diff --git a/policy/modules/services/xserver.if b/policy/modules/services/xserver.if
index 6a0f5c15c..cffc05822 100644
--- a/policy/modules/services/xserver.if
+++ b/policy/modules/services/xserver.if
@@ -22,24 +22,6 @@ interface(`xserver_restricted_role',`
type user_fonts_t, user_fonts_cache_t, user_fonts_config_t;
type iceauth_t, iceauth_exec_t, iceauth_home_t;
type xauth_t, xauth_exec_t, xauth_home_t;
- type info_xproperty_t, rootwindow_t;
- class x_drawable all_x_drawable_perms;
- class x_screen all_x_screen_perms;
- class x_gc all_x_gc_perms;
- class x_font all_x_font_perms;
- class x_colormap all_x_colormap_perms;
- class x_property all_x_property_perms;
- class x_selection all_x_selection_perms;
- class x_cursor all_x_cursor_perms;
- class x_client all_x_client_perms;
- class x_device all_x_device_perms;
- class x_server all_x_server_perms;
- class x_extension all_x_extension_perms;
- class x_resource all_x_resource_perms;
- class x_event all_x_event_perms;
- class x_synthetic_event all_x_synthetic_event_perms;
role $1 types { xserver_t xauth_t iceauth_t };
@@ -114,6 +96,7 @@ interface(`xserver_restricted_role',`
xserver_common_x_domain_template(user, $2)
+ xserver_unconfined($2)
@@ -129,37 +112,6 @@ interface(`xserver_restricted_role',`
allow $2 xserver_t:shm rw_shm_perms;
allow $2 xserver_tmpfs_t:file rw_file_perms;
- ##############################
- #
- # User X object manager local policy
- #
- # manage: xhost X11:ChangeHosts
- # freeze: metacity X11:GrabKey
- # force_cursor: metacity X11:GrabPointer
- allow $2 xserver_t:x_device { manage freeze force_cursor };
- # gnome-settings-daemon XKEYBOARD:SetControls
- allow $2 xserver_t:x_server manage;
- # gnome-settings-daemon RANDR:SelectInput
- allow $2 xserver_t:x_resource write;
- # metacity X11:InstallColormap X11:UninstallColormap
- allow $2 rootwindow_t:x_colormap { install uninstall };
- # read: gnome-settings-daemon RANDR:GetScreenSizeRange
- # write: gnome-settings-daemon RANDR:SelectInput
- # setattr: gnome-settings-daemon X11:GrabKey
- # manage: metacity X11:ChangeWindowAttributes
- allow $2 rootwindow_t:x_drawable { read write manage setattr };
- # setattr: metacity X11:InstallColormap
- allow $2 xserver_t:x_screen { saver_getattr saver_setattr setattr };
- # xrdb X11:ChangeProperty prop=RESOURCE_MANAGER
- allow $2 info_xproperty_t:x_property { create append write };
@@ -359,17 +311,13 @@ interface(`xserver_user_client',`
- type $1_xproperty_t, $1_input_xevent_t, $1_property_xevent_t;
- type $1_focus_xevent_t, $1_manage_xevent_t, $1_default_xevent_t;
- type $1_client_xevent_t;
- type rootwindow_t, xproperty_t;
- type input_xevent_t, focus_xevent_t, property_xevent_t, manage_xevent_t;
+ type root_xdrawable_t;
+ type xproperty_t, $1_xproperty_t;
type xevent_t, client_xevent_t;
+ type input_xevent_t, $1_input_xevent_t;
attribute x_domain;
- attribute xproperty_type;
- attribute xevent_type;
+ attribute xdrawable_type, xcolormap_type;
attribute input_xevent_type;
class x_drawable all_x_drawable_perms;
@@ -385,32 +333,28 @@ template(`xserver_common_x_domain_template',`
# Type attributes
typeattribute $2 x_domain;
+ typeattribute $2 xdrawable_type, xcolormap_type;
# X Properties
- # can read and write client properties
- allow $2 $1_xproperty_t:x_property { create destroy read write append };
- type_transition $2 xproperty_t:x_property $1_xproperty_t;
+ # disable property transitions for the time being.
+# type_transition $2 xproperty_t:x_property $1_xproperty_t;
# X Windows
# new windows have the domain type
- type_transition $2 rootwindow_t:x_drawable $2;
+ type_transition $2 root_xdrawable_t:x_drawable $2;
# X Input
+ # distinguish input events
+ type_transition $2 input_xevent_t:x_event $1_input_xevent_t;
+ # can send own events
+ allow $2 $1_input_xevent_t:{ x_event x_synthetic_event } send;
# can receive own events
allow $2 $1_input_xevent_t:{ x_event x_synthetic_event } receive;
- allow $2 $1_property_xevent_t:{ x_event x_synthetic_event } receive;
- allow $2 $1_focus_xevent_t:{ x_event x_synthetic_event } receive;
- allow $2 $1_manage_xevent_t:{ x_event x_synthetic_event } receive;
- allow $2 $1_default_xevent_t:{ x_event x_synthetic_event } receive;
- allow $2 $1_client_xevent_t:{ x_event x_synthetic_event } receive;
- type_transition $2 input_xevent_t:x_event $1_input_xevent_t;
- type_transition $2 property_xevent_t:x_event $1_property_xevent_t;
- type_transition $2 focus_xevent_t:x_event $1_focus_xevent_t;
- type_transition $2 manage_xevent_t:x_event $1_manage_xevent_t;
- type_transition $2 client_xevent_t:x_event $1_client_xevent_t;
- type_transition $2 xevent_t:x_event $1_default_xevent_t;
- # can send ICCCM events to myself
- allow $2 $1_manage_xevent_t:x_synthetic_event send;
+ # can receive default events
+ allow $2 client_xevent_t:{ x_event x_synthetic_event } receive;
+ allow $2 xevent_t:{ x_event x_synthetic_event } receive;
+ # dont audit send failures
+ dontaudit $2 input_xevent_type:x_event send;
@@ -436,27 +380,12 @@ template(`xserver_object_types_template',`
# Types for properties
- type $1_xproperty_t alias $1_default_xproperty_t, xproperty_type;
+ type $1_xproperty_t, xproperty_type;
# Types for events
type $1_input_xevent_t, input_xevent_type, xevent_type;
- type $1_property_xevent_t, xevent_type;
- ubac_constrained($1_property_xevent_t)
- type $1_focus_xevent_t, xevent_type;
- ubac_constrained($1_focus_xevent_t)
- type $1_manage_xevent_t, xevent_type;
- ubac_constrained($1_manage_xevent_t)
- type $1_default_xevent_t, xevent_type;
- ubac_constrained($1_default_xevent_t)
- type $1_client_xevent_t, xevent_type;
- ubac_constrained($1_client_xevent_t)
@@ -1246,6 +1175,49 @@ interface(`xserver_read_tmp_files',`
+## Interface to provide X object permissions on a given X server to
+## an X client domain. Gives the domain permission to read the
+## virtual core keyboard and virtual core pointer devices.
+## Domain allowed access.
+ gen_require(`
+ type xserver_t;
+ class x_device all_x_device_perms;
+ class x_pointer all_x_pointer_perms;
+ class x_keyboard all_x_keyboard_perms;
+ ')
+ allow $1 xserver_t:{ x_device x_pointer x_keyboard } *;
+## Interface to remove protections on an X client domain.
+## Gives other X client domains full permissions over the target
+## domain's X objects.
+## Domain to be unprotected.
+ gen_require(`
+ attribute xserver_unprotected_type;
+ ')
+ typeattribute $1 xserver_unprotected_type;
## Interface to provide X object permissions on a given X server to
@@ -1260,8 +1232,10 @@ interface(`xserver_read_tmp_files',`
+ attribute x_domain;
attribute xserver_unconfined_type;
+ typeattribute $1 x_domain;
typeattribute $1 xserver_unconfined_type;