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# About These Docs
The Hydrus docs are built with [MkDocs](https://www.mkdocs.org/) using the [Material for MkDocs](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/) theme.
## Local Setup
To work on the docs locally, [install `mkdocs-material`](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/getting-started/):
The recommended installation method is `pip`:
pip install mkdocs-material
## Live Preview
Once installed you can run the live preview development server with
mkdocs serve
It will automatically rebuild the site when you save it and reload the page in your browser.
## Building
To build the docs site (for example if running from source), run:
mkdocs build
This by default builds the docs into the `site/` directory. To build to the traditional `help/` directory use
mkdocs build -d help
The docs are automatically deployed to GitHub Pages on every push to the `master` branch. They are also built automatically in the GitHub Actions workflows for each release and included in those builds.