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About These Docs

The Hydrus docs are built with MkDocs using the Material for MkDocs theme. The .md files in the docs directory are converted into nice html in the help directory. This is done automatically in the built releases, but if you run from source, you will want to build your own.

Local Setup

To see or work on the docs locally, install mkdocs-material:

The recommended installation method is pip:

pip install mkdocs-material


To build the help, run:

mkdocs build -d help
In the base hydrus directory (same as the mkdocs.yml file), which will build it into the help directory. You will then be good!

Repeat the command and MkDocs will clear out the old directory and rebuild it, so you can fold this into any update script.

Live Preview

To edit the docs directory, you can run the live preview development server with:

mkdocs serve 

Again in the base hydrus directory. It will host the help site at, and when you change a file, it will automatically rebuild and reload the page in your browser.

Last update: August 9, 2023