Removed need for mutex

Added generator function
This commit is contained in:
Tristan B. Kildaire 2021-03-17 09:59:43 +02:00
parent 344df2bce9
commit 89df29f7a1
1 changed files with 17 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ module gogga;
import std.conv : to;
import std.stdio : write, stdout;
import core.sync.mutex : Mutex;
public enum DebugType
@ -11,49 +10,43 @@ public enum DebugType
private __gshared Mutex writeMutex;
/* Initialize the module (only once, regardless of threads) */
shared static this()
byte[] generateMessage(string message, DebugType debugType)
/* Initialize the mutex */
writeMutex = new Mutex();
void gprint(messageT)(messageT message, DebugType debugType = DebugType.INFO)
/* TODO: Remove mutex, oneshot write */
/* Lock output */
/* The generated message */
byte[] messageBytes;
/* If INFO, set green */
if(debugType == DebugType.INFO)
stdout.rawWrite(cast(byte[])[27, '[','3','2','m']);
messageBytes = cast(byte[])[27, '[','3','2','m'];
/* If WARNING, set warning */
else if(debugType == DebugType.WARNING)
stdout.rawWrite(cast(byte[])[27, '[','3','5','m']); /* TODO: FInd yllow */
messageBytes = cast(byte[])[27, '[','3','5','m']; /* TODO: FInd yllow */
/* If ERROR, set error */
else if(debugType == DebugType.ERROR)
stdout.rawWrite(cast(byte[])[27, '[','3','1','m']);
messageBytes = cast(byte[])[27, '[','3','1','m'];
/* Write the message type */
write("["~to!(string)(debugType)~"] ");
messageBytes ~= "["~to!(string)(debugType)~"] ";
/* Switch back color */
stdout.rawWrite(cast(byte[])[27, '[', '3', '9', 'm']);
messageBytes ~= cast(byte[])[27, '[', '3', '9', 'm'];
return messageBytes;
void gprint(messageT)(messageT message, DebugType debugType = DebugType.INFO)
/* Generate the message */
byte[] messageBytes = generateMessage(message, debugType);
/* Print the message */
/* Unlock output */
void gprintln(messageT)(messageT message, DebugType debugType = DebugType.INFO)