for a reason i can just assume some key events can vanish from the
event chain and mpv seems unresponsive.
after quite some testing i could confirm that the events are present at
the first entry point of the event chain, the sendEvent method of the
Application, and that they vanish at a point afterwards. now we use
that entry point to grab keyDown and keyUp events. we also stop
propagating those key events to prevent the no key input' error sound.
if we ever need the key events somewhere down the event chain we need
to start propagating them again. though this is not necessary currently.
"@name:!" becomes simply "@name". This is actually slightly more complex
to parse, but makes for a much simpler syntax and will be less weird to
the user. Suggested by haasn.
The old syntax is now rejected with an error.
Also add some more explicit error checks, instead of e.g. allowing empty
filter names and erroring only when it's not found.
DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL might be buggy on some hardware.
Additionaly DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL might be supported on some
Windows 7 systems with the platform update, but it might have poor
performance. In these cases, the user might want to disable the use of
DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL swap chains with --angle-flip=no.
It should default to true, but setting the filter list via mpv_node
(relevant for client API and Lua scripting) left it to false.
Also "document" the flag.
Basically, see the example in input.rst.
This is better than the "old" vf-toggle method, because it doesn't
require the user to duplicate the filter string in mpv.conf and
Some aspects of this changes are untested, so enjoy your alpha testing.
Add subtitle filter to remove additions for deaf or hard-of-hearing
(SDH). This is for English, but may in part work for others too.
This is an ASS filter and the intention is that it can always be
enabled as it by default do not remove parts that may be normal text.
Harder filtering can be enabled with an additional option.
Signed-off-by: wm4 <wm4@nowhere>
Remove low quality drc filter. Anyone whishing to have dynamic range
compression should use the much more powerful acompressor ffmpeg filter:
mpv --af=lavfi=[acompressor] INPUT
Or with parameters:
mpv --af=lavfi=[acompressor=threshold=-25dB:ratio=3:makeup=8dB] INPUT
Refer to for a full
list of supported parameters.
Signed-off-by: wm4 <wm4@nowhere>
Requested. The property semantics are a bit muddy due to lack of effort.
Anticipated use is different display of cache status, so it should not
matter anyway.
Useful for testing. Unfortunately, the nVidia EGL driver ignores this,
and returns a GLES 3.2 context anyway (which it is allowed to do). Might
still be useable with ANGLE, which will really give you a GLES 2 context
if you ask for it.
As the manpage says, this has no value other than adding bugs.
It uses code based on context_x11.c, and basically does very stripped
down context creation (no alpha support etc.). It uses vdpau for
display, and maps vdpau output surfaces as FBOs to render into them.
This might be good to experiment with asynchronous presentation. For
now, it presents synchronously, with a 4 frame delay (which should whack
off A/V sync). The forced 4 frame delay is probably also why interaction
feels slower.
There are some weird vdpau errors on resizing and uninit. No idea what
causes them.
This is just a pointless refactor with the only goal of making
image_writer_opts.format a number.
The pointless part of it is that instead of using some sort of arbitrary
ID (in place of a file extension string), we use a AV_CODEC_ID_. There
was also some idea of falling back to the libavcodec MJPEG encoder if
mpv was not linked against libjpeg, but this fails. libavcodec insist on
having AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ420P, which we pretend does not exist, and which
we always map to AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P (without the J indicating full
range), so encoder init fails. This is pretty dumb, but whatever. The
not-caring factor is raised by the fact that we don't know that we
should convert to full range, because encoders have no proper way to
signal this. (Be reminded that AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ420P is deprecated.)
I'm not sure what's going on here, but it appears kodi switches forward
and backwards references for advanced VPP deinterlacing modes. This in
turn makes deinterlacing with these modes apparently work. If you don't
switch the directions, you get a stuttering mess.
As far as the libva trace dump is concerned, this makes mpv's libva
deinterlacing API use behave like kodi's, and appears to reproduce
smooth video with advanced libva deinterlacing enabled.
I'm hearing that Mesa actually does it correctly, and I'm not sure what
will happen there. For now, passing "reversal-bug=no" as sub-option to
the vavpp filter will undo this behavior.
Includes hls, mp4, mkv by default. This also avoids stupid things like
decoding at least 1 video frame per stream in the demuxer.
This also add --demuxer-lavf-probe-info to give finer control over what
This was a hack to let libmpv API users pass a d3d device to mpv. It's
not needed anymore for 2 reasons:
1. ANGLE does not have this problem
2. Even native GL via nVidia (where this failed) seems to not require
this anymore
Implements --hwdec=videotoolbox on iOS. Similar to hwdec_osx.c, but
using CVPixelBuffer APIs available on iOS instead of the equivalent
IOSurface APIs in macOS.
We can drop the custom table.
For some reason, the interop does not accept GL_RGB_RAW_422_APPLE as
internal format for GL_RGB_422_APPLE, so switch the format table to use
GL_RGB (this way both interop and real textures work the same).
Another victim of the apparent requirement of exactly matching texture
formats is kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA. vo_opengl wants to handle this as
normal RGBA texture, with a swizzle applied in the shader.
CGLTexImageIOSurface2D() rejects this, because it wants the exact
internal format. Just drop the format, because it's useless anyway.
(Maybe this is a bit too fragile...)
since there are different views on what ontop is, we make the ontop
window level modifiable. at the moment only support for macOS was added.
the default for macOS was changed from 'system' to 'window' since this
fixes an unwanted behaviour in fullscreen and in general causes less
issues with expected behaviour.
This replaces the old backend that exclusively used EGL windowing with
one that can also use ANGLE's ability to render to directly to a
texture. The advantage of this is that it allows mpv to create the swap
chain itself and this allows mpv to use a flip-mode swap chain on a HWND
(which avoids problems with DirectComposition) and to use a longer swap
chain that has six backbuffers by default (which reportedly fixes
problems with rendering 24fps video on 24Hz monitors.)
Also, "screenshot window" should now work on DXGI 1.2 and up (Windows 8
and up.)
We use the metadata provided by youtube-dl to sort-of implement
fragmented DASH streaming.
This is all a bit hacky, but hopefully a makeshift solution until
libavformat has proper mechanisms. (Although in danger of being one
of those temporary hacks that become permanent.)
As the manual entry for --hwdec states that d3d11va and d3d11va-copy require Windows, it can be assumed that it also works for Windows 7. Since it doesn't, according to, and personal testing, updating the manual accordingly and making the hwdec OS requirements for ANGLE in line with videotoolbox, where OS version is stated.
Instead of enabling it only when a stream-cache is enabled, also try to
enable it independently from that if the demuxer is marked as
Also add some code to the EDL code, so EDLs containing network streams
are automatically cached this way.
Extend the OSD info line so that it shows the demuxer cache in this case
(more or less).
I didn't find where or whether options.rst describes how the demuxer
cache is enabled, so no changes there.
To make it easier for the eyes, multi line subtitles should
be left justified (for most languages).
This adds an option to define how subtitles are to be justified
inpendently of how they are aligned.
Also add option to enable --sub-justify to be applied on ASS subtitles.