
674 lines
18 KiB

module Connection;
import core.thread;
import gui;
import gdk.Threads : te = threadsEnter, tl = threadsLeave;
import gtk.Box;
import std.stdio;
import libdnet.client;
import std.socket;
import gtk.ListBox;
import gtk.Label;
import areas.Channel;
import areas.MessageArea;
import areas.User;
import std.string;
import core.sync.mutex;
import gtk.Notebook;
import std.conv;
import gogga;
public final class Connection : Thread
private GUI gui;
private Box box;
private ListBox channels;
private DClient client;
private Address address;
private string[] auth;
private string statusText;
/* TODO: Check if we need to protect */
/* TODO: So far usage is in signal handlers (mutex safved) and within te-tl lock for notifications */
private string currentChannel; /* TODO: Used to track what notificaitons come throug */
private Label currentChannelLabel; /* TODO: Using getChild would be nicer, but yeah, this is for the title */
* All joined Channel-s in this Connection
private Notebook notebookSwitcher;
private MessageArea[] areas; /*TODO: Technically locking by GTK would make this not needed */
private Mutex chansLock;
private MessageArea focusedArea;
// public void setPrescence(string pres)
// {
// /* The new status */
// string newStatus =
// statusText = "";
// statusText =
// }
this(GUI gui, Address address, string[] auth)
this.gui = gui;
this.address = address;
this.auth = auth;
/* Initialize locks */
statusText = "Hey there, I'm using Dnet!";
/* Start the notification atcher */
* Initializes all locks (other than GDK)
private void initializeLocks()
chansLock = new Mutex();
private void worker()
/* Create a new Label */
currentChannelLabel = new Label("CHANNEL NAME GOES HERE");
* Setup the tab for this connection
box = getChatPane();
//gui.notebook.setTabReorderable(box, true);
//gui.notebook setChildPacking(box, true, true, 0, GtkPackType.START);
// gui.mainWindow.
gui.notebook.setTabLabelText(box, auth[0]~"@"~address.toString());
* Connects and logs in
client = new DClient(address);
client.auth(auth[0], auth[1]); /* TODO: DO this without auth (the list in the loop, crahses server) */
/* Set your prescense */
// te();
// import ProfileWIndow;
// ProfileWindow profile = new ProfileWindow(this, auth[0]);
// tl();
* Notification loop
* Awaits notifications and then displays them
/* Receive a notification */
byte[] notificationData = client.awaitNotification();
gprintln("A new notification has arrived");
gprintln("Notification data: "~to!(string)(notificationData));
// import std.conv;
// textArea.add(new Label(to!(string)(notificationData)));
// textArea.showAll();
// import gtk.InfoBar;
// InfoBar notificationBar = new InfoBar();
// notificationBar.add(new Label("Poes"));
// notificationBar.setMessageType(GtkMessageType.INFO);
// notificationBar
// box.add(notificationBar);
// notificationBar.showAll();
* Processes an incoming notification
* accordingly
private void process(byte[] data)
/* Get the notification type */
ubyte notificationType = data[0];
gprintln("NotificationType: "~to!(string)(notificationType));
/* For normal message (to channel or user) */
if(notificationType == 0)
/* TODO: Handle private messages */
/* Decode is a test for assuming channel message received */
data = data[];
gprintln("Channel/User Notification: "~to!(string)(data));
/* If this is a new message channel notification */
if(data[0] == 0)
gprintln("New channel message received", DebugType.WARNING);
/* Decode the [usernameLength, username] */
ubyte usernameLength = data[1];
gprintln("ChannelMessage: (Username length): "~to!(string)(usernameLength));
string username = cast(string)data[2..2+usernameLength];
gprintln("ChannelMessage: (Username): "~username);
/* Decode the [channelLength, channel] */
ubyte channelLength = data[2+usernameLength];
gprintln("ChannelMessage: (Channel length): "~to!(string)(channelLength));
string channel = cast(string)data[2+usernameLength+1..2+usernameLength+1+channelLength];
gprintln("ChannelMessage: (Channel): "~channel);
findChannel(channel).receiveMessage(username, cast(string)data[]);
/* If this is a new direct message notification */
