# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub. # They are provided by a third-party and are governed by # separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support # documentation. name: D on: push: branches: [ "vardec_varass_dependency" ] pull_request: branches: [ "vardec_varass_dependency" ] workflow_dispatch: permissions: contents: read jobs: build: name: Build strategy: matrix: os: [ubuntu-latest] dc: [dmd-2.101.0] exclude: - { os: macOS-latest, dc: dmd-2.085.0 } runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install D compiler uses: dlang-community/setup-dlang@v1 with: compiler: ${{ matrix.dc }} - name: Build run: dub build - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: tbin path: tlang unittests: needs: build name: Unit tests strategy: matrix: os: [ubuntu-latest] dc: [dmd-2.101.0] exclude: - { os: macOS-latest, dc: dmd-2.085.0 } runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install D compiler uses: dlang-community/setup-dlang@v1 with: compiler: ${{ matrix.dc }} - name: DUB unit tests with coverage run: dub test --coverage - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: coverage files path: \*.lst typecheck: needs: [build, unittests] name: Typechecking tests runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Download math result for job 1 uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: tbin - name: Chmod compiler run: chmod +x tlang - name: Simple function call run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/typecheck/simple_function_call.t - name: Simple function call 1 run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/typecheck/simple_function_call_1.t - name: Simple float constant run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/typecheck/simple_float_constant.t - name: Simple float constant bad run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/typecheck/simple_float_constant_bad.t - name: Simple string run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/typecheck/simple_string.t - name: Simple array run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/typecheck/simple_array.t - name: Collide container module1 run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/collide_container_module1.t - name: Collide container module2 run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/collide_container_module2.t - name: Collide container non-module run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/collide_container_non_module.t - name: Collide container run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/collide_container.t - name: Collide member run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/collide_member.t - name: Precedence collision test run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/precedence_collision_test.t - name: Else if without if run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/else_if_without_if.pl - name: Simple module positive run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/simple1_module_positive.t - name: Simple OOP run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/simple1_oop.t - name: Simple name recognition run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/simple2_name_recognition.t - name: test3 run: ./tlang typecheck source/tlang/testing/test3.t emit: needs: [build, unittests] name: Emit tests runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Download math result for job 1 uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: tbin - name: Chmod compiler run: chmod +x tlang - name: Simple functions run: | ./tlang compile source/tlang/testing/simple_functions.t ./tlang.out - name: Simple variables run: | ./tlang compile source/tlang/testing/simple_variables.t ./tlang.out - name: Simple conditions run: | ./tlang compile source/tlang/testing/simple_conditions.t ./tlang.out - name: Nested conditionals run: | ./tlang compile source/tlang/testing/nested_conditionals.t ./tlang.out - name: Simple function decls run: | ./tlang compile source/tlang/testing/simple_function_decls.t ./tlang.out - name: Simple function (only) decls run: | ./tlang compile source/tlang/testing/simple_variables_only_decs.t ./tlang.out - name: Simple variables decls assignment run: | ./tlang compile source/tlang/testing/simple_variables_decls_ass.t ./tlang.out - name: Simple while run: | ./tlang compile source/tlang/testing/simple_while.t ./tlang.out - name: Simple do-while run: | ./tlang compile source/tlang/testing/simple_do_while.t ./tlang.out - name: Simple for-loops run: | ./tlang compile source/tlang/testing/simple_for_loops.t ./tlang.out