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module tlang.compiler.symbols.typing.builtins;
2021-04-23 12:19:53 +00:00
import tlang.compiler.symbols.typing.core;
import std.string : cmp, indexOf, lastIndexOf;
import gogga;
import tlang.compiler.typecheck.core;
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 09:21:50 +00:00
import std.conv : to;
* TODO: We should write spec here like I want int and stuff of proper size so imma hard code em
* no machine is good if int is not 4, as in imagine short being max addressable unit
* like no, fuck that (and then short=int=long, no , that is shit AND is NOT WHAT TLANG aims for)
public Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker tc, string typeString)
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 09:21:50 +00:00
/* `int`, signed (2-complement) */
if(cmp(typeString, "int") == 0)
return new Integer("int", 4, true);
/* `uint` unsigned */
else if(cmp(typeString, "uint") == 0)
return new Integer("uint", 4, false);
/* `long`, signed (2-complement) */
else if(cmp(typeString, "long") == 0)
return new Integer("long", 8, true);
/* `ulong` unsigned */
else if(cmp(typeString, "ulong") == 0)
return new Integer("ulong", 8, false);
/* `short`, signed (2-complement) */
else if(cmp(typeString, "short") == 0)
return new Integer("short", 2, true);
/* `ushort` unsigned */
else if(cmp(typeString, "ushort") == 0)
return new Integer("ushort", 2, false);
/* `byte`, signed (2-complement) */
else if(cmp(typeString, "byte") == 0)
return new Integer("byte", 1, true);
/* `ubyte` unsigned */
else if(cmp(typeString, "ubyte") == 0)
return new Integer("ubyte", 1, false);
2021-04-26 08:04:24 +00:00
/* `void` */
else if (cmp(typeString, "void") == 0)
return new Void();
/* TODO: Decide on these (floats and doubles need to be specced out) */
/* `float` */
else if(cmp(typeString, "float") == 0)
return new Float("float", 4);
/* `double` */
else if(cmp(typeString, "double") == 0)
return new Float("double", 8);
2022-07-26 08:10:43 +00:00
/* TODO: What do we want? Char enforcement is kind of cringe I guess */
else if(cmp(typeString, "char") == 0)
return new Integer("ubyte", 1, false);
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 09:21:50 +00:00
/* Stack-based array handling `<componentType>[<number>]` */
else if(isStackArray(typeString))
// TODO: Construct this by dissecting `typeString`
StackArray stackArray;
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 09:21:50 +00:00
// Find the last occuring `[`
long lastOBracketPos = lastIndexOf(typeString, "[");
assert(lastOBracketPos > -1);
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 09:21:50 +00:00
// Find the component type (everything before `lastOBracketPos`)
string componentTypeString = typeString[0..lastOBracketPos];
gprintln("StackArray (component type): "~componentTypeString);
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 09:21:50 +00:00
// Determine the size of the array (from `pos('[')+1` to typeString.length-2)
string arraySizeString = typeString[lastOBracketPos+1..$-1];
ulong arraySize = to!(ulong)(arraySizeString);
gprintln("StackArray (stack size): "~to!(string)(arraySize));
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 09:21:50 +00:00
gprintln("typeString: "~typeString);
stackArray = new StackArray(tc.getType(tc.getModule(), componentTypeString), arraySize);
gprintln("Stack-based array types are still being implemented", DebugType.ERROR);
// assert(false);
return stackArray;
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 09:21:50 +00:00
/* Pointer handling `<type>*` and Array handling `<type>*` */
else if((lastIndexOf(typeString, "*") > -1) || (lastIndexOf(typeString, "[]") > -1))
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 09:21:50 +00:00
// Find the `*` (if any)
long starPos = lastIndexOf(typeString, "*");
// Find the `[]` (if any)
long brackPos = lastIndexOf(typeString, "[]");
// Determine which one is the rightmost
long rightmostTypePos;
if(starPos > brackPos)
rightmostTypePos = starPos;
rightmostTypePos = brackPos;
long ptrTypePos = rightmostTypePos;
string ptrType = typeString[0..(ptrTypePos)];
gprintln("TypeStr: "~typeString);
gprintln("Pointer to '"~ptrType~"'", DebugType.ERROR);
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 09:21:50 +00:00
return new Pointer(tc.getType(tc.getModule(), ptrType));
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 09:21:50 +00:00
/* TODO: Add all remaining types, BUGS probabloy occur on failed looks ups when hitting this */
/* If unknown, return null */
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 09:21:50 +00:00
gprintln("getBuiltInType("~typeString~"): Failed to map to a built-in type", DebugType.ERROR);
return null;
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 09:21:50 +00:00
* Given a type string this returns true if the provided
* type string is infact a stack array type
* Params:
* typeString = the type string to check
* Returns: a true if it is s atck array, false
* otherwise.
private bool isStackArray(string typeString)
// FIXME: THis below will be picked up by `int[]` before us
// e.g. int[][222] (a stack array of size 222 of `int[]` (a.k.a. `int*`))
// TODO: Also how will we fix: int[222][] which is int[222]*, ak..a a pojnter to a stack array of size 222 which
// ... is simply not a thing it would just be int[][] (int[]*) - irrespective of where the array is (on stack or heap)
// TODO: Length check? Or parser would have caught?
// Ensure `<...>[ <something> ]`
if(typeString[$-1] == ']' && typeString[$-2] != '[')
return true;
return false;