mirror of https://github.com/kami-blue/client synced 2024-12-27 17:32:19 +00:00
2020-12-08 14:32:36 -05:00

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CodeFactor build Discord Mine HitCount

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Please consider donating to help continue this project and get a unique cape in game.

Looking for maintainers.

Join the Discord to contact a Council member. Check l1ving's profile for alternate non-Discord contact methods.

Due to this project rapidly expanding we're in need of Kotlin maintainers who can review pull requests and preferably have experience working with either Minecraft / Forge or GL before.

Help and documentation

Please go to https://kamiblue.org for documentation and help.

Thank you

zeroeightysix for the original KAMI

Raion Client for the ;teleport and ;vanish commands

ronmamo for Reflections

The Minecraft Forge team for forge

All the contributors, including the ones who will be remembered in comments and in our hearts. This has been a huge community effort and I couldn't have done it without them.

Star Chart

Stargazers over time