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Imposter, crypto mining etc
- gamesfull.com
- oceanofgames.com
- nosteamgames.ro
- cracked-games.org
- pcgamestorrents.com
- skidrowgamesreloaded.co
- skidrowgames.in
- gamezprivat.ru
- downloadscracks.info
- privatgamer.space
- sunlordis.pw
- game01-com.ru
- downloadsnew.ru
- fixpatchforgame.ru
- gamepcpatchfix.ru
- sunlord.website
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- sunlotus.ru
- sunlitez.ru
- sunlites.fun
- howtofixgame.com
- gamestorrent.co
- magnet2torrent.com
- igg-games.com
- skidrow.games
- tvmuse.com
- nosTEAM.ro
- OceanOfGames
- cpygames (same like shitrow imposter - same person)
- steampunksgames (same like shitrow imposter - same person)
- CracksNow
- FRY!TV + Cinemax Mov - Free HD Movies Online (same dev)
Other reasons (sell-out, under surveillance etc)
- cinesilip.su
- pariwikitv.su
- pinoyhd.su
- dilsediltakdrama.net
- dramaofw.su
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- filikulamo.tk
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- ofwpinoytambayan.su
- fullpinoymovies.net
- lambingansu.net
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- pinoymovies.site
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- sunjerhd.com
- tambayand.com
- lqnabc.info
- tambayane.com
- telebesyon.com
- yztv.online
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- Kino.to
- 2conv.com
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- scr.cr
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- torrenting.com
- tt.smallfoot.me
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- anime1.com
- animedao.com
- Animeheaven.eu
- animehub.ac
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- animepahe.com
- animerush.tv
- chia-anime.tv
- dubbedanime.net
- horriblesubs.info
- hotanime.me
- justdubs.org
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- kickassanime.io
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- toonget.net
- softwarez.us
- 1xbet.com
- seeHD.WS
- 2baksa.net
- NORO repacks
- foxleech.com
Banned search engines:
- DuckDuckGo (read here why)
Apps with malware, ads etc in it (possible honeypot apps to steal your data or to monitor you):