Every Infiniband network will have a default pkey, so that is labeled. The rest of the pkey configuration is network specific. The policy allows access to the default and unlabeled pkeys for sysadm and staff users. kernel_t is allowed access to all pkeys, which it needs to process and route management datagrams. Endports are all unlabeled by default, sysadm users are allowed to manage the subnet on unlabeled endports. kernel_t is allowed to manage the subnet on all ibendports, which is required for configuring the HCA. This patch requires selinux series: "SELinux user space support for Infiniband RDMA", due to the new ipkeycon labeling mechanism. Signed-off-by: Daniel Jurgens <danielj@mellanox.com>
227 lines
7.9 KiB
227 lines
7.9 KiB
# Rules and Targets for building modular policies
all_modules := $(base_mods) $(mod_mods) $(off_mods)
all_interfaces := $(all_modules:.te=.if)
all_mod_fc := $(addprefix $(tmpdir)/,$(notdir $(all_modules:.te=.mod.fc)))
base_pkg := $(builddir)base.pp
base_fc := $(builddir)base.fc
base_conf := $(builddir)base.conf
base_mod := $(tmpdir)/base.mod
users_extra := $(tmpdir)/users_extra
base_sections := $(tmpdir)/pre_te_files.conf $(tmpdir)/all_attrs_types.conf $(tmpdir)/global_bools.conf $(tmpdir)/only_te_rules.conf $(tmpdir)/all_post.conf
base_pre_te_files := $(secclass) $(isids) $(avs) $(ctx_defaults) $(m4support) $(poldir)/mls $(poldir)/mcs $(policycaps)
base_te_files := $(base_mods)
base_post_te_files := $(user_files) $(poldir)/constraints
base_fc_files := $(base_mods:.te=.fc)
mod_pkgs := $(addprefix $(builddir),$(notdir $(mod_mods:.te=.pp)))
# policy packages to install
instpkg := $(addprefix $(modpkgdir)/,$(notdir $(base_pkg)) $(mod_pkgs))
# search layer dirs for source files
vpath %.te $(all_layers)
vpath %.if $(all_layers)
vpath %.fc $(all_layers)
.SECONDARY: $(all_mod_fc:.mod.fc=.mod) $(all_mod_fc)
# default action: create all module packages
default: policy
all policy: base modules
base: $(base_pkg)
modules: $(mod_pkgs)
install: $(instpkg) $(appfiles)
# Load all configured modules
load: $(instpkg) $(appfiles)
# make sure two directories exist since they are not
# created by semanage
@echo "Loading configured modules."
@$(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(policypath) $(dir $(fcpath))
$(verbose) $(SEMODULE) -s $(NAME) -i $(modpkgdir)/$(notdir $(base_pkg)) $(foreach mod,$(mod_pkgs),-i $(modpkgdir)/$(mod))
# Install policy packages
$(modpkgdir)/%.pp: $(builddir)%.pp
@echo "Installing $(NAME) $(@F) policy package."
@$(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(@D)
$(verbose) $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $^ $(modpkgdir)
# Build module packages
$(tmpdir)/%.mod: $(m4support) $(tmpdir)/generated_definitions.conf $(tmpdir)/all_interfaces.conf %.te $(m4terminate)
@echo "Compiling $(NAME) $(@F) module"
@test -d $(tmpdir) || mkdir -p $(tmpdir)
$(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) -s $^ > $(@:.mod=.tmp)
$(verbose) $(CHECKMODULE) -m $(@:.mod=.tmp) -o $@
$(tmpdir)/%.mod.fc: $(m4support) %.fc
@test -d $(tmpdir) || mkdir -p $(tmpdir)
$(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) $(m4support) $^ > $@
$(builddir)%.pp: $(tmpdir)/%.mod $(tmpdir)/%.mod.fc
@echo "Creating $(NAME) $(@F) policy package"
@test -d $(builddir) || mkdir -p $(builddir)
$(verbose) $(SEMOD_PKG) -o $@ -m $< -f $<.fc
$(tmpdir)/all_mods.fc: $(all_mod_fc)
$(verbose) cat $^ > $@
# Create a base module package
$(base_pkg): $(base_mod) $(base_fc) $(users_extra) $(tmpdir)/seusers
@echo "Creating $(NAME) base module package"
@test -d $(builddir) || mkdir -p $(builddir)
$(verbose) $(SEMOD_PKG) -o $@ -m $(base_mod) -f $(base_fc) -u $(users_extra) -s $(tmpdir)/seusers
$(base_mod): $(base_conf)
@echo "Compiling $(NAME) base module"
$(verbose) $(CHECKMODULE) -U $(UNK_PERMS) $^ -o $@
$(tmpdir)/seusers: $(seusers)
@mkdir -p $(tmpdir)
$(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) $(m4support) $^ | $(GREP) '^[a-z_]' > $@
$(users_extra): $(m4support) $(user_files)
@test -d $(tmpdir) || mkdir -p $(tmpdir)
$(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) -D users_extra $^ | \
$(SED) -r -n -e 's/^[[:blank:]]*//g' -e '/^user/p' > $@
# Construct a base.conf
$(base_conf): $(base_sections)
@echo "Creating $(NAME) base module $(@F)"
@test -d $(@D) || mkdir -p $(@D)
