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Seppuku is a free, lightweight, open-source Minecraft Forge client-side mod for Minecraft 1.12.2. Oriented towards 9B9T, this is a full-featured anarchy mod with an external plugin API, unique exploits, and a solid community.



Linux / Mac

  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
  3. Edit src/main/java/me/rigamortis/seppuku/impl/fml/core/ change PatchManager.Environment.IDE to PatchManager.Environment.RELEASE
  4. Run gradlew build


Highly recommend using a git shell for Windows and using the linux guide above. (


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Import the project through Gradle via build.gradle (simple tutorials online for intellij, eclipse, etc.)
  3. Run the gradle command setupDecompWorkspace via the IDE or gradlew.bat file (via command prompt: gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace)
  4. Refresh the project (reload ide / refresh gradle workspace)
  5. Edit src/main/java/me/rigamortis/seppuku/impl/fml/core/ change PatchManager.Environment.IDE to PatchManager.Environment.RELEASE
  6. Edit build.gradle and change field buildmode to RELEASE ex: def buildmode = "RELEASE"
  7. Run the gradle command build via the IDE or gradlew.bat file (via command prompt: gradlew.bat build)


  • Use VM arg -Dfml.coreMods.load=me.rigamortis.seppuku.impl.fml.core.SeppukuLoadingPlugin
  • Ensure field PATCH_MANAGER in is set to PatchManager.Environment.IDE
  • Ensure field buildmode in build.gradle is set to IDE ex: def buildmode = "IDE"