module dnetd.dlink; import dnetd.dconnection; import core.sync.mutex : Mutex; import std.stdio; import std.conv; import dnetd.dserver; import dnetd.dconfig; import std.socket : Address; import core.thread : Thread; import std.socket; import gogga; import core.thread; import tristanable.encoding : DataMessage; import bmessage : bSendMessage = sendMessage, bReceiveMessage = receiveMessage; import std.string : cmp; /** * Link manager * * Given a set of original DLink objects, it will open connections to them * It also facilitates DConnection making a call to `.addLink` here when an * inbound peering request comes in */ public final class DLinkManager { this(DServer server) { } /** * Goes through the DConnection[] array in DServer and returns * all connections that are SERVER connections */ public DConnection[] getLinkedServers() { DConnection[] links; /* TODO: Implement me */ return links; } } /** * Represents a server link * * Either used for inbound or outbound */ public final class DLink : Thread { /* Associated server */ private DServer server; /* The connection */ private DConnection connection; /** * Links details */ private string name; private Address address; /** * Outbound utilities */ private Socket outboundSocket; /** * Constructs a DLink for an outbound peering */ this(DServer server, string name, Address address) { /* Set the worker thread for outbound connections */ super(&outboundWorker); this.server = server; = name; this.address = address; /* Create an outbound connection */ /* TODO: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck handling of shit here bababooey and not in dconnection.d as we would have done below */ } /** * Initializes a new outbound connection */ private void initializeOutboundConnection() { /* Open a connection to the server */ outboundSocket = new Socket(address.addressFamily, SocketType.STREAM, ProtocolType.TCP); gprintln(address); while(true) { try { outboundSocket.connect(address); break; } catch(SocketOSException) { gprintln("Could not link with server "~name~"!", DebugType.ERROR); Thread.sleep(dur!("seconds")(3)); } } } private void outboundWorker() { /* Initialize a new outbound connection */ initializeOutboundConnection(); bool status = linkHandshake(); /* TODO: Implement me */ while(true) { byte[] dataIn; bool statusRecv = bReceiveMessage(outboundSocket, dataIn); if(statusRecv) { } else { /* TODO: Connection error */ gprintln("Outbound server communication error, breaking", DebugType.ERROR); break; } } /* TODO: Clean up connection */ server.getLinkManager().removeLinkOutbounded(name); } /** * Performs the server LINK command and makes sure * the server accepts the linking and also that the * links name on our local server match up */ private bool linkHandshake() { bool status = true; /* TODO: Send LINK (1) command */ byte[] data; data ~= [1]; gprintln("Here", DebugType.WARNING); /* TODO: Encode [serverNameLen, serverName] */ string serverName = server.getGeneralConfig().getName(); data ~= [cast(byte)serverName.length]; data ~= serverName; /* Encode and send LINK command */ DataMessage message = new DataMessage(0, data); bSendMessage(outboundSocket, message.encode()); /* TODO: Await an acknowledgement [status] */ byte[] receivedResponseBytes; bool recvStatus = bReceiveMessage(outboundSocket, receivedResponseBytes); gprintln("Recev status: "~to!(string)(recvStatus), DebugType.WARNING); DataMessage receivedResponse = DataMessage.decode(receivedResponseBytes); ubyte[] dataReply = cast(ubyte[])receivedResponse.getData(); /* TODO: 0 is good, 1 is bad */ if(dataReply[0] == 0) { /* TODO: Get server name, makes sure it matches on in config file */ ubyte nameLen = dataReply[1]; string name = cast(string)dataReply[2..2+nameLen]; gprintln("Server said his name is '"~name~"'", DebugType.WARNING); /* Attempt to attach server */ status = server.getMeyer().attachLink(name, this); gprintln("Outbound link status: "~to!(string)(status)); } else if(dataReply[0] == 1) { /* TODO: Handle this case */ gprintln("Server linking rejected", DebugType.ERROR); status = false; } else { /* TODO: Handle this case */ status = false; } /* TODO: If 0, then expect following [nameLen, name] */ return status; } override public string toString() { return name~"(DConnection: "~to!(string)(connection)~", Socket: "~to!(string)(outboundSocket)~")"; } /** * Constructs a DLink for an inbound peering */ this(DServer server, string name, DConnection connection) { /* Save the server and name */ this(server, name, address=null); /* Save connection */ this.connection = connection; } public string getName() { return name; } } /* TODO: Remove this from here and put it in DServer */ public final class DMeyer : Thread { /* Direct peers */ private DLink[] links; private Mutex linksMutex; /* Associated server */ private DServer server; this(DServer server) { super(&worker); /* save shit */ this.server = server; /* Initialize the locks */ initLocks(); start(); } /** * Every 3 seconds information on what servers are linked will be printed out */ private void worker() { while(true) { linksMutex.lock(); gprintln("Linked servers: "~to!(string)(links), DebugType.WARNING); linksMutex.unlock(); Thread.sleep(dur!("seconds")(3)); } } /* Initialize locks */ private void initLocks() { linksMutex = new Mutex(); } public void removeLinkOutbounded(string serverName) { /* Lock the links list */ linksMutex.lock(); DLink[] newList; DLink removedLink; foreach(DLink link; links) { if(cmp(link.getName(), serverName) != 0) { newList ~= link; } else { removedLink = link; } } links = newList; /* Unlock the links list */ linksMutex.unlock(); gprintln("Removed outbounded peer "~to!(string)(removedLink), DebugType.WARNING); } public bool attachLink(string serverName, DLink link) { /* Link exists? */ bool linkGood = true; /* Lock the links list */ linksMutex.lock(); /* Search for this entry, only add it if it doens't exist */ foreach(DLink currentLink; links) { if(cmp(currentLink.getName(), serverName) == 0) { linkGood = false; break; } } if(linkGood) { links ~= link; } /* Unlock the links list */ linksMutex.unlock(); return linkGood; } /** * Remove a link via DConnection (inbounded) */ public void removeLinkInbounded(DConnection connection) { linksMutex.lock(); DLink[] newList; DLink removedLink; foreach(DLink link; links) { if(link.connection != connection) { newList ~= link; } else { removedLink = link; } } links = newList; linksMutex.unlock(); gprintln("Removed inbounded peer from link manager "~to!(string)(removedLink), DebugType.WARNING); } public DLink[] getLinks() { return links; } } /** * Broadcast a message to the given server */ public void broadcastMessage_toLink(Socket linkedServer, byte[] data) { } /** * Given a server link this will send the users * this server is aware of */ public string[] getUsers(DLink link) { }