static const Bool wmborder = True; static int fontsize = 22; static double overlay_delay = 1.0; //in seconds static double repeat_delay = 0.75; //in seconds, will not work on keys with overlays static int scan_rate = 50; //scan rate in microseconds, affects key repetition rate static int heightfactor = 14; //one row of keys takes up 1/x of the screen height static int xspacing = 5; static int yspacing = 5; static const char *defaultfonts[] = { "DejaVu Sans:bold:size=22" }; static const char *defaultcolors[SchemeLast][2] = { /* fg bg */ [SchemeNorm] = { "#bbbbbb", "#132a33" }, [SchemeNormShift] = { "#008ac0", "#132a33" }, [SchemeNormABC] = { "#ffffff", "#14313d" }, [SchemeNormABCShift] = { "#008ac0", "#14313d" }, [SchemePress] = { "#ffffff", "#259937" }, [SchemePressShift] = { "#00c001", "#259937" }, [SchemeHighlight] = { "#58a7c6", "#005577" }, [SchemeHighlightShift] = { "#008ac0", "#005577" }, [SchemeOverlay] = { "#ffffff", "#2b3313" }, [SchemeOverlayShift] = { "#008ac0", "#2b3313" }, [SchemeWindow] = { "#bbbbbb", "#132a33" }, };