#!/bin/sh export PATH="/usr/bin:/bin" error() { : ${ERR:=1} echo "$@" >&2 return "$ERR" } alt_ab() { if [ "$1" == "a" ]; then echo "b"; else echo "a"; fi } : ${S6_PATH:='/etc/s6'} : ${S6_DIST_PATH:="$S6_PATH/dist"} : ${S6_RC_PATH:="$S6_PATH/rc"} : ${S6_ENV_PATH:="$S6_PATH/env"} : ${S6_SV_PATH:="$S6_PATH/sv"} # A/B mode, always keep last copy DB_FRESH_ACT="" DB_FRESH_NAC="" cstate() { DB_FRESH_ACT="$(readlink "$S6_SV_PATH/current" | cut -d. -f2)" # if it fails (missing), it will be empty and 'a' will be used as inactive by default DB_FRESH_NAC="$(alt_ab "$DB_FRESH_ACT")" } generate() { mkdir -p "$S6_SV_PATH" || ERR="$?" error "Failed to create sv directory" # A/B current if [ -d "$S6_SV_PATH/current.$DB_FRESH_NAC" ]; then rm -rf "$S6_SV_PATH/current.$DB_FRESH_NAC" || ERR="$?" error "Failed to remove inactive database path" fi s6-rc-compile "$S6_SV_PATH/current.$DB_FRESH_NAC" "$S6_RC_PATH" || ERR="$?" error "Failed to compile current s6 database" } update() { s6-rc-update "$S6_SV_PATH/current.$DB_FRESH_ACT" || ERR="$?" error "Failed to update live state of the database" } swap() { if [ -d "$S6_SV_PATH/current.$DB_FRESH_NAC" ]; then ln -sfn "current.$DB_FRESH_NAC" "$S6_SV_PATH/current" || ERR="$?" error "Failed to update A/B current symlink" else error "There's no database to switch to" fi } dist() { SDIR="$S6_DIST_PATH/rc" DPATH="$S6_RC_PATH" distdefs SDIR="$S6_DIST_PATH/env" DPATH="$S6_ENV_PATH" distdefs } distdefs() { [ -z "$SDIR" ] && error "SDIR not defined" [ -z "$DPATH" ] && error "DPATH not defined" for cdir in "$SDIR"/*; do local srv="${cdir##*/}" local dsv="$DPATH/$srv" if [ ! -d "$dsv" ]; then ln -sv "$cdir" "$dsv" || ERR="$?" error "Failed to create reference" fi done } for act in $@; do cstate case "$act" in generate|update|swap|dist) eval "$act" || return;; *) error "Invalid action $act";; esac done