import std.stdio; //import tristanable.manager; import std.socket; import libdnet.dclient : DClient; import std.string : cmp, split, strip; import std.conv : to; // import notifications; import std.file; import std.json; JSONValue config; /* Current conneciton */ DClient dclient; //NotificationWatcher dnotifications; Mode currentMode; void main() { /* If the configuration file exists */ if(exists("config.example")) /* TODO: Change */ { /* Load the config */ loadConfig("config.example"); } /* If the configuration file doesn't exist */ else { /* Set default config */ defaultConfig(); } /* Start the REPL */ commandLine(); } void clientAuth(string username, string password) { if(dclient.auth(username, password)) { writeln("Auth good"); } else { writeln("Auth bad"); } } public enum Mode { CHANNEL, USER, SERVER } void commandLine() { /* The current command */ string commandLine; string currentChannel; while(true) { /* Read in a command line */ write(currentChannel~"~> "); commandLine = readln(); if(cmp(strip(commandLine), "") == 0) { continue; } string[] elements = split(commandLine); string command = elements[0]; /* If the command is `exit` */ if(cmp(command, "exit") == 0) { break; } /* If the command is `connect` */ else if(cmp(command, "connect") == 0) { string address; string port; Address addr; bool isConfigConnect; /* If there is only one argument then it is a server name */ if(elements.length == 2) { string serverName = elements[1]; try { /* Get the address and port */ JSONValue serverInfo = config["servers"][serverName]; address = serverInfo["address"].str(); port = serverInfo["port"].str(); isConfigConnect = true; } catch(JSONException e) { writeln("Could not find server: "~to!(string)(e)); continue; } } /* Then it must be `
` */ else if(elements.length == 3) { address = elements[1]; port = elements[2]; } /* Syntax error */ else { writeln("Syntax error"); continue; } /* TODO: How many are rtuend and which to use ? */ addr = getAddress(address, to!(ushort)(port))[0]; writeln("Connecting to "~to!(string)(addr)~"..."); dclient = new DClient(addr); dnotifications= new NotificationWatcher(dclient); writeln("Connected!"); /* Get the message of the day */ serverGreet(); if(isConfigConnect) { string server = elements[1]; string username = config["servers"][server]["auth"]["username"].str(); string password = config["servers"][server]["auth"]["password"].str(); /* Authenticate the user */ clientAuth(username, password); /* Auto join config */ configAutoJoin(server); } } /* If the command is `auth` */ else if(cmp(command, "auth") == 0) { string username = elements[1]; string password = elements[2]; /* Authenticate the user */ clientAuth(username, password); } /* If the command is `list` */ else if(cmp(command, "list") == 0 || cmp(command, "l") == 0) { string[] channels = dclient.list(); writeln("Channels ("~to!(string)(channels.length)~" total)\n"); foreach(string channel; channels) { write("\t"~channel~" ("); ulong memberCount = dclient.getMemberCount(channel); writeln(to!(string)(memberCount)~")"); } } /* If the command is `names` */ else if(cmp(command, "names") == 0) { string[] members = dclient.getMembers(currentChannel); writeln(members); } /* If the command is `join` */ else if(cmp(command, "join") == 0) { string[] channels = elements[1..elements.length]; foreach(string channel; channels) { if(dclient.join(channel)) { writeln("Already present in channel "~channel); } } currentChannel = elements[elements.length-1]; } /* If the command is `query` */ else if(cmp(command, "query") == 0) { /* Get the username to query */ string user = elements[1]; /* Set current "channel" to username */ currentChannel = user; /* Set mode to USER */ currentMode = Mode.USER; } else { /* If the current mode is `channel` then send to channel */ if(currentMode == Mode.CHANNEL) { /* Send the current commandLine to the channel */ dclient.sendMessage(false, currentChannel, strip(commandLine)); } /* If the current mode is `user` then send to the user */ else if(currentMode == Mode.USER) { dclient.sendMessage(true, currentChannel, strip(commandLine)); } } } if(dclient) { /* TODO: Fix in tristanable */ dclient.close(); } } void serverGreet() { string motd = dclient.getMotd(); writeln("!~> "~motd); } void configAutoJoin(string server) { foreach(JSONValue value; config["servers"][server]["channels"].array()) { string channel = value.str(); //import core.thread; //Thread.getThis().sleep(dur!("seconds")(1)); if(dclient.join(channel)) { writeln("Already present in channel "~channel); } } } void defaultConfig() { /* Server block */ JSONValue serverBlock; /* TODO: Remove test servers? */ JSONValue dserv; dserv["address"] = ""; dserv["port"] = "7777"; // JSONValue[] joins = [] // dserv["joins"] = serverBlock["dserv"] = dserv; config["servers"] = serverBlock; } void loadConfig(string configPath) { /* Open the provided configuration file */ File file;; /* Read the configuration file */ byte[] buffer; buffer.length = file.size(); buffer = file.rawRead(buffer); /* Close the file */ file.close(); /* Parse the JSON of the configuration file */ config = parseJSON(cast(string)buffer); }