WIP: Register allocator

This commit is contained in:
Tristan B. Kildaire 2021-11-02 17:03:38 +02:00
parent 0352f96c16
commit 09233633a0
3 changed files with 181 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ import std.container.slist : SList;
import compiler.codegen.instruction;
import std.stdio;
import std.file;
import std.conv : to;
import std.string : cmp;
import compiler.codegen.emit.dgenregs;
public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
@ -56,6 +57,76 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
private SList!(Register) registers;
private void initRegisterFile()
/* R's registers */
for(ulong i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
/* Generate R-prefix */
string prefix = "R";
/* Tack on number */
prefix = prefix~to!(string)(i+8);
RichardRegister register = new RichardRegister(prefix);
/* TODO: Add othe registers (and in dgenregs.d) */
private Register getRegister(ubyte size)
foreach(Register register; registers)
foreach(ubyte sizeC; register.getSupportedSizes())
if(sizeC == size)
return register;
return null;
public string emitAndProcessExpression(Instruction instr)
string registerToCheck;
* Literal case
LiteralValue litValInstr = cast(LiteralValue)instr;
Register valReg = getRegister(litValInstr.len);
return registerToCheck;
public override void emit()
/* Emit initial struccture */
@ -129,7 +200,15 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
VariableAssignmentInstr varAssInstr = cast(compiler.codegen.instruction.VariableAssignmentInstr)instruction;
/* Value Instruction */
Instruction valInstr = varAssInstr.data;
* Process the expression (emitting code along the way)
* and return the register the value will be placed in
string valueRegister = emitAndProcessExpression(valInstr);
/* Recursively descend soon */

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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
module compiler.codegen.emit.dgenregs;
import compiler.codegen.emit.core : CodeEmitter;
import compiler.typecheck.core;
import std.container.slist : SList;
import compiler.codegen.instruction;
import std.stdio;
import std.file;
import std.conv : to;
import std.string : cmp;
public class Register
public abstract bool isInUse();
public string getUsableName();
public void allocate(ubyte size);
public ubyte[] getSupportedSizes();
public void deallocate();
public void free();
* Support for x86_64's R8-R14 (R15 excluded for now)
* Example: R14B, R14W
public final class RichardRegister : Register
/* Which of the Richards? */
private string richardBase;
/* Current allocated size and name */
private ubyte curSize;
private string curName;
/* State of usage */
private bool inUse;
* Construct a new RichardRegister with base
* RX prefix
this(string XPrefix)
richardBase = "R"~XPrefix;
public override ubyte[] getSupportedSizes()
return [1,2,4,8];
public override void free()
inUse = false;
public override void allocate(ubyte size)
curSize = size;
inUse = true;
if(size == 1)
curName = richardBase~"B";
else if(size == 2)
curName = richardBase~"W";
else if(size == 4)
curName = richardBase~"D";
else if(size == 8)
curName = richardBase~"";
public override bool isInUse()
return inUse;

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@ -10,19 +10,16 @@ void main()
sub RSP, 4;
mov dword ptr [RSP], 69;
sub RSP, 4;
mov dword ptr [RSP], 69;
sub RSP, 4;
mov dword ptr [RSP], 69;