- Anonembed, FilesLoop & ololo.to added into its own category "Video Streaming link search engines"
- Code of conduct mentioned under "project structure"
- All, so called "anti ads" scripts are banned now. Use uBlock/AdGuard/Blokada instead.
- Scripts to filter (improve) the website are still allowed. E.g. to improve website x, like TPB cleaner because if also offers new "features" to the site itself.
Those scripts getting more and more ineffective compared to a web-filter extension (uBlock officially is not a traditional "ad-blocker).
- Playstation section added (not only limited to PS4!). The (4) only indicates that this is the latest PS console, I'm not opening a section for PS 1, 2, etc. because there are only a handful pages which are reliable.
- MyImgur - Download/Upload imgur images
- DroidIris+ (Android only) added into image downloader section
- Tidal section added, we already have "audio" and other section but I decided to open sections for each big music streaming service because there are not really many alternatives/websites and the ones which exist are worth to be mentioned
- GomoStream has an .org URL too (abandoned/outdated), the official domain moved to .com. Make sure you (re)-check your bookmarks. It is not listed under banned because officially the .org domain is still "supported" and owned by the same owner (and not somehow altered/infected etc).
- Chegg added (academic papers), it's not entirely free (mostly paid) but offers a trial so you can create multiple accounts and get academic paper, school material, more or less for free.
- Footybite, Football streaming (no sign-up is required)
- Siptveu added, football / IPTV streaming
- PIPTV (IPTV) phython script added, it normally belongs to the tools section but the IPTV overall is a mess and I'll clean it among with other things (streaming section is a mess too)
- MachineGunnur/GOG-Games - link added
- Swiss Copyright Law: Downloading Stays Legal, No Site Blocking (torrentfreak) link added
- Fake generator section added (privacy protection, be careful some of such websites "track" you or doing the opposite by stealing your identity)
- Renamed "Archives to "Piracy archives"
About GOG Games (mirrors/releases e.g. MachineGunnur) & harassment (no rant - just my point of view)
Stop harassing people, let people alone which are only trying to help. That dude (MachineGunnur) closed his support issue ticket on GitHub because of spam/trolls - according to his latest comment (as of yesterday) people even trolled him on his Tox channel - Just stop it, how bored must one individual be to troll and waste his freak'n lifetime just to prevent that someone uploads GOG mirror files?! Seriously, that's not cool. I usually don't comment on such things but abusing channels/platforms like GitHub just to show how stupid you are is nothing but a waste of all our spare lifetime. I have no respect for trolls/idiots or people which waste all our time for nothing, I report such people immediately (yes, call be a dick on this) because such people are on the wrong platform, GitHub or GitLab is not the place to harass or bully certain people. Feel free to spam in my Discord, I even give you your own room for this ... Jesus. This "Kindergarten", reminds be on the early 90s, just because some trolls want to "prevent" something. You simply can't, if someone wants to help, just let him and if you dislike it, ignore it and don't start a drama.
@MachineGunnur keep up your good work and ignore those trolls. :)
We ensure that (in case you come from another website like GitHub, CornHub & Co) the links you clicked here are "obfuscated" (I know it's the wrong word for it). This basically prevents third-parties and first-parties to back-track your site you came from. Theoretically this also answers the liability questions for the links here on this repository because the provider is responsible and if we "give" another provider the real link then he is responsible for the content. However, I'm not sure if that is the case here because github explicitly looks for https://.
There are also browser extensions to do that and some Browsers like Brave or Firefox (with some config tweaks) can do this without any extensions, but since I don't want to force anyone to install an extension or to enable blocking the referrer by default.
What is a soft ban?
- The removed websites with an insecure protocol are now listed under banned.md, however if the webmaster/owner decides to upgrade the website to a secure and better standard then I'm going to re-list them on the Overview page.
Why are some pages (which are insecure) marked/tagged with `insecure`?
- Some very popular websites are insecure, however they are not been removed for several reasons e.g. popularity, search reasons etc.
Website with "beta" https://?
Some websites can be reached via HTTPS-Everywhere & Co. to "upgrade" (redirect) the website to https://, however if the website does not naively support HTTPS by default then it's considerable a "beta" redirection which is not been tolerated. No one should be forced to use extensions/scripts/filters to reach a secure website. Welcome to 2019.
Minimum website standard?
TLS 2.0+. According to several stats pages only <5% of all encrypted pages using an outdated TLS version 1.0/1.1/1.2 etc. So welcome in Russia my friends... Just update your standard. It's not hard, if you can't do it then why should we trust your page/content?!
Why does it matter if the website only lists/links to other secure providers e.g. zippyshare (sharehoster) etc.?!
The reason is that Warez pages are been actively monitored and indexed, the risk is high that those pages are somehow compromised (XSS, MITM, etc) in order to find out who is going to click on link x or simply to track you down.
Wrong assumption (?)
I do not support or vouch for any https site here, but in my point of view in 2019 every freak'n page should be at least be in TLS 2.0 (or higher). I doubt every website owner/site or hoster which is not capable of providing a secure website/content, especially if it comes to Warez.
- http, ftp and other insecure protocols (links) to websites or any material is not allowed. All insecure websites (according to the current "standards" getting moved to the "banned.md" overview.
- Do not abuse any GitHub system e.g. pull/issue ticket system to troll (this is now explicit mentioned)
- Do not link to explicit content, this is already disallowed by GitHub's terms of use but I cover it again.
- Impostors or new pages are not allowed, the new pages (mirrors) getting reviewed to ensure no one gets fooled with malware, clickbait, spam or other stuff like that.
- Minor changes (because I like to say at the end "minor change") ...