$(verbose) cat $^ > $@
$(tmpdir)/pre_te_files.conf: M4PARAM += -D self_contained_policy
$(tmpdir)/pre_te_files.conf: $(base_pre_te_files)
@test -d $(tmpdir) || mkdir -p $(tmpdir)
$(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) $^ > $@
@test -d $(tmpdir) || mkdir -p $(tmpdir)
# define all available object classes
$(verbose) $(genperm) $(avs) $(secclass) > $@
$(verbose) $(call create-base-per-role-tmpl,$(patsubst %.te,%,$(base_mods)),$@)
$(verbose) test -f $(booleans) && $(setbools) $(booleans) >> $@ || true
$(tmpdir)/global_bools.conf: M4PARAM += -D self_contained_policy
$(tmpdir)/global_bools.conf: $(m4support) $(tmpdir)/generated_definitions.conf $(globalbool) $(globaltun)
$(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) $^ > $@
$(tmpdir)/all_interfaces.conf: $(m4support) $(all_interfaces) $(m4iferror)
@test -d $(tmpdir) || mkdir -p $(tmpdir)
@echo "divert(-1)" > $@
$(verbose) $(M4) $^ >> $(tmpdir)/$(@F).tmp
$(verbose) $(SED) -e s/dollarsstar/\$$\*/g $(tmpdir)/$(@F).tmp >> $@
@echo "divert" >> $@
$(tmpdir)/all_te_files.conf: M4PARAM += -D self_contained_policy
$(tmpdir)/all_te_files.conf: $(m4support) $(tmpdir)/generated_definitions.conf $(tmpdir)/all_interfaces.conf $(base_te_files) $(m4terminate)
ifeq "$(strip $(base_te_files))" ""
$(error No enabled modules! $(notdir $(mod_conf)) may need to be generated by using "make conf")
@test -d $(tmpdir) || mkdir -p $(tmpdir)
$(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) -s $^ > $@
$(tmpdir)/post_te_files.conf: M4PARAM += -D self_contained_policy
$(tmpdir)/post_te_files.conf: $(m4support) $(tmpdir)/generated_definitions.conf $(base_post_te_files)
@test -d $(tmpdir) || mkdir -p $(tmpdir)
$(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) $^ > $@
# extract attributes and put them first. extract post te stuff
# like genfscon and put last.
$(tmpdir)/all_attrs_types.conf: $(tmpdir)/all_te_files.conf
$(verbose) $(get_type_attr_decl) $^ | $(SORT) > $@
$(tmpdir)/all_post.conf: $(tmpdir)/all_te_files.conf $(tmpdir)/post_te_files.conf
$(verbose) cat $(tmpdir)/post_te_files.conf > $@
# these have to run individually because order matters:
$(verbose) $(GREP) '^sid ' $(tmpdir)/all_te_files.conf >> $@ || true
$(verbose) $(GREP) '^fs_use_(xattr|task|trans)' $(tmpdir)/all_te_files.conf >> $@ || true
$(verbose) $(GREP) ^genfscon $(tmpdir)/all_te_files.conf >> $@ || true
$(verbose) $(GREP) ^portcon $(tmpdir)/all_te_files.conf >> $@ || true
$(verbose) $(GREP) ^netifcon $(tmpdir)/all_te_files.conf >> $@ || true
$(verbose) $(GREP) ^nodecon $(tmpdir)/all_te_files.conf >> $@ || true
$(verbose) $(GREP) ^ibpkeycon $(tmpdir)/all_te_files.conf >> $@ || true
$(verbose) $(GREP) ^ibendportcon $(tmpdir)/all_te_files.conf >> $@ || true
$(tmpdir)/only_te_rules.conf: $(tmpdir)/all_te_files.conf
$(verbose) $(comment_move_decl) $^ > $@
# Construct a base.fc
$(base_fc): $(tmpdir)/$(notdir $(base_fc)).tmp $(fcsort)
$(verbose) $(fcsort) $< $@
$(tmpdir)/$(notdir $(base_fc)).tmp: $(m4support) $(tmpdir)/generated_definitions.conf $(base_fc_files)
ifeq ($(base_fc_files),)
$(error No enabled modules! $(notdir $(mod_conf)) may need to be generated by using "make conf")
@echo "Creating $(NAME) base module file contexts."
@test -d $(tmpdir) || mkdir -p $(tmpdir)
$(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) $^ > $@
# Appconfig files
$(appdir)/customizable_types: $(base_conf)
$(verbose) $(GREP) '^[[:blank:]]*type .*customizable' $< | cut -d';' -f1 | cut -d',' -f1 | cut -d' ' -f2 | $(SORT) -u > $(tmpdir)/customizable_types
@$(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(@D)
$(verbose) $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(tmpdir)/customizable_types $@
# Validate linking and expanding of modules
validate: $(base_pkg) $(mod_pkgs) $(tmpdir)/all_mods.fc
@echo "Validating policy linking."
$(verbose) $(SEMOD_LNK) -o $(tmpdir)/test.lnk $(base_pkg) $(mod_pkgs)
$(verbose) $(SEMOD_EXP) $(tmpdir)/test.lnk $(tmpdir)/policy.bin
@echo "Validating policy file contexts."
$(verbose) $(SETFILES) -q -c $(tmpdir)/policy.bin $(tmpdir)/all_mods.fc
@echo "Success."
# Clean the sources
$(verbose) rm -f $(base_conf)
$(verbose) rm -f $(base_fc)
$(verbose) rm -f $(builddir)*.pp
$(verbose) rm -f $(net_contexts)
$(verbose) rm -fR $(tmpdir)
.PHONY: default all policy base modules install load clean validate