SBLOCK. Operating System & Desktop Environment * Currently I am running Fedora GNU/Linux \\\\ * As for desktop environment, A only use dwm, it fits my workflow perfectly, and I have spent the last few years perfecting it, I dont need a mouse, all I need is a keyboard, and I am comfortable. EBLOCK. SBLOCK. Workflow * My workflow is simple: dwm + terminal + tmux + vim, once I have these, I am in my happy place, and produce really nice code. \\\\ * I have recently switched to dwm by suckless, the main reason for the switch was that my previous wm (i3wm) was very limiting, with dwm I can edit the source code directly, and so customize it to exactly what I want. Also, elitist. \\\\ * I have written a script that sets up my workspace, and install's dependencies, this script can be downloaded here. \\\\ * You can also get my configs on thier own: \\- ^/skiqqy/.dotfiles \\- ^/skiqqy/.tmux \\- ^/skiqqy/dwm \\- ^/skiqqy/st EBLOCK. SBLOCK. Pictures * Image 1: An example of a normal working session using tmux, with vim open. \\\\ * Image 2: An example of programs being tiled. \\\\ * Image 3: An example of an empty workspace. EBLOCK. Image 1: Image 2: Image 3: