# NOTE: switch_root MAY move the mounts itself and the busybox implementation doesn't, so we move them ourselves # Usual case cat /proc/mounts | while read DEV DIR TYPE OPTS ; do if [ "$DIR" != "/" -a "$DIR" != "/sysroot" -a -d "$DIR" ]; then mkdir -p /sysroot/$DIR mount -o move $DIR /sysroot/$DIR fi done sync exec switch_root /sysroot /sbin/init # Template cat /proc/mounts | while read DEV DIR TYPE OPTS ; do if [ "$DIR" != "/" -a "$DIR" != "$sysroot" -a -d "$DIR" ]; then mkdir -p $sysroot/$DIR mount -o move $DIR $sysroot/$DIR fi done sync exec switch_root "$sysroot" "$init" "$init_args"