module gui; import core.thread; import gtk.MainWindow; import gtk.ListBox; import gtk.Label; import gtk.Notebook; import gdk.Threads : te = threadsEnter, tl = threadsLeave; import gtk.MenuBar; import gtk.Box; import gtk.Menu; import gtk.MenuItem; import std.stdio; import gtk.Statusbar; import Connection; import std.socket; public class GUI : Thread { /* Main window (GUI homepage) */ public MainWindow mainWindow; private MenuBar menuBar; public Notebook notebook; private Statusbar statusBar; private Connection[] connections; private ListBox list; this() { super(&worker); } private void worker() { initializeGUI(); te(); tl(); writeln("brg"); while(true) { } } private void initializeGUI() { initializeMainWindow(); /* Test adding a connection */ for(uint i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // connections ~= new Connection(this, parseAddress("", 7777)); } connections ~= new Connection(this, parseAddress("", 7777), ["testGustav1", "bruh"]); } /** * Initializes the main home screen window */ private void initializeMainWindow() { /* Get GTK lock */ te(); /* Create a window */ mainWindow = new MainWindow("unamed"); /** * Create a Box in vertical layout mode * and adds it to the window * * This lays out components like so: * * |component 1| * |component 2| */ Box box = new Box(GtkOrientation.VERTICAL, 1); /** * Add needed components * * Menubar, tabbed pane switcher, statusbar */ menuBar = initializeMenuBar(); box.add(menuBar); notebook = new Notebook(); box.add(notebook); statusBar = new Statusbar(); statusBar.add(new Label("Gustav: Bruh")); box.packEnd(statusBar, 0, 0, 0); //notebook.add(createServerTab()); /* Add the Box to main window */ mainWindow.add(box); mainWindow.showAll(); /* Unlock GTK lock */ tl(); writeln("unlock gui setup"); } private MenuBar initializeMenuBar() { MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(); /* Gustav menu */ MenuItem gustavMenuItem = new MenuItem(); gustavMenuItem.setLabel("Gustav"); Menu gustavMenu = new Menu(); gustavMenuItem.setSubmenu(gustavMenu); /* Connect option */ MenuItem connectItem = new MenuItem(); connectItem.setLabel("Connect"); connectItem.addOnActivate(&connectButton); gustavMenu.add(connectItem); /* Exit option */ MenuItem exitItem = new MenuItem(); exitItem.setLabel("Exit"); exitItem.addOnActivate(&exitButton); gustavMenu.add(exitItem); /* Add all menues */ menuBar.add(gustavMenuItem); return menuBar; } private void exitButton(MenuItem) { writeln("bruh"); /* TODO: Implement exit */ // tl(); //te(); shutdownConnections(); // mainWindow.showAll(); // tl(); } private void connectButton(MenuItem) { connections ~= new Connection(this, parseAddress("", 7777), ["testGustav1", "bruh"]); } private void shutdownConnections() { foreach(Connection connection; connections) { /** * TODO: This is called by signal handler, we need no mutexes for signal handler * hence it means that connection */ connection.shutdown(); Thread.sleep(dur!("seconds")(2)); } } private void newServer() { } private Box createServerTab() { Box serverTab = new Box(GtkOrientation.HORIZONTAL, 1); serverTab.add(new Label("hello")); // serverTab.add(); return serverTab; } }