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# Compiling for Windows
Compiling for Windows is supported using GNU-like compilers (GCC/Clang). Clang
is compatible with both the ``w64-windows-gnu`` [MinGW-w64](
and ``pc-windows-msvc`` [Windows SDK](
targets. It supports the production of both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries and is
suitable for building on Windows as well as cross-compiling from Linux and Cygwin.
Although it is possible to build a complete MinGW-w64 toolchain yourself, there
are build environments and scripts available to simplify the process, such as
MSYS2 on Windows or a packaged toolchain provided by your favorite Linux
distribution. Note that MinGW-w64 environments included in Linux distributions
can vary in versions. As a general guideline, mpv only supports the MinGW-w64
toolchain version included in the latest Ubuntu LTS release.
mpv employs Meson for building, and the process is the same as any standard Meson
For the most up-to-date reference on build scripts, you can refer to
which builds and tests all supported configurations: ``MinGW-w64``, ``Windows SDK``,
and ``MSYS2`` builds.
## Cross-compilation
When cross-compiling, it is recommended to use a Meson ``--cross-file`` to set up the
cross-compiling environment. For a basic example, please refer to
Alternatively, consider using [mpv-winbuild-cmake](,
which bootstraps a MinGW-w64 toolchain and builds mpv along with its dependencies.
### Example with Meson
1. Create ``cross-file.txt`` with definitions for your toolchain and target platform.
Refer to [x86_64-w64-mingw32.txt](
as a directly usable example.
- **Important**: Beware of pkg-config usage. By default, it uses build machine
files for dependency detection, even when ``--cross-file`` is used. It must
be configured correctly. Refer to ``pkg_config_libdir`` and ``sys_root``
in the [documentation](
for proper setup. **In this example pkg-config is not used/required.**
2. Initialize subprojects. This step is optional; other methods are also
available to provide the necessary dependencies.
``` bash
# Update the subprojects database from Meson's WrapDB.
meson wrap update-db
# Explicitly download wraps as nested projects may have older versions of them.
meson wrap install expat
meson wrap install harfbuzz
meson wrap install libpng
meson wrap install zlib
# Add wraps for mpv's required dependencies
mkdir -p subprojects
cat <<EOF > subprojects/libplacebo.wrap
url =
revision = master
depth = 1
clone-recursive = true
cat <<EOF > subprojects/libass.wrap
revision = master
url =
depth = 1
# For FFmpeg, use Meson's build system port; alternatively, you can compile
# the upstream version yourself. See
cat <<EOF > subprojects/ffmpeg.wrap
url =
revision = meson-6.1
depth = 1
libavcodec = libavcodec_dep
libavdevice = libavdevice_dep
libavfilter = libavfilter_dep
libavformat = libavformat_dep
libavutil = libavutil_dep
libswresample = libswresample_dep
libswscale = libswscale_dep
3. Build
``` bash
meson setup -Ddefault_library=static -Dprefer_static=true \
-Dc_link_args='-static' -Dcpp_link_args='-static' \
--cross-file cross-file.txt build
ninja -C build mpv.exe
This will produce fully portabiel, statically linked, ``mpv.exe`` and ````
#### Building libmpv
- To also build ``libmpv``, execute the following commands:
``` bash
# For a static library
meson configure build -Dlibmpv=true -Ddefault_library=static
ninja -C build libmpv.a
# For a shared library
meson configure build -Dlibmpv=true -Ddefault_library=shared
ninja -C build libmpv-2.dll
- Depending on the use case, you might want to use ``-Dgpl=false`` and review
similar options for subprojects.
- If any of Meson's subprojects are not linked statically, you might need to
specify options like the following example for ffmpeg:
#### Enabling more mpv features
The process above produces a basic mpv build. You can enable additional features.
Check the Meson
[WrapDB packages]( for available
dependencies or by providing them through other means.
Enhancing mpv with more features is as simple as adding more arguments to the
Meson setup command, for example:
``` bash
-Dlua=enabled -Djavascript=enabled -Dlcms2=enabled -Dlibplacebo:lcms=enabled
they will be automatically downloaded and built by Meson.
