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VIM, the text editor of the proletariat

I've been a vimmer for about a year, what a deal...

clipboards who needs it?

Im not an expert in this theme but want to share my experience with you, to be honest I feel vim sucks, but as a software developer i understand computer science is not yet an exact science, there will always be an algorithm that works better than another or that will work better in certain circumstances. For these reasons i want share with you my 5 reasons why vim suck less.

  • If speed is the priority then you need vim. You only need this things to be x1000 faster than others, and here are my reasons:

    1. Relative Numbers
    2. remap everything with like g for save and fuck it.
    3. FZF-vim and marks, search and move in file directory never been easier and faster.
    4. vim-commentary and vim-sorround and forget about the repetitive and tedious stuff
    5. YouCompleteMe for a reasonable jump to definations
    6. finally the magic, vim-easymotion, with this shit you're gonna move your cursor with your eyes and not lie.
  • Recycle knowledge (because humans). The key binding area stupidly intuitive, you will learn once and use it again for everything and you will find ingenious ways to combine it with anothers to do things thant you didn't think were possible.

  • Indentation After a correct configuration you will have the best and smartest indentation in the world, trust me, python devs love it

  • You need a server text editor. I really need to explain this? Well, it's vim or nano, and nano is for normies.

  • Vertical and horizontal split Remember key? well, combine with HJKL and move over tabs/buffers like a ninja

  • Bonus Luke Smith use it.