
96 lines
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2020-10-17 11:54:07 +00:00
import std.stdio;
import gtk.Main;
import gtk.MainWindow;
import gtk.MenuBar;
import gtk.Statusbar;
import gtk.Grid;
import gtk.Label;
import gtk.MenuItem;
import gtk.Menu;
//import gio.MenuModel;
import gtk.ListBox;
import gtk.Box;
import gtk.Notebook;
import gui;
import gdk.Threads : threadsEnter, threadsLeave;
import gtk.SelectionData;
import gtk.Widget;
void main()
/* Initialize the framework with no arguments */
string[] args;
// threadsEnter();
// /* Create the main window */
// MainWindow main = new MainWindow("unnamed");
// Box grid = new Box(GtkOrientation.VERTICAL, 1);
// MenuBar menu = new MenuBar();
// grid.add(menu);
// MenuItem fileMenu = new MenuItem("unamed");
// MenuItem thing1 = new MenuItem("poes");
// Menu bruh = new Menu();
// bruh.add(thing1);
// fileMenu.setSubmenu(bruh);
// menu.add(fileMenu);
// menu.add(new MenuItem("bruh"));
// /* Status bar */
// Statusbar statusBar = new Statusbar();
// statusBar.add(new Label("Gustav: Not connected"));
// grid.add(new Label("poo"));
// ListBox channels = new ListBox();
// Notebook tabs = new Notebook();
// tabs.add(channels);
// grid.add(tabs);
// grid.packEnd(statusBar, false, false, 0);
// Label k = new Label("dhjhfdjfhfjk");
// channels.add(k);
// main.add(grid);
// /* Display the window and all its components */
// main.showAll();
// k.setText("peoe");
// tabs.appendPage(new Label("lol"), "server2");
// main.showAll();
GUI gui = new GUI();
/* Start the event loop */;