## Native Compilation with Clang (Windows SDK Build)
1. Install [Build Tools for Visual Studio](
or the full [Visual Studio](
- From the installer, select the necessary components:
- Clang compiler for Windows
- C++ CMake tools for Windows
- Windows SDK
- Activate the developer shell:
& "<Visual Studio Path>\Common7\Tools\Launch-VsDevShell.ps1" -Arch amd64 -HostArch amd64 -SkipAutomaticLocation | Out-Null
2. Install Meson, as outlined in [Getting Meson](
- **Important**: At the time of writing, there is an issue in Meson with
escaping response files.
See: [mesonbuild/meson#8981](
and [mesonbuild/meson#11715](
If you wish to install a fixed version, follow the steps outlined
3. The following build script utilizes the Meson subprojects system to build mpv and its dependencies.
To make sure all dependency versions are up-to-date, update the subprojects database from Meson's WrapDB.
Also explicitly download several wraps as some nested projects may pull older versions of them.
meson wrap update-db
meson wrap install expat
meson wrap install harfbuzz
meson wrap install libpng
meson wrap install zlib
4. Set environment variables or use the `--native-file` option in Meson.
$env:CC = 'clang'
$env:CXX = 'clang++'
$env:CC_LD = 'lld'
$env:CXX_LD = 'lld'
$env:WINDRES = 'llvm-rc'
Note that some dependencies (e.g. LuaJIT) may require `sed` to configure. Fortunately, it is already bundled in
[Git for Windows](
$env:PATH += ';<Git Path>\usr\bin'
5. Execute [ci\build-win32.ps1]( Refer to the script for more details.
This process will produce a fully static ``mpv.exe`` and ````, as well as
a static ``libmpv.a``.
## Native Compilation with MSYS2
For Windows developers seeking a quick setup, MSYS2 is an effective tool for
compiling mpv natively on a Windows machine. The MSYS2 repositories provide
binary packages for most of mpv's dependencies, simplifying the process to
primarily involve building mpv itself.
### Installing MSYS2
1. Follow the installation steps from [MSYS2](
2. Initiate one of the [Environments](,
with the CLANG64 (``clang64.exe``) being the recommended option.
**Note:** This environment is distinct from the MSYS2 shell that opens
automatically after the final installation dialog. You must close that
initial shell and open a new one for the appropriate environment.
### Updating MSYS2
For guidance on updating MSYS2, please refer to the official documentation:
[Updating MSYS2](
### Installing mpv Dependencies
``` bash
# Install pacboy and git
pacman -S pactoys git
# Install MSYS2 build dependencies and a MinGW-w64 compiler
pacboy -S python pkgconf cc meson
# Install key dependencies. libass and lcms2 are also included as dependencies
# of ffmpeg.
pacboy -S ffmpeg libjpeg-turbo libplacebo luajit vulkan-headers
### Building mpv
To compile and install mpv, execute the following commands.
The binaries will be installed in the directory ``/$MSYSTEM_PREFIX/bin``.
# Set up the build directory with the desired configuration
meson setup build -Dlibmpv=true --prefix=$MSYSTEM_PREFIX
# Compile
meson compile -C build
# Optionally, install the compiled binaries
meson install -C build
## Running mpv
Depending on your build configuration, ``mpv.exe`` may rely on external
libraries. To create a portable package, you will need to include these
dependencies as well. The quickest way to determine which libraries are needed
is to run ``mpv.exe`` and note any error messages that list the required ``.dll``
files. You can find these libraries in the sysroot used for compilation, such as
``/clang64/bin/`` in MSYS2.
## Linking libmpv with MSVC Programs
Building mpv/libmpv directly with the MSVC compiler (cl.exe) is not supported
due to differences in compiler flags. Our build system is designed specifically
for GNU-like compiler drivers. However, you can still build programs in
Visual Studio and link them with libmpv.
If the toolchain used generates a ``.lib`` file, it will be ready for use.
Otherwise, you will need to create an import library for the mpv DLL with the
following command:
lib /name:mpv-2.dll /out:mpv.lib /MACHINE:X64
Ensure that the string in the ``/name:`` parameter matches the filename of the
DLL, as this is the filename that the MSVC linker will reference.
**Note:** Static linking is only feasible with matching compilers. For instance,
if you build with Clang in Visual Studio, static linking is possible.