else if(data[0] == 1)
gprintln("New direct message received", DebugType.WARNING);
/* Decode the [usernameLength, username] (username here is recipient's) */
ubyte recipientLength = data[1];
gprintln("DirectMessage: (Recipient length): "~to!(string)(recipientLength));
string recipient = cast(string)data[2..2+recipientLength];
gprintln("DirectMessage: (Recipient): "~recipient);
/* Decode the [usernameLength, username] (username here is sender's) */
ubyte sendersLength = data[2+recipientLength];
gprintln("DirectMessage: (Sender length): "~to!(string)(sendersLength));
string sender = cast(string)data[2+recipientLength+1..2+recipientLength+1+sendersLength];
gprintln("DirectMessage: (Sender): "~sender);
/* The message is the remainder */
string message = cast(string)data[];
gprintln("DirectMessage: (Message): "~message);
* TODO: DIfferes from channels, channels we never get delivered those we have no tab for as we haven't joined them
* and because server side knows we haven't joined iot we don't receive the notifivcaiton, eher however, there is no
* user tab possibly yet, so we will need to add it our selves */
User userArea = findUser(sender);
userArea.receiveMessage(sender, message);
/* Add a new UserArea which will generate a new tab for us */
/* The above statement adds an entry for us, now let's find the added UserArea */
userArea = findUser(sender);
/* Now let's add the direct message */
userArea.receiveMessage(sender, message);
/* TODO: Handle this */
/* Channel notification (ntype=1) */
else if(notificationType == 1)
/* Get the sub-type */
ubyte subType = data[1];
/* If the notification was leave (stype=0) */
if(subType == 0)
/* LeaveInfo: <channel>,<username> */
string[] leaveInfo = split(cast(string)data[],",");
writeln("LeaveInfo: ",leaveInfo);
/* Decode the LeaveInfo */
string channel = leaveInfo[0];
string username = leaveInfo[1];
/* Find the channel */
Channel matchedChannel = findChannel(channel);
/* Channel leave */
/* If the notification was join (stype=1) */
else if(subType == 1)
/* JoinInfo: <channel>,<username> */
string[] joinInfo = split(cast(string)data[],",");
writeln("JoinInfo: ",joinInfo);
/* Decode the JoinInfo */
string channel = joinInfo[0];
string username = joinInfo[1];
/* Find the channel */
Channel matchedChannel = findChannel(channel);
/* Channel join */
/* TODO: Unknown */
private void addUserDM(User newUser)
/* TODO: However this we need to mutex for the areas as we could recieve a new message by watcher which adds for us */
areas ~= newUser;
* Opens a new tab for a new direct message
* (To be called by a handler, which auto-mutexes)
* 1. Will add a new area
* 2. Will add a new tab to the notebook switcher
* 3. Will switch the current tab to said tab
public void addDirectMessage_unsafe(string username)
/* TODO: Get box over here etc. */
gprintln("Henlo begi");
/* Check if we have joined this user already */
User foundUser = findUser(username);
/* If we have joined this user before */
/* TODO: Switch to */
writeln("nope time: "~username);
/* If we haven't joined this user before */
/* Create the new User area */
User newUser = new User(this, username);
/* Add the user */
/* Set as the `foundChannel` */
foundUser = newUser;
/* Get the Widgets container for this channel and add a tab for it */
notebookSwitcher.setTabReorderable(newUser.getBox(), true);
notebookSwitcher.setTabLabelText(newUser.getBox(), newUser.getUsername());
writeln("first time: "~username);
// /* Get the user's list */
// newChannel.populateUsersList();
/* Render recursively all children of the container and then the container itself */
* Attempts to find the User object you are looking for
public User findUser(string username)
User result;
* Loop through each MessageArea and only inspect those
* whose type is `Channel`
foreach(MessageArea area; areas)
/* Make sure the object is of type `Channel` */
if(typeid(area) == typeid(User))
/* Down-cast */
User user = cast(User)area;
/* Find the matching channel */
if(cmp(user.getUsername(), username) == 0)
result = user;
import std.stdio;
return result;
public void joinChannel(string channelName)
