#!/bin/python3 # @Author skiqqy import requests import os import time f = open("secret/godaddy_key", "r") secret = "" key = "" for line in f: line = line.replace("\n","") parse = line.split(":") if parse[0] == "secret": secret = parse[1] elif parse[0] == "key": key = parse[1] if secret == "" or key == "": print("No key or secret set") exit(1) url="https://api.godaddy.com/" header={ "content-type":"application/json", "Authorization":"sso-key " + key + ":" + secret } # Domains and subdomains domains = { "skiqqy.xyz":[ {"name": "git", "type": "A"}, {"name": "irc", "type": "A"}, {"name": "proj", "type": "A"}, {"name": "blog", "type": "A"}, {"name": "pay", "type": "A"}, {"name": "wiki", "type": "A"}, {"name": "files", "type": "A"}, {"name": "social", "type": "A"}, {"name": "music", "type": "A"}, ] } # Get current public ip # Max 60s then give up (1s per try + 1s sleep = 2s per iter => 30*2 =60 for i in range(30): ip = os.popen('curl ifconfig.me --max-time 1').read() if ip == "": # We timed out time.sleep(1) else: break if ip == "": exit(1) # We could not get our ip # Construct the post data for domain in domains: post = [{}] req_url = url + "v1/domains/" + domain + "/records/A/@" post[0]["type"] = "A" post[0]["name"] = "@" post[0]["data"] = ip post[0]["ttl"] = 600 r = requests.put(req_url, headers=header, json=post) print("Refreshing <" + domain + "> ---> " + str(r)) for sub in domains[domain]: post[0]["type"] = sub["type"] post[0]["name"] = sub["name"] post[0]["data"] = ip post[0]["ttl"] = 3600 # Do the put req_url = url + "v1/domains/" + domain + "/records/" + sub["type"] + "/" + sub["name"] r = requests.put(req_url, headers=header, json=post) print("Refreshing <" + sub["name"] + "." + domain + "> ---> " + str(r))