pattern<''a>>::Searcher;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'default', 'menu': 'fn default() -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'Output', 'menu': 'type Output = String;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'Output', 'menu': 'type Output = str;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'Output', 'menu': 'type Output = str;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'Output', 'menu': 'type Output = str;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'Output', 'menu': 'type Output = str;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'Output', 'menu': 'type Output = str;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'Output', 'menu': 'type Output = str;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'Target', 'menu': 'type Target = str;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'Err', 'menu': 'type Err = ParseError;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from_str', 'menu': 'fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<String, ParseError>', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from', 'menu': 'fn from(s: &''a str) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from', 'menu': 'fn from(s: Box<str>) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'from', 'menu': 'fn from(s: Cow<''a, str>) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'new', 'menu': 'pub fn new() -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'with_capacity', 'menu': 'pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from_utf8', 'menu': 'pub fn from_utf8(vec: Vec<u8>) -> Result<String, FromUtf8Error>', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from_utf8_lossy', 'menu': 'pub fn from_utf8_lossy<''a>(v: &''a [u8]) -> Cow<''a, str>', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from_utf16', 'menu': 'pub fn from_utf16(v: &[u16]) -> Result<String, FromUtf16Error>', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from_utf16_lossy', 'menu': 'pub fn from_utf16_lossy(v: &[u16]) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from_raw_parts', 'menu': 'pub unsafe fn from_raw_parts(buf: *mut u8, length: usize, capacity: usize) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from_utf8_unchecked', 'menu': 'pub unsafe fn from_utf8_unchecked(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from_iter', 'menu': 'fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = char>>(iter: I) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from_iter', 'menu': 'fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = &''a char>>(iter: I) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from_iter', 'menu': 'fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = &''a str>>(iter: I) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from_iter', 'menu': 'fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = String>>(iter: I) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from_iter', 'menu': 'fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = Cow<''a, str>>>(iter: I) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'Searcher', 'menu': 'type Searcher = <&''b str as Pattern<''a>>::Searcher;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'default', 'menu': 'fn default() -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'Output', 'menu': 'type Output = String;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'Output', 'menu': 'type Output = str;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'Output', 'menu': 'type Output = str;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'Output', 'menu': 'type Output = str;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'Output', 'menu': 'type Output = str;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'Output', 'menu': 'type Output = str;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'Output', 'menu': 'type Output = str;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'Target', 'menu': 'type Target = str;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'Err', 'menu': 'type Err = ParseError;', 'info': '', 'kind': 't', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from_str', 'menu': 'fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<String, ParseError>', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from', 'menu': 'fn from(s: &''a str) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from', 'menu': 'fn from(s: Box<str>) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'from', 'menu': 'fn from(s: Cow<''a, str>) -> String', 'info': '', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions({
\ "jsonrpc":"2.0",
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ Execute(Should handle Python completion results correctly):
\ [
\ {'word': 'what', 'menu': 'example-python-project.bar.Bar', 'info': "what()\n\n", 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'what', 'menu': 'example-python-project.bar.Bar', 'info': "what()\n\n", 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ ],
\ ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions({
\ "jsonrpc":"2.0",
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ Execute(Should handle Python completion results correctly):
\ }
\ })
Execute(Should handle Python completion results correctly):
Execute(Should handle extra Python completion results correctly):
let b:ale_completion_info = {
\ 'completion_filter': 'ale#completion#python#CompletionItemFilter',
\ 'prefix': 'mig',
@ -407,8 +407,8 @@ Execute(Should handle Python completion results correctly):
\ [
\ {'word': 'migrations', 'menu': 'xxx', 'info': 'migrations', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'MigEngine', 'menu': 'xxx', 'info': 'mig engine', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'migrations', 'menu': 'xxx', 'info': 'migrations', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ {'word': 'MigEngine', 'menu': 'xxx', 'info': 'mig engine', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ ],
\ ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions({
\ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ Execute(Should handle Python completion results correctly):
Execute(Should handle missing keys):
\ [
\ {'word': 'x', 'menu': '', 'info': '', 'kind': 'v', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'x', 'menu': '', 'info': '', 'kind': 'v', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ ],
\ ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions({
\ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ Execute(Should handle missing keys):
Execute(Should handle documentation in the markdown format):
\ [
\ {'word': 'migrations', 'menu': 'xxx', 'info': 'Markdown documentation', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'migrations', 'menu': 'xxx', 'info': 'Markdown documentation', 'kind': 'f', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ ],
\ ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions({
\ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ Execute(Should handle documentation in the markdown format):
Execute(Should handle completion messages with textEdit objects):
\ [
\ {'word': 'next_callback', 'menu': 'PlayTimeCallback', 'info': '', 'kind': 'v', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'next_callback', 'menu': 'PlayTimeCallback', 'info': '', 'kind': 'v', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ ],
\ ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions({
\ 'id': 226,
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ Execute(Should handle completion messages with textEdit objects):
Execute(Should handle completion messages with the deprecated insertText attribute):
\ [
\ {'word': 'next_callback', 'menu': 'PlayTimeCallback', 'info': '', 'kind': 'v', 'icase': 1},
\ {'word': 'next_callback', 'menu': 'PlayTimeCallback', 'info': '', 'kind': 'v', 'icase': 1, 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1})},
\ ],
\ ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions({
\ 'id': 226,
@ -547,7 +547,8 @@ Execute(Should handle completion messages with additionalTextEdits when ale_comp
\ 'kind': 'v',
\ 'icase': 1,
\ 'user_data': json_encode({
\ 'codeActions': [
\ '_ale_completion_item': 1,
\ 'code_actions': [
\ {
\ 'description': 'completion',
\ 'changes': [
@ -658,6 +659,7 @@ Execute(Should still handle completion messages with empty additionalTextEdits w
\ 'info': '',
\ 'kind': 'v',
\ 'icase': 1,
\ 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1}),
\ }
\ ],
\ ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions({
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ Execute(TypeScript completion details responses should be parsed correctly):
\ 'info': '',
\ 'kind': 'v',
\ 'icase': 1,
\ 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1}),
\ 'dup': g:ale_completion_autoimport,
\ },
\ {
@ -98,6 +99,7 @@ Execute(TypeScript completion details responses should be parsed correctly):
\ 'info': 'foo bar baz',
\ 'kind': 'v',
\ 'icase': 1,
\ 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1}),
\ 'dup': g:ale_completion_autoimport,
\ },
\ {
@ -106,6 +108,7 @@ Execute(TypeScript completion details responses should be parsed correctly):
\ 'info': '',
\ 'kind': 'v',
\ 'icase': 1,
\ 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1}),
\ 'dup': g:ale_completion_autoimport,
\ },
\ ],
@ -179,7 +182,8 @@ Execute(Entries without details should be included in the responses):
\ 'kind': 'v',
\ 'icase': 1,
\ 'user_data': json_encode({
\ 'codeActions': [{
\ '_ale_completion_item': 1,
\ 'code_actions': [{
\ 'description': 'import { def } from "./Foo";',
\ 'changes': [],
\ }],
@ -192,6 +196,7 @@ Execute(Entries without details should be included in the responses):
\ 'info': 'foo bar baz',
\ 'kind': 'v',
\ 'icase': 1,
\ 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1}),
\ 'dup': g:ale_completion_autoimport,
\ },
\ {
@ -199,6 +204,7 @@ Execute(Entries without details should be included in the responses):
\ 'menu': '',
\ 'info': '',
\ 'kind': 'v',
\ 'user_data': json_encode({'_ale_completion_item': 1}),
\ 'icase': 1,
\ },
\ ],
@ -260,7 +266,8 @@ Execute(Default imports should be handled correctly):
\ 'kind': 't',
\ 'icase': 1,
\ 'user_data': json_encode({
\ 'codeActions': [{
\ '_ale_completion_item': 1,
\ 'code_actions': [{
\ 'description': 'Import default ''abcd'' from module "./foo"',
\ 'changes': [],
\ }],
@ -196,6 +196,10 @@ After:
" Clear the messages between tests.
echomsg ''
if !exists('g:ale_command_wrapper')
let g:ale_command_wrapper = ''
Given testft (A file with three lines):
@ -206,6 +210,13 @@ Execute(ALEFix should complain when there are no functions to call):
call ale#test#FlushJobs()
AssertEqual 'No fixers have been defined. Try :ALEFixSuggest', GetLastMessage()
Execute(ALEFix should not complain when the command is run with a bang):
echom 'none'
call ale#test#FlushJobs()
AssertEqual 'none', GetLastMessage()
Execute(ALEFix should apply simple functions):
let g:ale_fixers.testft = ['AddCarets']
@ -715,6 +726,19 @@ Execute(ale#fix#InitBufferData() should set up the correct data):
\ 'done': 0,
\ 'lines_before': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
\ 'should_save': 1,
\ 'ignore_file_changed_errors': 0,
\ },
\}, g:ale_fix_buffer_data
call ale#fix#InitBufferData(bufnr(''), '!')
AssertEqual {
\ bufnr(''): {
\ 'temporary_directory_list': [],
\ 'done': 0,
\ 'lines_before': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
\ 'should_save': 0,
\ 'ignore_file_changed_errors': 1,
\ },
\}, g:ale_fix_buffer_data
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Save g:ale_buffer_info
let g:ale_buffer_info = {}
call ale#linter#PreventLoading('testft')
call ale#linter#Define('testft', {
\ 'name': 'testlinter',
\ 'callback': {-> []},
\ 'executable': has('win32') ? 'cmd' : 'true',
\ 'command': 'sleep 9001',
call ale#linter#Reset()
Given testft (An empty file):
Execute(ALELintStop should stop ALE from linting):
Assert ale#engine#IsCheckingBuffer(bufnr('')), 'ALE did not start checking the buffer'
Assert !ale#engine#IsCheckingBuffer(bufnr('')), 'ALELintStop didn''t work'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user