/* Check if we have joined this channel already */
Channel foundChannel = findChannel(channelName);
/* If we have joined this channel before */
/* TODO: Switch to */
writeln("nope time: "~channelName);
/* If we haven't joined this channel before */
/* Join the channel */
/* Create the Channel object */
Channel newChannel = new Channel(this, channelName);
/* Add the channel */
/* Set as the `foundChannel` */
foundChannel = newChannel;
/* Get the Widgets container for this channel and add a tab for it */
notebookSwitcher.setTabReorderable(newChannel.getBox(), true);
notebookSwitcher.setTabLabelText(newChannel.getBox(), newChannel.getName());
writeln("first time: "~channelName);
/* Get the user's list */
/* Render recursively all children of the container and then the container itself */
private void channelList()
public DClient getClient()
return client;
* Lists all channels and displays them
* Only to be aclled when locked (i.e. by the event
* loop signal dispatch or when we lock it
* i.e. `channelList`)
private void channelList_unsafe()
string[] channelList = client.list();
foreach(string channel; channelList)
channels.add(new Label(channel));
* Attempts to find the Channel object you are looking for
public Channel findChannel(string channelName)
Channel result;
* Loop through each MessageArea and only inspect those
* whose type is `Channel`
foreach(MessageArea area; areas)
/* Make sure the object is of type `Channel` */
if(typeid(area) == typeid(Channel))
/* Down-cast */
Channel channel = cast(Channel)area;
/* Find the matching channel */
if(cmp(channel.getName(), channelName) == 0)
result = channel;
import std.stdio;
return result;
* Adds the given channel to the tarcking list
* This adds the Channel object to the list of
* channels joined
* TODO: Migrate the gui.d channel join selectChannel
* here
* NOTE: You must manually join it though
public void addChannel(Channel newChannel)
/* Add the channel to the `chans` tracking list */
areas ~= newChannel;
/* Add the channel to the channels list (sidebar) */
writeln("Adding channel "~newChannel.getName());
Label babaBooey = new Label(newChannel.getName()); /* TODO: Fuck Pango, fix here but yeah _ */
* Called when you select a channel in the sidebar
* This moves you to the correct notebook tab for
* that channel
private void viewChannel(ListBox s)
/* Get the name of the channel selected */
string channelSelected = (cast(Label)(s.getSelectedRow().getChild())).getText();
/* Check if we have joined this channel already */
Channel foundChannel = findChannel(channelSelected);
writeln(foundChannel is null);
/* Switch to the channel's pane */
* Creates a message box
* A message box consists of two labels
* one being the name of the person who sent
* the message and the next being the message
* itself
private Box createMessageBox()
return null;
private Box getChatPane()
/* The main page of the tab */
Box box = new Box(GtkOrientation.HORIZONTAL, 1);
/* The channels box */
Box channelBox = new Box(GtkOrientation.VERTICAL, 1);
/* The channel's list */
channels = new ListBox();
channelBox.add(new Label("Channels"));
// /* The user's box */
// Box userBox = new Box(GtkOrientation.VERTICAL, 1);
// /* The user's list */
// users = new ListBox();
// userBox.add(new Label("Users"));
// userBox.add(users);
// /* The text box */
// Box textBox = new Box(GtkOrientation.VERTICAL, 1);
// textBox.add(currentChannelLabel);
// textArea = new ListBox();
// import gtk.ScrolledWindow;
// ScrolledWindow scrollTextChats = new ScrolledWindow(textArea);
// textBox.add(scrollTextChats);
// import gtk.TextView;
// textBox.add(new TextView());
// import gtk.TextView;
// TextView f = new TextView();
// textBox.add(f);
notebookSwitcher = new Notebook();
//notebookSwitcher.add(newnew Label("test"));
// box.add(textBox);
// textBox.setChildPacking(scrollTextChats, true, true, 0, GtkPackType.START);
box.setChildPacking(notebookSwitcher, true, true, 0, GtkPackType.START);
return box;
private int getPageNum()
return gui.notebook.pageNum(box);
public void shutdown()
/* This is called from gui.d */
int pageNum = getPageNum();
if(pageNum == -1)
/* TODO: Error handling */